Online Steroids UK's picture
Online Steroids UK 0

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 12 Quality 100% 12 Delivery 100% 12 Service 98.3333% 12 Pricing 100% 12
khalesi's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am starting to trust these people and this is my 3rd order from them

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

A liquid fat burner - Adelphi
I gained lot of weight last winter mainly because of depression and anxiety. I was on big list of anti depression and anxiety medication. My life style sucked. I was lazy and lethargic. My metabolism destroyed. As depression and anxiety got better I decreased the dose of medication and I started anabolic cycle including 4 week use of the fat burner.
Adelphi liquid fat burner is one powerful fat burner containing blend of t3-clen-yohimbine. This did not made me get rid of fat completely but helped tremendously in training, energy, sweating and metabolism. In the 4 week time I lost 5 kg. I started training hard focusing more on cardio and now i am able to do long runs this summer.
I will use this again but only when really needed.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2 orders in past and this was 3rd therefore no communication was required and I put the order straight from the website.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Parcel delivery from point of ordering was less than 3 weeks.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Totally recommended for shopping p.e.ds

I recommend shopping here!
Assasinadrol's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First time experience with source.
Decent and very good overall.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for Pharmaqo super sustanon 400.
It carries:
Testosterone acetate 20 mg/ml
Testosterone propionate 30 mg/ml
Testosterone cypionate 120 mg/ml
Testosterone phenylpropionate 30 mg/ml
Testosterone decanoate 200 mg/ml
Total use was 12 weeks
Every week dose was 800 mg
Short esters kicked fast. In one week
Gave me high sex drive and fantastic mood
Water was gained and some aromatization was felt
exemstane saved me from gynecomastia

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Requests and questions received answers same day in just few hours.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivered with safe delivery.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I normally stick to my go to store but this super sustanon 400 mg/ml was on sale so I took advantage of it plus this pharmaqo brand was out of stock at my regular store.

I recommend shopping here!
Tim De plates's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my second review of second order from them and again this experience was excellent.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Second order was 2 x adelphi proviron 50 and 2 x adelphi dianabol 10
I took 3 pills of dianabol 10 every day for 6 weeks. The pumps were really good and my blood pressure under control with one pill of telmisartan every day. 30 mg of dianabol is intermediate dose for me considering I can run it longer and have less side effects from this dose. It is called breakfast of champions for a reason. A very classic traditional oral and my mental focus, aggression and strength was on high level.
I am taking 2 pills of adelphi proviron 50 every day which is not very noticeable but i can see some difference especially in not gaining fat and water faster and is nice addition as pre workout for energy and focus.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Again customer service was exceptionally good with full support.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Perfect packaging. Safe and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I had excellent experience on my first order as well as this one which further makes me trust them more.

I recommend shopping here!
Rabbit32's picture
My overall experience

I purchased Hgh from these guys I've only done a few jabs but so far can feel that it is top quality. The help and interaction I has from these guys is second to none will be ordering all my future products from them and recommend everyone else too!

Products, effectiveness and results

Pfizer hgh, top quality, only a few jabs in and already feel it working immensely

Customer service

Customer service was on point and always make sure they get back to you!

Shipping and Delivery

Quick delivery and safe packaging!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly regarded!

I recommend shopping here!
Sekua80's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am a repeat customer here who has run several products and orders. So far everything has been excellent. I used tri test 400 and anadrol this time. Both goods were by brand pharmaqo labs.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was 12 week cycle with anadrol kick start and anadrol finisher.
Week 1-12: 800mg/week tri test
Week 1-4: 100mg/day anadrol
Week 9-12: 100mg/day anadrol
Throughout cycle my libido and strength increased and remained high till the end. I will not lie i gained quite a lot of water and gained excellent overall mass. Tri test was used three times weekly. No pip was experienced. Arimidex was used eod and when water weight and estrogen went out of control it was replaced by letrozole for few weeks.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Zero customer service needed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

All vials in boxes landed safe and sound. Oral anadrol in pouch tight pressed no breakage.

Price to performance
Additional comments

My new fav for buying cycle goods. The easy and fast process from uk to eu attracted me to this supplier and now after several orders i have peace of mind ordering from them.

