Khan86's picture
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+ 3 Back in business :)


I’ve had a really rough past 12months went back into depression mode no gym and terrible diet. But I’ve finally got back into it it’s been 4 long hard months and I’m starting to see some shape coming on.

Some recent pics to show my progression, I’m open to criticism I know I still have tonnes of work to do. It is what it is though

I’ve been pinning test enanthate at 500mg week for 4 weeks feeling good and hungry…just hope I remain consistent!

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bundlz's picture

Drop the pins bro if you had a hard time and depression why do you even consider to restart gear ... But repect to pick up the iron again keep pushing forward

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Khan86's picture

I was advised to go on and tbh it definitely helped. I think low test is such a motherfu**** that men still don’t how it can ruin you

Halsey's picture

I can see a difference for sure, your head is on backwards though.

Khan86's picture

Top man -- …still working on the head issue --

r.f's picture

Keep it up bro. --

Khan86's picture

Cheers buddy

Makwa's picture

keep plugging away at it. the best is yet to come. Good

Khan86's picture

Thanks dude much appreciated, needed this….!

Makwa's picture

Noticeable improvement so you are heading in the right direction

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