DomRoids's picture
DomRoids 3

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 1 Quality 100% 1 Delivery 100% 1 Service 100% 1 Pricing 100% 1
john6l6's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have been using Ultima Pharma from DS for years. Can't say enough good things about DS. He's a good dude. Always has good deals and quality products. Zero complaints. I keep coming back.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Order Test Prop, Tree Ace, Stan, T3, Proviron.

I have provided blood work on the test prop from an earlier order. As always it's been a quality and consistent product. The 25mg T3 is great to boost your thyroid to help with fat loss without running the risk of really shutting your thyroid down for a long time. Works great and my natural thyroid bounces back within weeks. The Stan and Proviron did there job as well by increasing vascularity and hardness.

The easiest way to determine how potent the tren is by running a lipid panel. Good tren will destroy your HDL while increasing TC. My HDL dropped from 60 to single digits in a week while my TC went up 50 points which should be expected with tren ace. Great product. Always gets me super lean and strong. The only downside is night sweats. Some brands of tren will spike my liver enzymes. This one does not with running with a liver detox protocol.

I ran a 8 week cycle and lost 25 lbs of fat and gain 8 lbs of muscle. Went from 19% BF to 9%.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This past order the shipper left out one of the Proviron orders. I emailed DS and he had me a new package on the way with tracking within 24 hours. TOP-NOTCH customer service.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This past order the shipper left out one of the Proviron orders. I emailed DS Packages always arrives within 3-5 business. Provides tracking information as well. Discrete and packaged securely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

You pay for what you get. Ultima products are fantastic and consistent. Quality products at a fair price.

NOTE: This review system is flawed. It favors poor sources and hurts sources like this. This source is DEFINITELY 5 stars but the prompts you to pick an option that may not be valid metric.

For example, 5 stars for shipping arriving early and only 4 if on time. Most sources are 5-7 days. This source says 3-5 days and it’s always on time. Not many are able to consistently deliver in time that window. 3 days on time every time is better than 1 day early on a 5-7 days. Also, 5 stars on products it has to be cheap and exceptionally quality. Don’t kid yourself that these go hand in hand. If you want cheap go somewhere else. If you want quality DS is your guy. I would much rather pay a few dollars more for great gear than cheap crap.

I recommend shopping here!'s picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 4 (1 vote)

My overall experience with DR was great from start to finish

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I got a few jugs of there test e 250 during there promo. Was running another brand and ran out and plugged DR in with no hiccups. Spot on with keeping my libido high and strength. Actually gained a good 10 pounds of lean muscle

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Quick to respond and answer all questions. Communication was spot on and the order process couldn’t of been easier

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Turn around was quick from order to arrival only 5 business days. Package was sealed tight and well put together

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
misterbricks's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

I am now on my 3rd order with Domestic Roids and am totally blown away with their service. I've been running an NPP/Test Cycle (soon to add Anavar in the final weeks) currently @ 375mg NPP, 140mg Test Cyp (or Test Enanthate) and 500IU of HCG, per week. I chose NPP as I find Testosterone in high doses intolerable (anxiety) even when bloods are good. I also don't want lots of extra body hair so Nandrolone fits the bill. It sounds like most people can't handle Deca/NPP but I feel great other than some BP/cramps/insomnia issues that are all manageable. I am doing 20mg/day Testosterone microdoses and 75mg NPP then 25mg NPP (alternating days) and 250 IU HCG twice a week. To explain the NPP dosing, Monday 75mg, Tuesday 25mg, Wednesday 75mg, Thursday 25mg and so on...
Libido is through the roof, no Erectile Dysfunction, mood is very focused and driven, a little edgy for sure but less than if I ran the total dose in Test. I'm on my 6th week of the cycle (I'll run NPP for 12 weeks, adding Anavar in at week 8, but I may extend the cycle to 14 or 15 weeks depending on results) and have gained 18lbs so far on a pretty clean diet, about 1.0 to 1.2g protein/lb (260g protein daily average) on about 3400-3800 calories per day.

Once I'm done with my cycle I'll be doing another bulking cycle before a cutting cycle. I run Test on TRT dose (I'm on TRT) or small cruise dose. And at this point I may just do this again with another compound like EQ on top of the NPP and Test for the next bulk, but for sure, Domestic Roids is getting all my business for the coming cycles for sure.

Products, effectiveness and results

*Nakon NPP 150mg/ml = Good gear but had to filter out some particulate with a micron filter (only time it's happened with Nakon for me) I'm guessing I got the last bottle before the filter was changed. Some PIP, but that's to be expected with the shorter ester of NPP.
Ultima NPP 150mg/ml = Amazing. Hands down. Less PIP than the Nakon I had and MAYBE more potent but I'm not 100% it just seems like the insomnia with this stuff is more pronounced and I feel more aggressive but who knows? All I'm sure of is it's great gear and I'm blowing up.
*Ultima Tri-Test 400mg/ml = great stuff, on point potency wise, good mix. A little PIP but that's to be expected with a concentration stuff.