I recommend shopping here!
Lavalamp69's picture
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pentho strength's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I am sharing the experience for my first time ordering.
Overall it was a great experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I went for the adelphi research ment 50.
Ment also known as trestolone is a very powerful compound especially for bulking.
I don't know how anyone can cut or lean on it because it made me hungry like a wolf who has never eaten for weeks.
I was gaining weight week after week including fluid/water retention.
Physique in terms of bulking changed in matter of few weeks.
I had to use arimidex high dose and cabergolin low to moderate dose to control estrogen and prolactin.
I only ran it for 8 weeks. First 4 weeks @ 25mg/week, following 2 weeks @ 37.5mg/week and last 2 weeks @ 50mg/week.
It is a serious compound and should not be taken lightly.
Must be used only by advanced users.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I can easily rate the communication and support 10 out of 10 for being professional and very fast.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had no problem in receiving pack discreet in sooner than expected total time.

Price to performance
Additional comments

First time and was great enough to recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
marvel_CJK's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Place here has become my number one after some excellent experiences. Every experience they were consistent and proven their value so not only me but anyone can trust them.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

BM - Mix 200 (Mix 200 contains 100mg of test p, 50 mg of tren a and 50 mg of mast p)

I love this mix my strength and aggression is incredible. I can feel the tren aggression but most of it used in gym and when i work out

like hell i make myself super exhausted my body is extremely tired then i do not have any more aggression or stamina left to argue or

being irritated. I just focus on getting meal and sleep after the strenuous workouts.

The test and mast in it is legit too i can say it because of my sex drive and level of general well being on top.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

From start to finish entire task is easy and smooth. When I send email answered are received on the same day and completely informing me on what is asked.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging here never caused me problems with customs or post office. Everything is discreet and the time it takes is more than happily acceptable. It is excellent how simple and straightforward everything is here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

According to my experiences you can not go wrong here although I have some other sites in mind they are number one choice.

I recommend shopping here!
1Agnes's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The place which has become one of my favorite for gear shopping. I will continue to shop here and recommend to my gym bros.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Clomid by pahrma
Nolvadex by pharma
Hcg by pharma
I kick started pct with hcg for 2 weeks. 5000 iu/week and then followed 5 week nolvadex and clomid run. The run was typically the one recommended on eroids except i decreased the clomid dosage in week 3 due to some side effects like mood and vision issues. Overall this pct was definitely worth it. I paid more than a typical ugl goods but had peace of mind running pharma goods. I lost the strength energy and pumps of cycle but things could be much worse without pct. I managed to keep significant body weight losing a little.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Everything runs really smooth. Communication between us was minimum and friendly. Transaction, order processing and other matters were really smooth.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I waited a few days after transaction and they informed me via email that my package has been shipped and gave me tracking number. From there it took two weeks so including transit lets say in 2 to 2 and half weeks it takes to receive goods.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Professional, easy and friendly to deal with. I highly recommend them.

I recommend shopping here!
Adam_Adam's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Another pharmaqo brand order and without doubt can say they are solid sellers with no complaints.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo clen
Pharmaqo T3
Combining t3 and clen helped me lose fat, leaning out and control excessive food cravings.
The combination made my metabolism fast.
Sweating was more than before in weight training and cardio.
Cardio and watching the diet is must on the combination to work excellent.
The dose of clen was 40mcg up to 100 mcg and t3 was 50mcg everyday.
There were side effects like body shaking, cramps and difficult to stay calm at night. Dose should be taken in morning to restlessness at night.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

All questions asked were answered.
Payment was easy and straight forwards.
Processing was fast and tracking received automatically.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

To mail box in less than 2 weeks after shipping
Discreet and tight packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

Prices are good, packaging is clean and discreet, pharmaqo is a very nice brand did not let me down.

I recommend shopping here!
MrMoob's picture
My overall experience

Very good, first time buying and will not be the last.

