Driada Medical's picture
Driada Medical 14


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 23 Quality 100% 23 Delivery 100% 23 Service 100% 23 Pricing 100% 23
walterone83's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Driada has been my supplier for a couple of years.In previous years I have used various suppliers, whose names I do not want to name for the sake of correctness, and with whom I have had ups and downs. After an evaluation by my coach I ordered a list of testosterones prepared, focusing heavily on the Primo.

My second orders have been Test, Primo and Tren. We also added liquid GH and T3 T4 thyroids. With the help of their products I transformed myself down from 96 to 84 Kilo and We also added liquid GH and T3 T4 thyroids. It's time for a second good review about this Dealer.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The 400mg Primo stacked with 400mg Test brought my estrogen down pretty fast, in order with the low range and I had to get up with 800mg Test after a blood panel. With Primo I didn't have issues. My 4 week check-up was more than optimal.

My current "driada"-cycle after that cycle is 500mg Tren, 200mg Primo and 200mg Masteron and 2-3 IU HGH in the evening after training. Sleep is good, I feel pretty good! Great gear.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always very professional and friendly. If I had questions someone replied quickly via Telegram, even on weekends.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Usually faster than two weeks, even in promo times or around holidays or christmas. Bank transfer payment was also very easy and fast as trading payment with Bitcoin.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Usually faster than two weeks, even in promo times or around holidays or christmas. Bank transfer payment was also very easy and fast as trading payment with Bitcoin.

I recommend shopping here!
Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've had four orders paid and delivered in the past two months. Driada has quickly become my favorite source, especially after another European supplier I used got shut down. The team at Driada is fantastic – they're both fast and polite in their communication.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered plenty of Semaglutide, Some Viagra, Exemastane, Arimidex, HCG, Cabergoline, Sustanon, TB 500 and BPC-157. I did not run any of Semaglutide before, neither I did TB or BPC. I found these compounds very helpful and definitely legit. Needles to say my goal was never to loose weight with semaglutide, I was just curious whether its as effective as being said. For me, it really reduces my crawings and shut down sweet tooth as well. I reduced my calorie intake from about 4.9k Kcal to 3.7k Kcal without even trying, with only 400mcg of Semaglutide/week. I wont be taking that for long, I hate to eat this small, but it definitely works and its legit. Regarding The BPC and TB, I just started so I will review that later with an progress picture later, but I have high expectations. Viagra makes me bit to hard so my GF pleases me to stop, decided to only take half during these fun nights... Cabergoline and Exemastane proven legit with my bloods, before / after demonstrably lowering my estradiol and prolactin circulating in blood effectively. Sustanon works fine, makes me feel good like any other sustanon, at 175mg/week. HCG making my balls fuller, increasing FSH and LH slightly, during the cycle. Don't get me wrong, it won't be enough to restart your own production, whilist on cycle or even returing fertility, just feels better having some balls with better load as well.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I got some free Driada stickers and stuck them on lockers at the gym. It was hilarious watching people's reactions!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Once they delivered it within the same week, other orders were also quite fast, arriving in Europe in 6 to 9 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This company deserves a high rating. They deliver high-quality products quickly and reliably. They even emailed me within 7 days to let me know when Cabergoline was back in stock, which is exactly the kind of service we all appreciate.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/14/2024 - 13:56
Erik20's picture
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Mathew35's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am very satisfied!
I really love the ampoules!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Testosterone Enanthate.
I currently use 500mg of it per week.
I inject 1 ml on Monday, I inject 1 ml on Thursday.
The oil is very smooth, it slides easily!
It doesn't light up! I always inject into the shoulder.
He does his job very well in all areas!
Libido is flying in the sky!
It helps my mass increase very nicely!
My calves don't fit in my pants anymore!

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I didn't need any special communication, as everything is clear on the website and I am properly informed!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They usually send the package the day after payment, which reaches me within 3 days within the EU! It always comes in a discreet, very health package.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I really recommend this brand!

