SteroidHub's picture
SteroidHub 94

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 35 Quality 100% 35 Delivery 98.8571% 35 Service 98.8571% 35 Pricing 98.8571% 35
behrnt's picture
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  • [PRO] Makwa » Review after using, not before
jse222's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The source is outstanding and couldnt be happier once again. This is my go to guy and highly recomened

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order npp and some odin var...products were extremly effective. I got harder, leaner and put on the desired lean muscle mass that u expect with a good product.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always top notch customer service. Never have any issues with them

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was outstanding and secure. Everything you hope for when dealing with a source

Price to performance
Additional comments

Overall this is my current fav source here. For price, quality and service he cant be beat

I recommend shopping here!
GunShow22in's picture
+ 2
Owes a Review! x 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

*This is an update of the review I posted 1 month prior as it would not let me edit my prior review or rate with stars. My initial review I posted after 30 days of continuous use. I then took 2 weeks off as after a month anadrol loses its efffectivness for me. I am told this is due to it's low binding affinity. I then began using it again and have been on it for 2 more weeks. So 6 weeks of total use.

Better than expected and I have ordered gear from several other highly rated sources.
I ordered Beligas Anadrol 50. I have used two other sources before from the mom and pop type UGLs.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Beligas Anadrol 50. I took 25 mg 1 hour before working out and 25mg before bed. 50 mg total a day.

I have used from 2 other mom and pop type ugl's that had many good reviews in the past. Compared to previous experiences this has been light years better. The others caused lethargy and nausea. On this stuff I have experienced neither of those sides. I actually feel full of energy and ready to do something physically for about 6 hours after taking. Takes an hour to fully kick in for me. Muscles very full and round..I dont appear to have gained much water but may be helped by the masterone I am taking. Gained an additonal 5-7 lbs in 4 weeks without changing diet or other anabolics. The scale had not moved in a long time until I began this product.

  • update. I maintainained the 5-7 lbs gained initialy during the first month of use, during my 2 week break. Upon restarting I have gained around another pound or 2 in 14 days.
Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Responsive and friendly.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Surprised how fast it got here. I cannot recall exactly but arrived in 3-4 days after ordering. It was located domestic. Product inside ziplock bag in a small, sealed box . Tablets in individual blister wraps. Very convenient. Tablets are scored down middle, so break in half easily and clean without crumbling all over.

Price to performance
Additional comments

It's nice dealing with a company that I now feel I can trust. Also being friendly is huge for me. Some of these sources are short and snippy like they are taking too much tren or have personality issues and it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/12/2023 - 08:00
  • [MOD] Greg » A review should not require update. Next time, WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE READY TO REVIEW
adam777's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Never a bad experience with these guys!!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Items ordered:
2- Odin Pharma Caber 0.5mg x 20 Tabs
2- Odin Pharma Anavar 25mg x 100 Tabs
1- Odin Pharma Test Cyp. 200mg/ml x 10ml
I started the Test the day the order came in. I was using my TRT prescribed test cyp before switching to this Odin Pharma test and this gear is legit for sure. I noticed no drop off when switching to this Cyp. I also started the Var the day it landed and I have noticed some small strength gains and muscle hardness. I'm only 3 weeks in, so it is a little early in my cycle, so the var hasn't had a lot of time to work it's magic. My skin is def more oily than normal so that is always a good sign when I take legit var. I did not take the Caber yet, but will be soon, once I add Tren to the mix.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They are always very quick to answer any questions, although in my experience with these guys, I have not had a lot of questions or concerns. They always deliver quality gear at good prices.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered on 11/27/2022, shipped 12/6/2022 and delivered 3 days later on 12/9/2022. That is def up there with some of the fastest deliveries from any source I have used on here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are 1 of my 3 go to sources on here. Great customer service, prices and always deliver legit gear. Will continue ordering from these guys.

I recommend shopping here!
GreenVDub's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Participated in a promo and couldn’t be happier. They treated me like a paying customer.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2x Anadrol British Dragon
2x Dbol Dragon Pharma 1x Tren Enth Odin Pharma
Great products no complaints first time trying Odin Pharma was very impressed. Great results in and out of the gym always felt amazing!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Amazing no complaints

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packing discreet and arrived in a decent amount if time.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Amazing Source!!