Products, effectiveness and results

Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg

Im taking a quarter pill 3 time a week for Trt and I could feel my high E2 come down after first dosage, have pre and post usage blood test

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

Arrived in 3 days

Price to performance
Additional comments

On trt for 9 years. Prescription

Recently had blood test showing high E2 readings and another showing letrozole working.
Can only seem to upload 1photo so will obviously upload the 1 showing it working, can I upload another?

Pre letrozole my E2 was 198 pmol/l, testosterone 34nmol
Letrozole quarter pill 3 times a week E2 <18 pmol, testosterone 52nmol
Not sure why my testosterone is nearly double, was on same dosage pre letrozole, just been doing loads of cardio

Very happy to get my E2 under control , normally I would use arimidex at a quarter pill 3 times a week and that would be perfect but with this letrozole I'm going to just use a quarter pill twice a week based on my blood test results...strong stuff for sure!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/26/2024 - 10:58
KageCom's picture
My overall experience

ordered twice and had a great experience both times, will be making a habit of it after positive results.

Products, effectiveness and results


Noticed results after 2 weeks. By week 6 I had 2" chest increase and 1" on my arms. 20lbs heavier (mostly water) had to buy new clothes a size up! strength increased to a satisfying standard. Increase in drive to get into the gym, so yes very happy with the results. PCT worked as it should, I did get pretty dry skin by the end of the cycle but put that down to sweating the water retention off.

Customer service

Received my order email with postal tracking shortly after placing my order. No problems.

Shipping and Delivery

Discrete packaging, arrived within 4 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommended, used twice now legit gear with no problems.

I recommend shopping here!
Tim De plates's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First time and this will not be my last after positive experience overall.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Purchase was 4 x cenzo testosterone C

I did mini bulk with cenzo test c including 5 week anadrol purchased from someone else. I was injecting five times weekly dividing the total weekly amount in small parts this did not cause me any pip at all. very effective and smooth clean test without any reaction to carrier oil. I got very strong and my body weight jumped ofc i was holding some water at first from anadrol then from test c.

For side effects i suffered acne oily skin aggression sweating and feeling hot at night.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

A + with effective and customer oriented communication and support.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

No loose moving shaking or damage to parcel everything inside was safe in vials.

Price to performance
Additional comments

In summary i have only positive things to say after my first experience here.

I recommend shopping here!
jonny12345's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have dealt with these people and they were more than ok.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

adelphi test e
adelphi sustanon
I have bought two forms of adelphi research testosterone products from them and both worked very well. No pip from either product and injections were mostly smooth like butter except a few times that I had to heat to place it under hot running water.
My sex drive was high from both testosterones. Sustanon kicked fast and test e took few weeks. I had to use arimidex with both on 2 different times to avoid high estrogen symptoms.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication done was only at necessary points.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

In total was satisfactory fast shipping and secure discreet package.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have dealt with them. What i bought worked and was up to expectations.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/05/2024 - 05:12
Majestsick's picture
My overall experience

It was really fast it was in 2 days on my doorstep, discreet, all good

Products, effectiveness and results

Always on point, always adds size Smile

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

Yeah fast and discreet, perfect

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good stuff, sus 250, tren, clomid and hcg.

I recommend shopping here!
neepin's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall excellent experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Product used was pharmaqo fast rip.
Fast rip is a blend of three compounds test prop, tren ace and mast prop all at 50mg/ml.
Blend used was of high quality. Results spoke for themselves.
High sex drive, increased strength, aggression and fast changes in body shape.
Zero pip.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

More than satisfied customer service, Emails were replied very fast.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Top class packaging and delivery.
TA total 12 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Biggains's picture
My overall experience

I have had nothing but a great experience with this company. Extremely friendly, quick to reply to emails and always delivered in a fast and timely manner. Highly recommend this company.

Products, effectiveness and results

All have been great and I’ve made some Incredible gains through muscle mass as well as strength beyond belief for what I was lifting previously. Eating whilst on some products is up and down and slight acne but not bad. Moods have been fine but aggression is dealt with in the gym anyway. Great products.