I recommend shopping here!
Mathieu Marsillia's picture
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domalquist's picture
My overall experience

Driada became my main source a little over a year ago. After the forced break years 2020-2022, unhealthy, no training, sleep issues, high blood pressure and 20 kilos more on the scale, I had to change something and finally found Driada. After a bit of research, I wanted to start a "super TRT" with estrogen control but without the usage of aromatase inhibitors to help me get back in shape and thereby was looking for a good source for primo.

My first orders have been Test, Primo and T3/T4. Late last year I experimented with the DHB and dabbled the first time with HGH and ordered their Somatropin Liquid. With the help of their products I transformed myself down from 116 to 106 Kilo and am more than happy! It's finally time for a review!

Products, effectiveness and results

The 200mg Primo stacked with 200mg Test brought my estrogen down pretty fast, a little bit below range and I had to get up with the Test after a blood panel. The Primo is more that legit and I didn't have issues. Oh, I checked my pictures and totally forgot about my little dance with microdosing Tren last summer 10mg a day. Had all the side effects you expect from Tren and couldn't imagine running that longer when I literally had no deep sleep phases for the little while I ran it. Maybe you can see, that the bottle has much left in it.

So I found out about DHB and their DHB blew me up without PIP, I did 100 and later 200mg and I got the cosmetic effects of tren without all the side effects.
My current "driada"-cycle is 500mg Test, 200mg Primo and 200mg Masteron and 2-3 IU HGH in the evening before sleep. Sleep score above 90%, I feel superhuman! It's not just the roids of course, I had to learn sooo much about nutrition, sleep and everything but it wouldn't be that fun without some great gear from a great source!

Customer service

I don't remember having big issues in the past. If I had questions someone replied quickly via mail and via Telegram, even on weekends.

Shipping and Delivery

Never waited longer than two weeks, even in promo times or around holidays or christmas or the HGH sale I received everything before 10 days ended. Bank transfer payment was easier back then and I hope it comes back in future.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I hope they stay for a long time, they have nearly everything many others don't! I love you Driada!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/03/2024 - 19:52
expylon's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Simple review for a small Viagros order.

Was familiar with the product and experienced the expected effects. Guaranteed titanium boners.

Took about 40 minutes to fully take effect. As a side effect i feel like my body gets too warm

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Totally what you would think of viagra. Very intense erection.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super customer service by Driada. They have a telegram group and also assistants who may help you in case of need.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Unbranded discreet box.

Shipping may vary depending on country. It takes me about 10 days to receive, also good thing sent from inside europe!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good price, good quality, telegram group with promos and also you can pay with bank transfer... very convenient!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/02/2024 - 10:24
Nobody's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It's been a year now since I started feet and it's been with Driada (and I'm still exclusively with them)

I don't think it's easier to order. The site is good, the products are legitimate (more than 10 labtests carried out by myself).
Telegram chat is really a plus for the community and the information we can receive. As can customer service and the entire Driada team who can be reached this way.

I'm very glad they exist and to have avoided all the scam/poor oil quality/health issue related stuff.

Long live Driada (I really hope so!!)

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Testo U / C legit (overdosed ans overfilled)
Primo legit (overdosed)
Nandrolone legit
Anavar legit
Anadrol legit
Clen legit
All Ai (exemestan / aromidex / letro) legit

In one year I gained around 12kg of muscle.
No Superman effect, I never feel anything regardless of the substance (even 800mg of caffeine doesn't do anything to me so...). But the body reacts and I am no longer the same!! Even in a hard deficit I continue to progress on my weekly overload.
If you train really hard and smart then the magic is there!

No acne for me (I'm not prone to it and I control/manage my blood)
No PIP at all ! Everything is smooth in what I used

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The reward system is fucking Amazing Biggrin

What I also like is that each task is delegated to a different person. And each person does their job.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Shipping almost never exceeds 3 days and 7-10 days after I have my order. I have never had a customs seizure or lost package.