I recommend shopping here!
Evanisjacked's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Participated in a promo in the fall, couldn’t be happier. They treated me like a paying customer.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Odin pharma sust 300. Cruised for 10 weeks at 150mg x 2 a week. All the while intermediate fasting. I dropped approx 1.5 lbs a week, exceeding my goal for a photo shoot. Am very vascular, and was determined to lean up with No tren. Great, energy, and recovery time throughout this quest.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ive been dealing with a few rude sources in there, nice to see a friendly message tbh.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great packaging, and came fast

Price to performance
Additional comments

Definitely will be ordering again

I recommend shopping here!
Locomocolifter's picture
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  • Diesel77 » Your gear pic of this product was posted 18 days ago. With the description "anxious to try this brand" Yet in your review you claim to have used it for 4 weeks. Sloppy and your reviews cannot be trusted.
bbdoc's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have been shopping at GoRoids for a very long time, and they have never let me down.

I bought these products months ago, I've been a big fan of the Xeno NPP for the last 2-3 yrs, but over the summer, on the advice of my friend
I used Trenbolone Enanthate (not my favorite product) alongside Testosterone Enanthate in a new protocol.

I used 200 mg Tren E with 250 mg Testosterone Enanthate every 4 days for ~10 Weeks.

Trenbolone Enanthate is giving me terrible acid reflux. Handled with lansoprazole.. Before, I was using 400mg/week at once.
At 200 mg every 4 days, acid reflux was more tolerable. And with lansoprazole, it's all gone.

My body reacts to Trenbolone Enanthate totally differently than Trenbolone Acetate. But Tren E is definitely much stronger than Tren A if you compare mg by mg. Horny as hell. I needed new sheeting every single day. Some nights i wake up in the middle of the night and I felt like i am pissed on the bed.

I am not sure, but i bet i put 4-5 kg of lean muscle... and vascular as hell.. I hit my personal records.. My plan was looking vascular with the cycle. So I didn't do a proper diet etc.

I added Xeno Stanozolol 10 mg for 2-3 weeks in the middle of the cycle... I never see my biceps that veiny in my entire life. Even in lower bodyfats. I should to stock more of these tabs for the future.

I didn't follow a very strict diet. My intention was just keeping the gains and looking vascular. End up with lower BF, vascular as hell, and gain lean muscle. I do not suggest anyone use this dosages for this purpose. next year, I will probably do the same with fewer dosages. For that purpose 200mg Tren e4d was totally overkill. But still, i don't regret it. Smile

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I was always satisfied with Xeno Labs products
it's one of my g2 brand... New labels was cool (black ones)

I ordered
Xeno Test E
Xeno Test P
Xeno Tren E

I had some Stanozolol from the past in hand from the same source.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They re good. Kevin is solving problems fast. And keep us happy as always (with freebies :-) )

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

T/A to my country is 11 days, including weekends. it's expected. They say 21 days but usually comes earlier. Happy with the speed.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Especially for international products, they re cheap, fast and deliver great products

I recommend shopping here!
GunShow22in's picture
Owes a Review! x 3
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Henry978's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Couldn’t be happier with this easy ordering, site navigation, fast response, tracking number and my 2 10ml vials of Xeno Test E 250.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I bought 2 10ml bottles of Xeno test e 250. The oil was smooth using the 25 gauge IM pins I use. I used this test e at 200mg weekly as my cruise which is a lot higher mg. To cruise with for me but I was experimenting and playing around with different dosages to see how I reacted and responded. Results were as expected. Running just 75mg more per week for me let me keep much more of my hard earned gains and strength from my previous blast. I can say this due to the fact my diet and macronutrients stayed the same which is what I was testing out. 6 weeks into my cruise I can say my sex drive stayed higher than giraffe Appetite was still there and I almost forgot to mention that my skin wasn’t as oily as with the sesame oil test I was using prior. Which was another bonus I found with Xeno test e 250. I’d like to try out Xeno orals combined with the injectables for a full run and see how it goes. I’ve seen a lot of great feedback on this lab and for me the lack of pip was a huge bonus.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My experience with this source is flawless. Easy to order, a pleasure to talk to, and was respectfully invited to there telegram chat where there are more like minded members who share there experience with Steroidhubs extensive product line. I chose this rating due to the fact I was not only invited to the discussion I never knew about but was given a 25% discount off of my next order which they didn’t have to do. Thanks guys.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Arrived safe and sound in 13 days international to the states which was fast.i received tracking 48hrs after paid. Very discreet, everything came very safe and if it was thrown around by those postal workers it would have still been fine . Time and customer service was in mind when packaging was put together. It wasn’t just slapped together quickly . There was some time and effort taken here. Nothing like waiting for an international pack and items are damaged,lost or seized.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’d say the Xeno test e 250 was cheap cuz I got it bogo so paying half price to me is cheap. Quality was smooth oil, sterile,and imo , accurately dosed from experience.
I am very pleased with this source and will be trying out their USA domestic process after the holidays.