Also have some Anavar/HCG coming soon but haven't tried them yet so I will write another post for that.

Customer service

Amazing, fast, actually answers within a reasonable amount of time. Often within 12-24 hours sometimes faster. Just very professional and nice guys.

Shipping and Delivery

Fast delivery for Ultima and Nakon products (haven't ordered any other brands from them yet and there are different Warehouses)
Packaging from Ultima is very professional and presents as high quality. The Nakon packaging was not bad, just not on the same level as Ultima's.

It was in my box within 3 business days MAX of being notified of shipping/tracking

Price to performance
Additional comments

Was a bit wary as I found these guys without a recommendation but glad I did. They got my business for as long as I'm blasting and cruising. Very, very pleased with their communication and service.

I recommend shopping here!
yanksfan's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience with domestic roids was great from start to finish. I do owe them a sincere apology as this is well past its due as I just forgot with everything going on with me. No excuses and again great product, reasonable prices, careful and discreet shipping and communication is and was excellent.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered ZPHC mast p. Used for add-on for the cutting cycle and will use the next bottle for the same. PIP was there but not anything crazy IMO. The effect I wanted was gotten, lost weight plus veinier as well as energy improve

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The customer service was great, all questions were answered ASAP. The Shipping as well as great, ETA was quick, the packaging is great.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Shipping as well as great, ETA was quick, the packaging is great.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Enjoyed working with this source, will recommend 100%

I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/07/2023 - 17:15
  • [MOD] Greg » YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF: ...Used the products, within the LAST SIX MONTHS
  • yanksfan » WOW redid my post at request of source because he was not happy, we communicated and I reviewed my original and I made a mistake and redid, now this?? Nice looking out.
MetalKing44's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My overall experience was and has been outstanding. True professionals at the helm here.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered Spectrum Deca and Spectrum Test E for off-season bulking. I absolutely love this Deca for its lack of water retention and the pure strength gains are ridiculous. The Test E is great with no swelling or any issues at all. My appetite was crazy 24/7 and that’s exactly what I want for those 12-20 weeks in the offseason. You will not be disappointed.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is where these guys shine as well. Great people with 5-star service. Communication is top notch and any question answered.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Arrived on time and packaging was discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

You will not be disappointed with these guys. I highly recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
Kuttingweight's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First time using this source, very happy. Gear was on point

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

ZPHC tren ace 2 vials
Ran 400mg a week with 500mg of test. Felt the tren immediately! Night sweats like crazy, waking up in a puddle. My strength increased considerably on all lifts. 30 pounds on my bench alone. Definitely helped me lean out more during my cycle. No acne or much bloating. Ran arimdex during cycle 1mg split twice a week.

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Customer service was excellent

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Arrived on time discreet and tightly packed.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I reccommend this source confidently.

I recommend shopping here!
Jonny_Thunder_76's picture
Owes a Review! x 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

These guys have excellent communication and my package got there extremely fast. Not to mention the product quality was fired.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered one vial of zplc mast p. High ghost at 50 mg every other day which was added to my current test e-cycle at 500 mg per week from a different source.

Horny as heck, veins began to pop again and that wonderful androgenic feeling was present, even at the low dose I was on. Strength but most importantly for me muscular endurance increased was noticeable after just a week.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As I mentioned, these guys got back to me very quickly with the few questions I had mainly about shipping.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

3 days is all it took to get my product delivered. Packaging noise pretty standard compared to other sources I've ordered from.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I was very happy with my whole experience with these folks. I highly recommend them and will definitely try their products again.