Price to performance
Additional comments

It is possible to find cheaper. BUT for the quality of the products, their legitimacy and the functioning of the website etc... It's unbeatable!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/28/2024 - 08:04
Beefym's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I order from driad regularly. Fast delivery and quality product. I am currently using testos and propinos. After the previous cycle which included mentload I was severely off, after a few days of propinos I have my libido back, I feel lots of energy and look forward to every next workout, driada products work perfectly I wouldn't change for anything else, excellent price/quality. I recommend buying driada.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

After a few little days I started to feel more energy, morning erections came back, libido is back and every day is bigger, I can train 6 times a week again, strength is coming back and muscles are fuller, satisfaction as always.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I used the online card payment option for the first time, the payment was made fine but the order status didn't change for a day, I wrote to customer support who replied to my email almost immediately and the order was sent for packing.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order arrived about 10 days after payment, thoroughly packed

Price to performance
Additional comments

As I wrote above great quality at a great price, I wouldn't change

I recommend shopping here!
rudi's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

A very easy and smooth order process through the Website. Payment with crypto currencies is also very easy. Shipping was fast and i received the Package earlier than expected. It was packed very well.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered 20 bottles of TB500, some testo enanthat and anavar. They all do their job. No pip from injections.
Overall good recovery and well beeing.
TB500 is Used for recovery. My joints and muscle and also the tendons feel very good. My elbow pain is now gone. The Testosteron with anavar is very Effective. My Libido and strength Are high and i feel very good with This stack. My sleep is good and my Mood also. No noticeable side effects. Doing anti anging cycle with 250 mg Test e5d and 40mg anavar ed.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered online on the website. It was very easy and the Information About the payment with crypto currencies was Very good and all Information was Provided very fast. Received status Information by email. Very good expierience.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good and Safe packaging. Delivery was fast. Received the Tracking number 2 days after payment and the package arrived After 5 days securely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good prices for high Quality stuff. I am happy With the products.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/27/2024 - 15:55
lion-o's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

very good, always good attention, fast replay, no problems. Products works very well, never had a problem.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

GH, Test propio, masteron and Proviron. Ive been using GH for moths, i feel better sleep, well being, and %fat very good even in bulk season. 4iu ED days 2 off.
Test prop and Masteron give me great quality, strenght and libido high. I see so more vascularity and better recovery. 0 pip that for me is importan so very happy with oils. 300mg od propio and 300maste/week.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Easy method, very good costumer service, about 10days to my house. So great!!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging very secure, discrete, fast delivery

Price to performance
Additional comments

Many times buying here and never had a problem. Im very happy with products, so great price and quality and they take care for the costumer, so im very happy and i will buy more here.

I recommend shopping here!
belto's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I have already ordered 3 times, it has always been without problems, the first time I ordered accutane, then again accutane and the third time again accutane, tudca, Cialyn and kamagra

Products, effectiveness and results

Accutane works great, I've been taking it for 6 months and will continue to take it, it cleared my skin after the first peel. I used Cialyn as a preworkout, the pump was huge, I haven't tested kamagra yet

Customer service

Everything was fine, once I had to communicate about the order via telegram, but it was resolved within 5 minutes.

Shipping and Delivery

Each of my orders arrived in the EU within 7 working days, perfectly and discreetly packaged

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will definitely buy here again in the future, now I'll just be on the go during the summer, I'll come up with a new cycle in the fall and I'll definitely buy here.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/19/2024 - 14:57
krisleony's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the products. I have always chosen to order Driada products because they have a very good price/quality ratio, and the quality is incomparably great. And the delivery is also very quick. This is my go-to shop!