I recommend shopping here!
Shanntellslover's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great I’m very satisfied with there service

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Xeno Cialis
I’m very happy with the Xeno line works as it should
With in 45 min it kicked in
I take 20 mg everyday and I get chubbys all day

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

None needed everything went smooth

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet fast 10 days to us

Price to performance
Additional comments

Ty goroids

I recommend shopping here!
  • Diesel77 » "I take 20mg everyday and get chubbys all day" Bro you just posted a pic today, and reviewed today....the promo just ended, according to you it took 10 days to arrive....come on man. You need that NEXT store credit that bad?
House's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered xeno labs brand winstrol and sus. These guys are easy to deal with and help the valued customers

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The sustanon gave my appetite a nice boost along with my strength gains. I wasn't looking to put on any more size but fealt nice and full. The winni gave me nice pumps and I had to back off a lil from 60mg cause I was getting achy joints

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Easy to talk to and answer questions

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package was fine everything was there

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/05/2022 - 10:42
jse222's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall my expierence was great. Fast service, great product and great results

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered var, mast, and test....put on about 10 lbs of lean mass and cut down fat considerably. The var and mast really dried me out and got me hard as rock and vasicular.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was perfect and simple. I didnt really have to communicate much because they did everything good and order came fast

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had package in mailbox about a week after ordering. Packaging was discreet and had no issues

Price to performance
Additional comments

Source has as competive pricing as anyone and the products are top quality. Ill be ordering again and would def recomend

I recommend shopping here!
geoff26's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall my experience with goroid was excellent I was lucky to be eligible for the promo

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Testabol Propionate 100 - British Dragon
Turanabol 10 - British Dragon

First off in ran test p at 300 mg for 3 week until the test e kick in. I notice within 10 day this was overdosed as I need to take 40mg tamoxifen to get my nipple in control as they were very sensitive... I've noticed that only happens with test p but any way my libido went thru the roof got oily skin started see pipal on my shoulder I gain about for 4/5lbm. Aggression increase at the weeks went on. I was abit sceptic about British dragon at first as in changing ownership but I was wrong I may more that happy with what I got

Turanabol 10 - British Dragon
This was the first time have ran turanabol! I ran it 50mg a day I noticed an increase in strength within the first 2 weeks also noticed I started to dry out and become leaner I would say I lose about 6 pound of fat/water over the course of the cycle I was very impressed with the results next time I may increase it to 100mg aday

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I couldnt off ask any more about the service it was perfect communication was better than shop retail.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Package was discreet arrived in no time no more than 14 day

Price to performance
Additional comments

Overall if your looking for a reliable source this is guy very professional couldn't ask for a better service. Will be orde again

I recommend shopping here!
edited 11/29/2022 - 00:17
Manateeswimmer5678's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is the 3rd time I've used these guys and they have been excellent. With their discounts and 10 pack deals, it can't get much better.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

10xDragon pharma eq300
Ran a 20 week long cycle of 400 eq weekly more so for recomp and cardio enhancement. With eq results aren't immediately noticeable but by week 7 combined with my training, my mile time got shorter by a minute and my endurance ramped up. Needed to donate blood more often as I was having increased rbc production. It was quite evident as my palms became more red upon touching. Recomp was nice as my diet increased in carbs and protein with little to no fat gain. Again could be attributed to the cardio and training style but the increase in endurance and cardio definitely was there. No issues with Blood pressure and am very happy.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They responded within 24 hours and were quick to reach out if there were any questions.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nice and stealth

Price to performance
Additional comments

Again, I will continue to work with and use them. They have been awesome.

I recommend shopping here!
adam777's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have ordered multiple times from this source and these guys always deliver!!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Odin Pharma Test E250. The test worked exactly how it was supposed to and I got the same results as I would with my TRT test I receive from a local pharmacy.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service with these guys is always some of the best if not the best. He answers your email in hours not days and is always there to answer questions or solve any problems.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery is extremely fast especially when ordering from a US warehouse. Fastest local delivery I have had here from any source. If you want fast this is the guy you want to order from.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have tried a handful of sources on here over the years and this guy always has very competitive pricing, great promos and fast delivery when ordering US domestic warehouse. This source will remain one of my top 3 go to sources on here. Will be placing another order soon. You can count on fast shipping, discreet packaging and always legit gear.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 11/24/2022 - 00:57
trash300's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good , kind and fast

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

100% pharmacy gear

Caspian Testosterone
Top quality , no pip and libido @ 250mg like on 750mg.

