BanditTheDog's picture
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+ 1 New Cycle


Starting this soon.
Satan RIP 1m ed and continue on GH 5ius, continue on mast and test a couple of extra weeks, I can only handle so much tren haha.
So I must have been in a rush when I ordered, I meant to order oral whinny but ended up getting the injectable (never tried it).
Anyone have any good/bad experience?
Thanks guys! and Thank you BuyAsNet!
Will update after the cycle.

Ordered from: 
zorro2021's picture

If your don’t want that, send it over Smile
That looks delicious bro--

Caner's picture

have fun buddy !

BanditTheDog's picture

Thanks Caner!

Diesel77's picture

"Satan Pharma" wow, their products must be devilish. Injectable winny, especially in water solution...will usually always contain PIP regardless of lab/manufacturer. The bright side is, you can drink the water based, unlike the oil based. That SP Masteron from my extensive experience with shelf high quality.

BanditTheDog's picture

Haha must be. Yeah I heard the PIP was a killer. Drink it??? haha you sure? I've never heard of drinking an injectable. Yeah it says water base on the vial. I agree SP is great. Thanks bro!

Diesel77's picture

I've drank plenty of pharma ampules of winstrol (Dess-mah). Long as it's water based winny, it's absolutely plausible to drink, but Id personally inject it if you can tolerate the PIP. Much prefer winny oil based if I were to use winstrol due to much much less pip in comparison to water based, but water based is just as effective and is methylated (winstrol in general) and works for oral consumption if worse comes to worse and pinning becomes unbearable.

BanditTheDog's picture

So the water hurts more? Great. Ha we'll see. I'll see how it goes and do an update after. Thanks for the help, I never would have guessed to drink it hah.

Makwa's picture

If you can't handle the winni pip, you can still take it orally.

Makwa's picture

It is just basically regular winstrol tablets ground up (micronized) and put in a water base so you can inject it.

JakeKO's picture

I guess I’m very lucky that I never get PIP from Winstrol. I keep hearing about it, and I’m always waiting for it to happen to me. Third pin this morning, and it was perfectly smooth from a different popular lab.

BanditTheDog's picture

You're the second person to say take it orally, I thought that was a joke hah. I've never seen anything like it, it looks like milk but I'm sure it doesn't taste like it.

Diesel77's picture

Just make sure to give it a good shake so that it's all evenly mixed and the particles aren't clumped up at the bottom of vial, draw the amount you want...down the hatch it goes. Also, depending on how well that lab micronized might clog up a 25g needle so be prepared for that if you plan to inject it.

BanditTheDog's picture

Great advice, thanks for that. I guess I'll try inject it first and if it's too much i'll take it orally. I definitely have to give it a shake because the bottom half looks like milk and the top half looks like water.

Mac12769's picture

Never seen their stuff before, but enjoy bro.

If you haven’t researched Inj Win 50, after about a week or two of ED/EOD pins, you’ll have a new understanding and appreciation for what PIP really is. Don’t forget the water intake.

BanditTheDog's picture

Thanks man! I've ran a few cycles and it's legit.
I haven't researched it but I definitely will if I decide to go ahead with it.
People are saying to drink it. I heard the PIP was bad alright.

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