Products, effectiveness and results

I've been using 500mg/w test-e and 1000ui/w HCG for the past 20 weeks. From the moment I started taking it, I noticed a significant change in my energy level. I feel like I can tackle any workout or challenge that comes my way. My workouts are more intense, and I can train more often. I've gained around 6kg of muscle mass. My muscles are looking fuller and more defined, especially in my chest and shoulders. My appetite has increased significantly, but I'm not overeating or consuming junk food. I'm actually eating more protein-rich meals and snacks to support my muscle growth. My body fat has decreased by around 2% during this cycle. I'm not sure if it's due to the testosterone or my increased muscle mass, but I'm happy with the results. I have experienced PIP only the first few weeks, after that I haven't been bother by it. Besides the physical gains, I've noticed some mental changes. I'm more confident, focused, and motivated. I feel like I can tackle any challenge that comes my way. My balls keeps normal size.

Customer service

They're passionate about what they're doing. They typically reply very quickly and there are a lot of options to pay with crypto. Which is nice. However, I would like for them to support XMR (monero).

Shipping and Delivery

The delivery was really quick. Day of order to my house (west eu) in +-7 days. The packages was small and securely packaged. Very pleased with this aspect. You can also check the status of your order via a tracking number they provide.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
jaivial's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very easy payment method. Secure and discrete shipping. Very good quality of products. Nice an fast customer service.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered 8 boxes of RAD-140. Used 60mg per day on top of my cruise dose alone (125mg per week). After 3 weeks I noticed that my lifts were reaching new personal records in comparison when I was on cruise only. After week 5 I noticed that my traps where more popped out and my legs were more striated. My libido increased a lot too. Visual changes continued until week 8, when I finished my cycle. I didn’t experienced any visible side effect: no acne, no fatigue (usually seen on liver toxic orals), no dark urine. I only had a little spike on my overall blood pressure.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast and problem-solving customer service.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was estimated for about 14 days on my country and arrived on day 10. Shipping was done on the next day I paid

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have bought from Driada several times and I will buy for my future cycles.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/11/2024 - 23:56
Moni009's picture
My overall experience

Driada Shop delivered outstanding results with their Masteron and Proponiate cycle, facilitating impressive gains over three purchases.
The product made me feel energized and focused, with no negative side effects.
I experienced significant gains in both weight and size.
My appetite remained robust throughout the cycle.
Body fat decreased noticeably.
Minimal post-injection pain or almost none and no acne.
I observed increased muscle definition and improved overall physique.

Products, effectiveness and results

top choice for high-quality bodybuilding gear supplements

Customer service

Driada Shop's customer service sets them apart with their prompt and helpful responses, both via email and Telegram channels. Their attentive support team consistently goes above and beyond to address any inquiries or concerns, providing clear and personalized assistance throughout the purchasing process. Whether through email correspondence or Telegram communication, their dedication to customer satisfaction shines, fostering trust and loyalty among their clientele.

Shipping and Delivery

attention to detail extends to their impeccable packaging, ensuring products arrive safely and discreetly.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/08/2024 - 07:12
Synixus's picture
My overall experience

I would like to share my personal experience with Driada products that I've been using for last 2 years. I found driada on this forum when they first began to work. I did gain about 8 kg of quality mass. Did not experience any PIP or acne problems. Placing orders, shipping time and quality of products is absolutely amazing from this lab. Overall experience is 10/10 and I will always recommend Driada. Hoping that they never quit their business!

Products, effectiveness and results

So far I ordered many Test E packages, Deca, dbol tabs, anavar, masteron , t3, clen and AI like letrozole, adex and aromasin. All of this was used in 3 different cycles. I did 2 bulking cycles (test, deca, dbol) and one cutting already in progress (test, mast, dbol, var). Orals take effect almost immediately, you can feel them in your body in 3-5 days since you start taking them. Oil solutions are very clean and friendly to body (had some issues with different brands before, but Driada is everytime perfect). If you are regular steroid user, you can simply tell that this is the quality you are looking for. Side effects almost none (except hair loss or some genetic stuff that you can not simply avoid when taking PEDs).

Customer service

In case of any problem or question (just a question in my case), support is always there and you will get response within minutes, or hours. Never had to wait days for answer and solution was smooth and fast.