Customer service

Great customer service. Very friendly and obviously believe in great customer satisfaction. Always replied to emails asap and always willing to help or advise.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery is very quick, within 2 days usually from ordering. Packing is discreet. No complaints here.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you want fast delivery of great products which DO what they are supposed to then shop here.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/04/2024 - 23:39
FlyMan's picture
My overall experience

The experience was amazing. The product was delivered quickly, and priced fair. This is the fifth time I've used their service, and I'll 100 percent order again!

Products, effectiveness and results

Test E 300mg/ml
Fat Burner

Always top quality, top labs and extremely effective!
Results have been outstandin and I'm loving using their stuff.
Fat burner is extremely effective and currently being on a cut im still maintaining all my muscle size while hitting PR after PR!!

Customer service

Great communication, to order I always message them first and they get it sorted asap! I'm always only ordering from here everytime.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging is tightly sealed and next day, delivery by 1pm! Can’t complain, amazing service, I love it! Always professional!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/28/2023 - 23:24
M3maqs's picture
My overall experience

The overall experience was excellent. The product was well-packed, delivered quickly, and priced fairly. This is the second time I've used their service, and I'll definitely use it again.

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered PROTON PHARMA CLENBUTEROL 60MCG and used it for the last 6 weeks of my diet. Having used clenbuterol before, I can confirm it's a legitimate product. Initially, I experienced typical side effects such as cramps and headaches for the first few days, but I also noticed an increase in its fat-burning properties.

Customer service

Good communication, no issues.

Shipping and Delivery

Good discreet packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

In my experience, they stand out as one of the few sources in the UK providing legitimate products and showing a genuine concern for proper customer service. I highly recommend them!

I recommend shopping here!
SwoledMM's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered here and couldn't be happier with pricing, delivery, shipping and quality of products. A++

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered BM pharmaceuticals trenbolin (tren e 200mg/amp). A love and hate relationship with tren. Pinned 1 amp E3D. Made me look impressive. Shredded, strong, vascular and added a lot of glycogen while making the waist thinner. Made me extremely horny when it kicked but suffered from low libido due to high prolactin later on. I sweat more in general and made me aggressive in and out of gym. Less tolerance for bullshit and all i cared about was eating, lifting and getting bigger.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Not needed.

Ordering here is quick without a hassle.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet packaging and impressive TA. Consistently safe. A++

Price to performance
Additional comments

I would say this source is definitely worth a shot. Fast, professional and products are top notch. Unfortunately can't find any more products in stock by my favorite brand (BM pharmaceuticals) but hoping they'll stock it soon.

I recommend shopping here!
Trevhacker187's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Dead happy I would buy again

Products, effectiveness and results

made some great gains on dbol and test c .40mg of dbol every day and 200mg of test c every Wednesday and and Sunday

Customer service

Great customer service, they even talk to you on WhatsApp and fast response

Shipping and Delivery

Fast delivery, comes with tracking

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
maz878's picture
My overall experience

hgh good fast delivery

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

always good and fast replys

Shipping and Delivery

few days delivery

Price to performance
Additional comments

will use again

I recommend shopping here!
maz878's picture
My overall experience

amazing seller always gets the items out on time and will help with anything

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

always replys

Shipping and Delivery

fast and safe

Price to performance
Additional comments

best seller i have had

I recommend shopping here!
whits's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered Pharmaqo test C.
No communication needed as website and payment all very easy to navigate.
Package arrived first thing day after order was placed and was well and discreetly packaged,so was very happy with that.
I’d decided to extend the cycle I was on so needed some extra test. My usual source didn’t have what I needed e so after reading other reviews on here thought I’d give them a try.
It’s a different brand to what I’ve used before but found my strength continued rising and for the first time ever I seemed to be loosing fat/water so overall appearance looked better. My general feelings and libido continued to be good..

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

100%; top qualit

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Non needed as everything smooth and easy on website

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was v quick and we’ll packaged

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’ll definitely be using them again as ordering/payment is all made v easy by them and most importantly products are top quality

I recommend shopping here!
Wade95's picture
My overall experience

Incredible, not much acne, building muscle very well and have much more leaniancy with food without gaining weight like I used to. On 400mcg tren a and test P 500mcg weekly. Also been on the tiromel for a year and it's only t3 that's works for me, I'm hypothyroid.