I recommend shopping here!
j1980's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My experience with this source was great. They said what I would get for the promo and that's what I got. It was a promo order and I had it in my hands in no time.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I received 2 bottles of Mast P. I was already running Mast P from another source. So as soon as I received this promo order, I began to run it. There was no drop off what so ever. My veins stayed popping, my strength continued to increase, my sex drive remained high, and my muscles continued to have that awesome Mast look to them.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They went above and beyond to accommodate because the made sure that I received my promo order in a timely manner.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I was expecting it to take around two weeks to arrive but I had it in hand within about a week. Nothing arrived damaged.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you so much to DomesticRoids for allowing me to participate in this promo. I appreciate it.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/20/2022 - 19:52
herktime's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great source and doing well with a solid few brands and all the essential products. Not an exotic place with a million peptides and what not, but no bells and whistles either so great quality and great business operations at very fair prices makes a great source for primary needs or just to have in your back pocket.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very impressed overall. I used their Spectrum Test P and Spectrum Mast; cycle wasn’t much the way I planned due to re-injuring my ankle, but I did have 4 solid weeks after taking a short break to modify my training and stabilize the ankle. I had total of 2.5 months (4 weeks; injury; 3 weeks PT and reduced training; 4 or 5 weeks fairly back hard but kept a modified training schedule then PCT). I’ve taken an hGh brand for a few years from another source at 2-3IU daily, but upped that to 5IU daily and added NPP after injury. Closed out with just clomiphene citrate from my doc four or five weeks and low dose proviron at PCT and beyond. I experienced some acne on the shoulders and basal temp was up with unnecessary sweating, usually towards the second half of the day. Had cramping in my calves and hamstring to an excruciating degree and actually had to supplement with magnesium malate, taurate and biglycinate in a topical spray and potassium tablets with a basic crappy electrolyte sports drink and that did the trick but was new to me. Diet was steady as it was, only had wanted some lean muscle and performance enchantment for a sport but obviously functional, balanced muscle to nerve entrainment exercises was my primary concern healing from injury. Test was at 500mg per week, mast was at 600mg per week and NPP was 500mg if I recall exactly. Some of the smoothest IM pinning I’ve ever had with this stuff, and I didn’t have any problems with the excipients of what I assume was benzoate or the like because of how smooth it was. Packaging was first class with lots of work and quality control going j to the labelling.
Note that I did later present on x-rays and MRI with redemonstrated avulsion fractures, apparently chronic these last couple years, but had a reasonable gain from this and don’t believe these compounds had anything to do with it. I would suggest others take the proper time to heal and don’t be stupid like I was just to push through it.

I started this cycle very lean and muscular at about 215 and didn’t put more that 5 pounds on, after PCT I think I had 215 on the scale but lost even more abdominal fat and looked cut as hell. Sorta weak results given what could have been but I wasn’t going for numbers or size and I don’t regret it. I looked bigger and weighed the same or even a bit less.

I’m usually gonna bloat some with these compounds and I did to a nominal degree, but the short esters and my activity and diet approach helped me pretty much avoid much bulking and that was pleasing. Lifts went up 10-15% or so, about as strong as I can get but obviously not pushing the weight like a heavier cycle with more mg and certain other products I hate to love cough tren… ;) Overall It was a good summer…minus the ankle.

Psychologically I felt a little more vigor and tons more libido, no aggression, just a “get up and get out and get something” attitude every morning that I love about testosterone in general. Some restlessness during the setback, probably. No lethargy or fatigue but didn’t tempt it - I slept when I felt like it.

Appetite was not ravenous and stayed easy to keep a smart, healthy diet. Not much trouble sleeping, either, and that was absolutely key for me as I was stressed about a lot during this time. Felt level headed and in control on cycle though, all things considered.

I recovered very well. My test came back above mid range after the end of PCT. HDL dipped a bit but slowly came back up and same with the hematocrit and mean corpus volume for red blood cells which was mildly abnormal for some reason.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I owe them a lot for the advice, the attitude and sincerity. Good people, good work, good motivation. Long overdue review.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 3 (1 vote)

No complaints. Product packaging was impressive.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I’m on the site now taking a look around at a few grocery items I need to pick up. That should say something!

I recommend shopping here!
Zuluwar10's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great experience I've never had anything go bad with them.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tren ace had me lean and strong throughout my cycle. Pull was smooth and easy to pin anywhere with no pip.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Never needed to contact them because the package airways got delivered with everything that was ordered

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fast and discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very good price and great quality. I will buy again.

I recommend shopping here!
zx14dragracer's picture
My overall experience

Great Experience & Fast Shipping

Products, effectiveness and results


Great Quality & Little To No Pip

Customer service

Great Customer Service & Fast Shipping

Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
john6l6's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This a great source. I can not say enough about these products. I have tried many but I was really impressed by the quality of these products. In fact, it is the best quality products I have seen yet from sources on here. DS tends to be on the more expensive side but you definitely get what you pay for. I was able to accomplish more with a lower dose when compared to other sources. That was a huge win for me because I was able to avoid some of the nasty side effects that come with compounds like tren. He offers good discount of high quantity orders