Shipping and Delivery

Payment might look a little bit confusing when using bitcoin, but If you are familiar with some kind of crypto wallet, there should be no issue. After placing an order I was informed about every move my package made (this was worst problem with another supplier before). Shipped was in about 24-48 hours and deliever in about 5-7 days since order was placed. I rate this 10/10, because knowing where you package is will save you a lot of nerves.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Simply said: I got what I ordered. My lifts went up, my mucles looks full. I was able to cut bunch of fat in no time. Diet is the main key, but Driada products will definitely help you without ruining your health (atleast not that fast as other brands did to me).

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/08/2024 - 06:23
bbqmastr's picture
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Yneko's picture
My overall experience

My first interaction with Nadrolone was through your website Driadashop.eu. The layout was user-friendly, facilitating navigation and finding the required product. I ordered a one-month supply of 1 x Nadrolone Decanoate 200mg. The ordering and payment process went smoothly. I appreciated the convenience of multiple payment options and the security measures to protect my data. I didn't need support from the customer service, but knowing it was available gave me peace of mind. I received a tracking number immediately after the product was shipped, and the package arrived within the estimated delivery window (7 days). The packaging was secure, and the product arrived in perfect condition. During my cycle with Nadrolone, I noticed a general improvement in my well-being. I felt more energized and focused throughout the day, which positively impacted my productivity and mood. I experienced significant progress in my strength and endurance through taking Nadrolone. My workouts felt more effective and resulted in an increase in muscle mass and overall performance (2-3 KG). I didn't notice any adverse side effects like acne or PIP, but I did experience increased blood pressure. Nadrolone seemed to agree with my body and enhanced my physical performance without causing unwanted reactions. In addition to the expected improvements in physical performance, I also noticed longer recovery times between workouts. Overall, my experiences with Nadrolone were overwhelmingly positive. Additionally, I'm taking 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate.

Products, effectiveness and results

Very Good

Customer service

user friendly and simple

Shipping and Delivery

About 7 days the packaging was packaging neutral

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
KNGZ45's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Driada is about an year my main supplier and I can’t say anything bad about their service, products and overall experience

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Actually I take their Tren, test and arimidex and it’s an great cycle. No PIP, good dosage (lab tested) and it works great. They get easily injected and the vials looks clean. I take the 10ml „bottle“ and all got the same amount of ml. I’m happy to add soon some dhb in the cycle

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

What can I say. Great you got an telegram community with a lot of helpful people and driada by itself are very active and respond to issues or questions really fast. They find for every problem a solution, if there is a problem. I only had one in the past with the payment (wrong description. My fault) but they fixed it quickly

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They say about 10-14 day to Germany. My last delivery took 5 business days. Fast delivery and safety package. Never had an broken item or any other issues. They are stealth too and overall the quality of packaging is great

Price to performance
Additional comments

The price of their products are fair. Every week the good some discount events for their community and the price/usage ratio is great.

I can fully recommend driada, the service, products and quality and in my gym they getting even more to the #1 brand.

I recommend shopping here!
Japson93's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Have been a satisfied costumer of driada.

In the picture you can see some of the products I have ordered from them. Masteron eth, testosterone cyp, aromasin, npp and I added the anavar for lated because they offered a neat promo on it.

Ordering goes very fluent, they offer possibility to pay in crypto. I was not at all familiar with that and had some trouble to pay my order. They're support is pretty helpful tough and they respond quickly so I could pay. The time I made my payment the anavar promo was already over but they were so kind to still give me the discount.

Tracked shipping which you'll receive at home in about 7 working days depending on where you live. Very discrete and secure packaging.

They have a pretty big range of products they offer and keep expanding. They give good advice and descriptions on the use of the products and the price/quality has always been top notch.