Very fast delivery and very reliable.

Products, effectiveness and results

Couldn't nt ask for better. Really effective.

Customer service

Always answer questions and keep me updated. Brilliant.

Shipping and Delivery

Always fast delivery and discrete packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • Wade95 » Adding to the above - Had a fantastic overall experience, been ordering for a longg time, always get pharmaqo as its dosed very well and all my blood tests are exactly how I would like them. Side effects are minimal, much more strength in the gym and gained over 20kg over the last year with not much fat. Since adding in the tren and tiromel my fat gain has been mitigated even on lengthy bulks. Always recieve my orders within 48 hours unless it's bank holiday or over a Sunday and even then I sometimes do. If I message the chat they always reply with in 24 hours and give me all the advice/ information I need. I find it's one of the only places that sell tiromel and it's definitely the cheapest. I definitely recommend shopping from here.
Amirjardan's picture
My overall experience

Buying modafinil from here was a god send! Ordered two packs and it was next day delivery! Brilliant service. Legit stuff! Love you guys!!

Products, effectiveness and results

I use to order modafinil from India, it was so expensive and the shipping would take two weeks. I dont know anyone in the uk to have modafinil other than these guys. I suffer from adhd and getting a doctor to prescribe them to me is a two year wait. I’m so happy and blessed that you guys can get my medication to me. I can’t thank you enough,

Customer service

Great communication, when ever I’m desperate to order I message them first and they get straight back to me. I’ll always be ordering from here.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging is tightly sealed and send next day. Can’t complain one bit. Very professional!

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’ll be ordering loads more and I’ll definitely be giving other products a try! Very good in price.

I recommend shopping here!
Adam_Adam's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This review is regarding my first experience mainly when I was looking for "pharmaqo" brand.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I used many products from sis labs before which was changed to pharmaqo. Source i was buying from stopped stocking pharmaqo/sis and i found this uk based source who delivers to eu with no problems. My first order was for 3 vials of sustanon that i ran for 3 months @ 500milligrams/week.
Good presentation and labels by pharmaqo and sustanon was smooth. I divided 500mg into 4 injections/week MWF and Sunday. Libido was increasing and 4-5 weeks both strength and libido were in full action. Especially my traps and shoulders grew which made shirts look tight on me.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was to the point and professional.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery after 2 days of payment. one and half week of arrival time after receiving tracking number.

Price to performance
Additional comments

That was good first experience. I will keep an eye and come for pharmaqo again.

I recommend shopping here!
LUNAluna9's picture
My overall experience

Exceptional every order

Products, effectiveness and results

Pharmaqo tren A.
First time using tren and taking 75mg ed. could feel affects after 1 week of use, blood pressure higher than average, sweating at night, but no other sides at all, I suffer with mental health so was expecting a bumpy ride but I feel amazing (I’m putting that down to injecting everyday keeping levels right) gains started to show after 2 weeks. Near end of week 3 now. Sex drive high.

Pharmaqo test E.
Good stuff felt positive affects on my mental health after 1 week. (600mg a week) Sex drive high.

Adelphi tren A.
First time ever using Adelphi lab and let me tell you I think this stuff is amazing after 2 injections. Hyper horny, mad pumps, really hungry, stuffing my face with food and feel amazing.

I will carry in buying Pharmaqo in future but I think Adelphi will be my first choice from now on.

Customer service

Amazing. There to help if needed, Fast comms, very easy to understand and pay. Love this seller won’t use any other.

Shipping and Delivery

Professional. Next day every time never had a problem 100% trust

Price to performance
Additional comments

This seller is my go to source, top shelf product, top of the game in every way. Why would I use anyone else. Will carry on using this source as long as available.

I recommend shopping here!
bloatmonster300's picture
My overall experience

Made a bulk order of. pharma grade T3 TIromel

Products, effectiveness and results

Abdi Ibrahim Tiromel T3, month in so far at a fairly high dose

Customer service

Had a slight hiccup with the order, emailed and rectified asap

Shipping and Delivery

Well packaged and discreet, NDD

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!