Cabaser Pfizer
Worked excellent, my prolactine was in range within 3 weeks

Aromasin Pfizer
E2 was always in range

10mg daily , no oily or fat skin

HMG 75 Ibsa

Used it during my PCT, 2x75iu per week, FSH @ 5.2 after 8 weeks of use.

Modafinil 100
100-150mg during night shift, was vrry active but had no issues with my blood preasure.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Answers within 12hrs

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top stealth

Price to performance
Additional comments

Hear u again Smile

I recommend shopping here!
Satote19's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a long overdue review for my guy Goroids
5x Odin DHB some were from another source but they all were from same Odin lab.
I covered a 16 week blast
Test E 250mg a week and DHB 300 mg a week

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

1 Odin DHB was used along side 4 other bottles of the same brand but from another source.
Took some time to see DHB vascularity I started noticing results and vascularity on week 4.
I kept consistency and cardio training 5 times a week.
The oil from Odin is clear and smooth to pin everyone kept saying they had experience really bad pip but no pip at all. Probably from other labs. I wished they had a higher mg based but it’s ok.
The most noticeable results were from my chest and shoulders started to really pop out after week 4.
Overall I like faster results compounds this one felt like Boldenone which takes weeks and weeks to see really good results.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Goroids is ready and available for any questions and responds to messages fast.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My first package was seized originally but they made it right and shipped right away. 2-3 weeks across the pond

Price to performance
Additional comments

To be honest I’m not sure I’ll run dhb again this was a one time thing due to the hype. Other compounds I feel activate quicker and I can get the same results running npp

I recommend shopping here!
bighulk3012's picture
Owes a Review! x 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall satisfied with goroids and everything from customer service to products. Fast communication, very knowledgeable about products/questions. When you find such a quality source and place to deal with you don’t hesitate. I’ve never really had any issues outside of the language barrier sometimes but I now understand them much better after frequent communication.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Humatrope 72iu
Xeno test e 250 I believe
Is the most recent order. The Humatrope mixed up just like it should, QR codes valid. The telling sign is when the puck dissolves super quick, that’s not good. On these it takes a little time to dissolve and you can tell it’s real. Has the unmistakeable smell when mixing, very potent growth and in the top 2 I’ve ever used to be honest.

Comes with instructions and everything is professional and pharma grade. 4 ius recently and really slimming down, sleeping like a baby, never sore or injured, feel in the best shape of my life. Sides will go away after some time but hands shaky, cts feelings, water retention, those are my main sides.

My ring won’t fit my finger anymore lol. Able to eat a little worse and still not pack on fat. Overall just top notch. The xeno test was used for a cruise, 250 a week. I don’t normally use test e but I really enjoyed it. Very strong, libido up, oily skin, aggression, strength increase, never sore or tired really. Feeling like I’m on a perma pump lol.

Love the products very satisfied as usual. Humatrope 100% verified!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great service, quick responses, great people in general. Quick process.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packed securely and safely, no idea as to what could be inside its so good

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
TeeArrTee's picture
+ 1
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Another success with GoRoids, Quick Ship, Good communication. I tried out some Beligas Products and every box was legit!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Beligas Viagra - Great as always, Got me doing back to back sessions with the lady like I was 16 or something. Love the stuff, Beligas is on Parr with the stuff I used to get from the Pharm,
Beligas Proviron - My first time trying Proviron, and my energy levels and libido we're through the roof the month I was cycling it. (stacked on test)
Beligas Clomid - First time trying Clomid but it seemed to avoid some of those typical post cycle mood swings. I came the dose low on it although.
Beligas Anvar 50 - My GF split the pills in half and was doing 25MG EOD, She is naturally very petite, and can't gain for the life of her but the Anvar helped her appetite and she said she felt much more energized while taking it, Her ass got fatter and the one negative on her end was that her arms got to defined but I think she looks great.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Same quick response to the point service, that makes it a no BS experience where I get what I need order, get the info and tracking I need and can be on with my day, I have done I think 4 orders with them now and this seems to be how they do business on the regular so that gets a A+ from me

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Put my order in before bed woke up with tracking the next morning and package was quick as well. Took about a week from order to door.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Up there with the best I've dealt with will continue using them.