Products I have used most are test and masteron e. Both very decent products. Feeling overall good using these, little acne from the masteron but nothing crazy. But my all time favorite is without a doubt the npp. Little to no sides and my performances have been great on it. Great recovery and joint relief, little to no sides, my prolactin is still in check. But most of all, very clean gains. Was afraid of water retention but don't have that at all. Muscles look full but I don't feel or look bloated on it at all. Top notch! Small appetite increase noticeable which is good because you are able to put way more energy in your workouts.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great, all of them very decent especially the npp

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast, friendly, you could ask them anything really

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Smooth and pretty fasted. Tracked delivery and neatly and securely packaged

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great price and top notch products

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/16/2024 - 12:21
Slowly's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Positive experience in both communication and product quality. Ultra fast shipping.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Primobolan 5x -10ml

The product is light yellow in color, almost clear. No pain during injection. I inserted Primo in parallel with Testo C. I used an average dosage at 400mg/week, maintaining the lean mass I had with few undesidered effects and less water retention. Same dosage with Testo C.
I have long used this combination to maintain lean mass without losing volume throughout the year.
Primobolan doesn't aromatize who knows what, and has a very mild androgenic action, so I haven't had any major undesidered effects, normally preserving liver health.
A right combination with nutrition and hard training you can get big gains, volumes and veins in plain sight.
I have been cruising for a long time and will continue to use it.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service nothing to say. Quick answers even though everything is written in detail on the site.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet packaging. The package arrived earlier than expected. About two weeks in the European Union.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Quality products at modest prices. Next order soon.
Thanks guys

I recommend shopping here!
krowen's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hi friends, this is my 6th order from Driada and I am glad that everything went right again (i am using Driada products since May 2022).
The reason that I keep using their products is because the price-quality ratio is excellent.
One day, I decided to order and test new products (a bulking stack) and I didn't know what to order exactly, so I messaged Driada Support on Telegram. Finally, I chose the test + mk677 and I don't regret my decision.
For the payment, I used the bank transfer method and I sent them the proof on Telegram. They packaged and shipped the products so fast, also I received a tracking number so I can see my package location.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always, the test is amazing, I will tell you again and again that the product is EXCELLENT! After 3 weeks i noticed a growth of strength and endurance.
Also, I would never believe that mk677 does a great job too. I used it more for hunger, and it helped me a lot! I also tried to take it before sleep, it's also good option, but I wanted hunger.
I gained 7kg with only 350 test and 10/20mk677 for 12 weeks.
A thing that I still notice is that the strength i still here (i'm off cycle)

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I spoke with the driada staff on telegram to advise me on products, dosages and more. They always helped me!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always when I placed my order, they send it so fast because I show them the proof of payment. It arrives around 7-10 days because I live a little bit too far.
The products are good packaged so no one will know what's inside.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will always choose Driada.
Driada is so AMAZING!

I recommend shopping here!
NickD's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've used superdrol, test E, and Masteron for a total of 5 months.
During the cycle, I felt energetic and experienced significant gains in muscle mass and strength. My appetite remained stable, and my sleep was good.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There were no side effects like acne or PIP. Overall, it's been a successful cycle with noticeable progress and no adverse effects

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very fast and reliable communication.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The order and payment process were comfortable, and I didn't need support service. Shipping was prompt; I received the tracking number soon after ordering, and delivery was swift.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Perfect quality and experience as usual.

I recommend shopping here!
Vincent68's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've had the opportunity to try this brand for years now and I'm sure you can never go wrong with them

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

In the period where I don't push the accelerator, I prefer to do a trt/anti-aging with two of their products:
HGH & Testosterone Enanthate
250Mg of Testosterone Enanthate every 10 days and 2ui of GH every day in the evening before going to sleep, my mood is high and I am also old (56) but compared to my peers I defend myself well, I have no health problems other than a few I have joint pain and in this case GH together with testosterone enanthate helps me a lot

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have never had communication problems

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

7 days from payment and packaged perfectly

Price to performance
Additional comments

Honest prices and high quality

I recommend shopping here!
EnPeePee's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I’ve been using driada products since October 2022.
Their price/performance ratio is unbeatable imo
They continuously provide new products and improve their formulas if needed.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Most important product quality is HGH.
I have done several blood tests and they are always very high (serum somatropin) - like Pharma grade level. Their hgh powder vials always have a vacuum wich is very important to keep bacteria out .

