Shancalvini's picture
  • 14

+ 14 From Boy to Man


Looking back its been crazy but worth it! Lots of tough times as a teen, hanging out with the wrong crowd with no direction in life until the heartbreaks kicked in and got myself into the gym . Tis the best decision I ever made and stuck to it cos it gave me that satisfaction i wasn't getting from anywher else and i felt like i could push it here with focus.

Most recently just finished off on my HGH run for 5 months, 2-4iu a day. Stacked alongside Test e initially at TRT dose but then gave a blast 400mg for 12 weeks alongside Mast E, then back down to the TRT levels on the Test E. Anavar 10mg run throughout the run. Will be planning for a vacation/break in the next few weeks and then back onto bigger things!

PS: guys yes its the same person, had some ppl question the skin colour and how big the 2nd pic was that i first posted, but the idiots cant comprehend the advances of technology almost 2 decades apart. 1 pic from my teens and another in the current day and age. Ive added second pic just now so you can be sure .

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SDABPT's picture

You got that chest separation going on like Franco! Freaky physique bro!

press1's picture

Definitely got some cracking genetics there - did you do any kind of lifting at all in the before shot or is that completely untrained?

Shancalvini's picture

No no I was training back then , was boxing a couple of times a week and a few older boys were a lot stockier and in the gym so was going with them for the weights. I remember i had played around with some dbol and sus at that age (teen years). After that though things changed for me as I just got more and more into using more gear and did some stupid decision making with the cycles I did. Had little to no guidance and relied on the advice from the biggest guys in the gym. Lost my hair very early with all th stuff id been shoving in me. Would not advise anyone to do stupidity like that , I was at peak point using 1 gram of test alongside Tren, Mast, E Provirion, Naps and just messed myself up especially with trying for babies, mental issues and the list goes on. Anyone reading this is lucky they have the resources to check things out and do proper research before jumping on stupendous amounts of gear and ruining themselves. I learnt the hard way from my own experiences but a wise man learns from others mistakes

Goodfella1118's picture

Ridiculous bro … great work … most people wouldn’t be able to get that physique in a lifetime . Huge size with striations to boot . Good for you brotha !

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Shancalvini's picture

much love thank you

boldenone99's picture


Owes a Review × 1
pingree24's picture

How many years difference in the pictures? Awesome job man!

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Shancalvini's picture

not 100 % percent as i don't have the date on the first pic but somwhere in the region of 15 years

Pumped_'s picture

Check out the private dancer shirt and the gigantic walkie talkie cellphone. 90s? Nice work and improvement.+1

DeeMan's picture

This gentleman kind of looks like you pumped..same thickness

Pumped_'s picture

I wish, i could never lose the belly or get the delta defined, but i never really worked as hard as most these guys at it.

Catalyst's picture

Good work big guy. Good to look back on where you came from.

Shancalvini's picture

thank you dude , appreciate it

Jockstrap's picture

Mass monster!

Shancalvini's picture

Thank you buddy and LOL at the username

DeeMan's picture

You remember what I'm talking about below lol

NWApatches's picture

Lol wut

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NWApatches's picture

The picture on the right is much bigger... And darker than the before. How'd that happen

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Shancalvini's picture

what a damn stupid comment! annoys me sh** like this.y be such a hater. 1 pic is from my damn teens, incase u didnt realise we talking over a decade ago near enough 2!
Did you have the latest pic quality then cos i sure didnt and i dont think your a time traveller either.
Obviously the second pic is bigger , 1 is pre gym and 1 is many years later in my peak gym years. Please qualify the dam comments before peeing ppl off.
Il add some more snaps on here . If you want wana check my di** pics let me know il send a snap of them too so u can confirm its my huge bellend

now that ive vented, please look at my hands! jheeez

scoobydoo's picture

It happens dude. He may have been raised in a mostly white state or town, like me. I was about 13 years old when a black kid on my baseball team( the only black kid in the league) took of his watch and showed me he gets darker from being in the sun. I was blown away. Lol

NWApatches's picture

Lol wut.. wasn't trying to pee ya off there buddy. Your skin color changed double is all

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DeeMan's picture

@NWApatches @BrainsNGainz when I first posted a selfie I was asked to write my eroids handle on paper with my posted pic, so this brings back memories. I was confused at first. Hey if the eroids brothers don't believe you, they'll ask you for that extra step for verification lol. I don't think it's personal

Shancalvini's picture

Hahah thats crazy, i get it i have posted another pic on here now so they can see now but damn man all they needed to do was drop me a polite inbox and i wouldve complied. oh wel , alls well what ends well.
Thanks for the clarification btw

DeeMan's picture

Yeah these brothers don't mean anything by it. Hell I'm kinda glad they ask for extra verification in some cases. I think alot of fakes were around awhile back. You look thick though.

Shancalvini's picture

thank you buddy its hard work, but just hope i can get back onto it after vacation. hard enough with training and diet but the finances are starting to kill me too

DeeMan's picture

I gave you a +1 for posting up another pic. O yeah you gonna spend some money to be swole. That's the advantage the ordinary non lifting Joe has on us. It's rough!

Shancalvini's picture

top man! Boss level

DeeMan's picture

Yessir! You better believe it!
Be safe

BrainsNGainz's picture

Not sure what I believe less: That those 2 pictures are the same person, or that the second picture was the result of just the small stack described.

Shancalvini's picture

be supportive my friend, be supportive. look at the new snaps, i shudnt have to be proving colour of my skin but thanks for making me show u more of me.

BrainsNGainz's picture

For sure I see, looks like it was a lighting difference. Nothing personal I'm just skeptical of drastic physique change pics in general, especially since there was no time context before your edits. Should also post more info about the type and number of cycles you did to attain monster status, bc let's be honest it's not from the recent cycle with 10mg of var lol.

Also just weird to me to see a post like this which links an obscure source at the bottom and mentions recent cycle of low dosages yet a huge shredded physique, could easily be perceived as lets say a "deceptive advertisement" accidentally even if you didn't mean so.

scoobydoo's picture

That source he linked isn't active on here, but they're still getting reviews. It's weird that there's a 4 year gap in reviews. Source may have been on hiatus.

DeeMan's picture

I don't practice high or medium high dosing myself but yea 10mg oral/ day won't do much for even a genetically blessed Mr. Olympia.

Makwa's picture

MT2 Lol

NWApatches's picture

Haha bro ain't no fucking way. I heard that shit was tuff but God damn

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Shancalvini's picture

that fkin better now you hater

NWApatches's picture

Easy cowboy. This is a safe space. No hate

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DeeMan's picture

Lol. My manz!

Shancalvini's picture

man up bro and just say something along the lines of 'cool dude, seen the other pic now, was wrong , sorry/apologies about the other comment'
u started this end , you shud end it and then we can both can be bros and then we can show each other things in private than no man or woman alive has seen before :))))haha

NWApatches's picture

My man. All I said was you doubled in size and color from the before pic. Nothing negative about it. A little sarcasm sure.. no hate or shade though. I can't apologize for that. We'll be buds though

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DeeMan's picture

Lol @ doubled in size and color.

That's him though. Look at that middle crease going down his chest and also look at his neck...just a smaller version of it. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. I'm just saying. And yea a little lighter in young pic for sure.

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