I recommend shopping here!
Sabresfan22's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

100% satisfaction every time. Fast and clear communication. Website is super easy to navigate

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dragon Pharma Enantat 250 Test E
I run 250 per week for TRT split Monday Thursday
Libido is up, wake up with morning wood.
Overall I feel strong, energetic and not so lazy

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication is always quick, ordering process is super easy on the website

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pack arrived in 11 days, packing was discreet and looked like any other parcel you would receive in the box no issues whatsoever

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 11/07/2022 - 21:07
alekaras's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First order couldn't pass that sick 50% discount so I gave it a go, and it was worth it!!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

4 trenbolone enathate xeno labs!!
First time with xeno but not last
Nice clean oil well presented vials!!
Run it for 12 weeks at 600 MG per week everything was going as expected, increase in body temperature after week 1 sweats starts to become more and more after week 2, very nice tren properly dosed.. Got some sick strength gain as any time I go with tren enathate.. Run it along side with test at 200 MG which is enough for me, just let the tren do the work, nice dry gains, and with maintenance cals an awesome body recomp!!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nice and smooth communication, order, send donation and after a day or so got tracking!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very descent packing no loose items everything came intact.
T/A was a month which is pretty decent for an international order

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will be de definitely be ordering again, good quality and if you got the promotion discount that's stupid cheap!!

I recommend shopping here!
TBF's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As usual very good service, very good communication.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test E 250 DP :
I have used the oily DP products for a long time and have never been disappointed.
The testo E 250 did everything it was supposed to.
No problems with the injection, nor after.

Test E 400 DP :
I expected a pip.
But with a larger volume to inject than usual, I preferred to opt for this one.
Obviously I mixed it with products less dosed per ml like masteron 100 and NPP 100.
This reduces the pip, which is less annoying by doing so.

Tamoxifen 20mg BP :
Do the job, i maintain my oestro in good range.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There was no problem with the ordering process and at the slightest concern the responses were quick and cordial.

They are attentive and listen

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The deadlines are respected, the packaging is correct and not suspicious

Price to performance
Additional comments

A good source, which regularly offers attractive discounts.

I recommend shopping here!
boz645's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Much deserved overdue Review for my last international order from Goroids.
Xeno TestE 250
Xeno Dbol 10

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I decided to do a simple 12 week cycle of TestE at 500mgs a week split into two shots per week and a Dbol kicker for 4 1/2 weeks at 40mgs per day, 20mgs in the morning and 20mgs in the evening. The Dbol- I got great pumps during my workouts, I got that overall since of wellbeing after about a week or so. My strength went up and gained approximately 5lbs. The TestE- My strength and weight gains kept climbing after I dropped the Dbol. The injections were smooth with no pip afterwards, had to wash my face two to three times per day due to the oily skin the TestE gave me. My libido went up quite a bit which the wife and I always enjoy. I felt really good during this cycle. I walked away with around 8 to 10lbs gained.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service was great. If I had any questions. They responded within a reasonable amount of time. The ordering process was as easy as is it gets.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Items were packed tight and discreet. I received my international pack in approximately 2 1/2 weeks after ordering.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have nothing but good things to say about Goroids, from their prices to the ordering process. I would and have recommended them to others. Great experience for sure.

I recommend shopping here!
RMDL's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Good source easy to work with.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order Tren E from BD quality was good did 400mgs a week 1cc on Monday and Thursday did a 12 week cycle strength was up right away didn’t really start seeing size gains till about week 5 or 6 when I realized I needed to eat more because the tren had my metabolism sky high. Must say the side affects where horrible night sweats, nightmares, etc where out of control and I must say great gains but I won’t be doing tren any time soon after this.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

None need made my order and waited.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Took 10 days from start to finish. Everything packed good nothing broken.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will be making orders with this source very soon.

I recommend shopping here!
5percent4life's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great overall experience. Website is easy to navigate and prices are some of the best around. Have used these guys 5 or 6 times.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Genotropin 36iu pens: Ran these during my last cycle at 4iu (refer to my latest cycle log). Got my metabolism roaring, help keep injuries at bay, kept me very full and tight. All things quality hgh should do.

Beligas Cialis: Excellent cialis. Pop one in the morning to be ready at all times 24/7. Insane pumps in the gym.

Beligas Viagra: Good stuff. Good for some spur of the moment performance haha.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service excwllent as always. Did not have to send any emails as no problems appeared. The rep on here is always fast to respond if anything is needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was excellent. Express shipping was very fast so the genos arrived quickly. The cialis and viagra were fomestic so those arrived lightning fast as expected. Package was discreet and there werent any loose items. All items packed securely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent source. The checked all their boxes. Recomment for anyone!

I recommend shopping here!