tattoofreak's picture
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+ 4 Bloods with SIS


Around 7 weeks in with each 400mg weekly of test e / mast e from SIS labs and bloods were pulled 3 days after last pin. It's my first run with mast and now I need some opinions:

I noticed an odd lumb in my left chest, which I know from further experience I have to expect with around 400mg test and above. But I thought with my dosages the mast would do it's job and I didn't use an ai this time. By taking a look at my estro numbers the mast obviously didn't work. Furthermore I don't feel the typical benefits of masteron. Especially I'm missing the positive effects of mast for cns. No better regeneration, which was one of my main aspects to use mast. But I have a little bloat and a little more water retention, since I upped my test dosage after cruising.

Test numbers are like expected and nothing to complain about the test. But despite the fact that I'm not experienced with mast, I'd say my mast is either extremely underdosed or complete bunk.

So what's your opinion? Am I correct? Or could I have any thinking errors?

By the way, I thrashed my gear and changed to DP (which I still had by hand) directly after pulling bloods and will pull bloods again in around 6-7 weeks to re-check. If the lumb doesn't grow further during this period, I still won't use an ai or nolva (but I have enough in stock if I need). Pretty interested where my e2 numbers will be then...

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GrowMore's picture

Have you ran proviron before? Mast is very similar to proviron for most apparently, with better results.

Personally proviron turns my libido in ultra over drive so I can’t use it, but mast I get a really great sense of well-being, more so than on test alone. If at a low bf it helps give a Tren like look but a little less defined and 3D looking. Mast also has no effect on my e2 apart from masking the side effects.

If you’ve got the cash it’s a brilliant addition to any blast in my opinion although you don’t get a lot of bang for your buck, you’d get more results with upping test, adding Tren or throwing in anadrol but let’s be honest there’s a lot to be said about a low side feel good blast which I’m all about right now.

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tattoofreak's picture

Thx for your input, mate. My buds told me the same and this is exactly what I'm missing here. Just feels like test alone!

Btw, tren is a no-go for me. I've ran tren and it makes me a fucking psycho. Was a hard time for my wife and daughter and almost I would've gotten divorced. Also I can't handle the sides. I did test higher than tren. Maybe I should better have run it with low dose test, for less sides. To be honest, I'm too scared to try it again. But damn, I looked great with this shit...

GrowMore's picture

It’s always the women who suffer when we are trying to get our gains on

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wanted's picture

The way i tell if my mast is real
Real masteron = pornstar semen amount
Not sure i can tell if i get stronger on mast but i love the way it makes me look

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tattoofreak's picture

"Real masteron = pornstar semen amount"

Mate, you're kidding? Aren't you? If this is meant seriously, than it's definitely no mast... lol

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

It might be the test is overdosed but honestly I never use mast in place of an ai...with your estrogen high also and if your holding water the results from the mast won't be as your mast dosage 400 also..
Edit I also have never uses sis so I can't say much on the lab sorry bro

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tattoofreak's picture

400mgs each. If test is overdosed it makes sense, but from my numbers I'd say test is dosed correctly. Also I'm still missing the better recovery from the mast, which I'm pretty sure should be noticeable with 400mg weekly. Talked about my concern with a friend and he told me about labtests of underdosed mast from SIS. He'll send me the link later today...

tattoofreak's picture

Can't edit my post above. My friend doesn't find the link, be he's sure he saw it somewhere on one of the well known lab test pages. However, with or without a lab test, I can't feel any of the positive aspects of mast with the SIS gear. To be honest I have to say, that test and deca from SIS were g2g. Complete review of the SIS oils I used will follow in a few weeks, when I'm long enough in with the DP mast to compare...

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Yea you'd definatly have better recovery..and I also get some descent strength gains on's a solid dht so you'd know if it was working..are you using dp mast now

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tattoofreak's picture

Because I assume there's something wrong with the SIS mast, I switched to DP directly after pulling bloods. I'll see if there's a difference and will pull new bloods in 6-7 weeks.

Slowly's picture

The SIS labs were my first experience. I respect this company. I've had big mass gains. Incredible pumps with 400mg/week.
You could add a low dosage of 0.25/week of Ari.
I have never had experience with Masteron.
+ for the Test

Dope's picture

Mast not lower estrogen , it justs displaces it from the receptor being a DHT .
You still have estrogen roaming in you even if no gyno or lumps



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tattoofreak's picture

"You still have estrogen roaming in you even if no gyno or lumps"

In this point I agree with you and I know this, bro. But shouldn't the mast avoid me from getting a lumb with my dosage? Also shouldn't the mast avoid me from water retention? Normally mast is a drying compound...