Also all their injectables work. I have tried Test E, Drosta E, DHB, Primo, Tren E, Tren A, NPP
They all work. Even PIP is almost non existent when you have a good injection routine (even with DHB and primo)
I’m currently on Tren E, Test E, Drosta E + HGH and the results have been great after 2 months.
I went from winter bulk 115kg to 93kg and lost almost no muscle mass.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Driada has optimised its order process to make it faster. It’s not Amazon ofc but after payment I wait max 7 working days.
Customer service is TOP. They even provide free cycle consultations. This would cost hundreds of euros in a coaching

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Can’t complain here really. As I said it’s not Amazon.
Packing is safe and stealthy. Never received a damaged package/product.
Shipping 7-10 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

Keep doing what you’re doing!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/03/2024 - 14:11
krisleony's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

First cycle, and I'm happy I went with Driada. The experience has been very pleasant, especially in terms of quality, costumer service, and price.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E (500mg pw): bloodtest came back with ~4500ng/dL, grew a shit ton of muscles in the last weeks.
HCG: kept balls size, confirmed authenticity with pregnancy test.
Anavar: I quit using it, because it gives me bad calf pump. After quitting I did noticed a loss of energy during training. Would wholeheartedly recommend if you don't long distance run.

Overall I feel like a god when e2 is dialed in. More energy, good aggression to life (not people). However, libido hasn't changed much.

Weight: 86kg -> 95kg -> 91kg (quit orals).
BF: 18% to 14% in 14 weeks.
PIP: The first time I injected 1ml Test-E into my quad, and I barely could walk for 2 days. After I switched to my glute and delts, I haven't had single problem. I even forgot existed PIP until I wrote this review.
Ance: Not too bad with orals, when I quit orals I only have a little ance. Not more than I normally have.

Customer service

Wanted to change my order last minute before it was sent to the postal office. Messaged customer services, and they quickly replied with "No problem, what do you want to change?". No problems otherwise.

Shipping and Delivery

Took a week for the package to be sent to the postal office. But once it did, it was delivered surprisingly quickly within 5 days. Came in securely packaged.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Best shop in the EU!

I recommend shopping here!
ThoughtseizeBro's picture
My overall experience

I received my Testosterone U 250 and Cialis really fast. With them I feel really good and my sex drive is amazing. In the gym I also feel like a beast.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality is top notch, especially the ampoules in the aluminium blisters feel really posh.

Customer service

Great customer service on telegram. You just have to ask! I would have never expected something like this.

Shipping and Delivery

Everything OK, it was a normal fast parcel from an european country

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/02/2024 - 22:36
JamesLeo995's picture
My overall experience

currently my favorite lab in europe

Products, effectiveness and results

test cyp
tren ace
i have also tried many other products in several other orders
One of the reasons i like this lab very much is the carrier oils they use, especially cause i pin all subq with insulin needle, and even with more irritating compounds like test prop or dhb, the pain is very mild even with high volume injections. All compounds are lab tested and the company also uploads labs tests performed by clients, not only those done by them, wich is highly appreciated. The tren is a medium/strong yellow colour, wich means properly brewed and not oxydized, with all typical tren side effects (besides tren cough, probably cause i pin subq). Ibutamoren raised my appetite to an extreme level at 30mg a day, so definetly legit. Modafinil is comparable to pharmagrade one. overall great results, and blood tests with LCMS confirm potency, with test at 1450ng after only 3 weeks of 250 mg a week of cypionate.

Customer service

never needed customer support, everything always went smooth. ordering process very easy with bank transfer

Shipping and Delivery

fantastic packaging, probably the best i have ever seen with many layers of bubblewrap. delivery between 7/14 days to italy

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!