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered 3 ZPHC Test P100 and 3 ZPHC Tren A100 . The products went completely beyond my expectations. The ZPHC is some high quality stuff. I have been around the forum over 8 years and tried multiple sources that have come and gone but this was the best quality of products I have tried, hands down. I swap my physician prescribed TRT Cyp for P to reduce water retention when I am planning to go on a beach vacation and these products performed well. I ran 200 T Prop and 200 Tren A a week for 8 weeks (along with 40mcg Clen and 25mcg T3). I lost 25 lbs and dropped bf from 18% to 8%. (I have most of my weekly inbody measurements to prove it). I got absolutely shredded. I probably could of been stage ready if I kept it up another 3-4 weeks, which usually takes a shit ton more gear to achieve that desired look. The vascularity was stupid. The kind of where you can follow the vein from your head down to your toes. I only get that when I get close to stage ready and I usually have to take 350-400mg of tren along with other compounds to achieve that kind of leanness.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is great. Extremely streamlined. You Order, you get a receipt, get payment and instructions all within 1 day.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was discreet and protected from the elements nicely. The Post man could through it off a building and it would still be fine. From purchase to actual delivery was about 5 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This was the best TREN I have ever tried - by far. I am attaching my blood work from my recent lab of when I was running the test only as TRT at 200mg a week.

I recommend shopping here!
cyp200la's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordering process was fast and easy. My emails where answered within an hour or two.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered Anadrol 25mg and Dianabol 10mg. Product works as expected. Products are 100% legit and good to go. Been on a week and up 8 pounds already.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is top notch. Order wait for payment info and send payment and that's all. They get back to you right away. In a day or 2 you get tracking number

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging is tight and discreet and turn around time was about 5 day's. No worries what so ever!

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great product and great service and customer service. I've used them twice and they are my go to company now.. 100 % recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
state.side.llama's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordering process was fast and easy. Communication was timely. Products are definitely legit.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delatestryl Test E300 x 3
Spectrum Pharma Test P x 3

Canada peptides Test E is legit and on point. Mainly ran test E at about 400mg/wk. It did what it should do. I work a 2 week on and 2 week off rotation so when I was a couple days before coming home I'd start running the test p along with test e to total up to about 800mg/wk. At home I'm able to get 6 days a week in at gym. Could definitely feel a difference when adding prop into the mix. Definite strength increase. Holographic cellophane wrapping on box. Labeling clean and professional. Pharmaceutical grade test for sure. Same goes for spectrum Pharma Test P. Smooth and correctly dosed for sure. Pharmaceutical grade test for great prices.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Responds quick and very easy to deal with.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tightly packaged. In original boxes with drug info sheet included. Two orders both arrived within a week from ordering. Tracking number included.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • Rustyhooker » Gains? Losses? Strength?
Vince772's picture
My overall experience

My overall experience with domestic roids has been great. The customer service is great the shipping is always on time the packaging is great. Thank you for being honest supplier. I can email him and ask personal questions about what I’m taking I might not get the answer I want but it’s the right answer. I have dealt with a lot of different vendors. But domestic roids is my go to always, the only way I’ll order from a different supplier is if he is out of stock which he is honest about. I have had some suppliers tell me they have something in stock and send me something totally different with brands I’ve never heard of. But domestic roids it’s on the top of my list and I’m sure I’ll be on the top for the US again soon

Products, effectiveness and results

I have ordered Tren, I’ve ordered Winstrol, I’ve ordered test, I’ve ordered suston, today’s order was only two. But I know whatever I’m getting from domestic roids is quality gear

Customer service

The customer service is great I didn’t even know how to use bitcoin before ordered through domestic he actually took the time to walk me through. He always answers the questions I have without hesitation. A1 quality service

Shipping and Delivery

Always discrete packaging the shipping is on time he’ll be honest and let you know if he does not have something in stock or when it will come in. I placed this order that came in today over the weekend and it came in today December 23 which is a very busy time of year and he was still able to get it to me on time.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I could go on and on about great things about domestic roids, no I do not work for them I wish I did. They are awesome and great to order from

I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] DomRoids » Thank you for kind words in my address, appreciate it. Have a good holidays, Xmas and happy new year!
Kiilllakam's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
Edit your review to avoid having this entry deleted, and pay attention to instructions in the pop-up bubbles.
Your votes have been deleted, and 2 points deducted from your Review Karma.

  • Anon » Fake account. Fake review. Created 2 years ago, no account activity then reviews like this 4x in 1 day then uses the review karma to enter a promo.
  • Kiilllakam » It’s called catching up on overdue reviews bud. Been placing orders during those 2 years. Just recently finding out that being a paying customer qualifies me for promos so why wouldn’t I join? Or is that opportunity reserved exclusively for you? Lol
  • Anon » 2 year old reviews are not relevant. No gear pics or proof of orders either. You're just gaming the system to score free promo gear.
LieuThom15's picture
My overall experience

This company has amazing customer service. There was a slight issue with the shipping. It appears it was held up at the post office which is very common these days with the state of our country. The company immediately second out a second shipment no questions asked. I ended up receiving both shipments a day a part. Will definitely use them again as they have been my go too over the last two years.

Products, effectiveness and results

Always solid gear

Customer service

Great customer service

Shipping and Delivery

Ships quickly always delivered with 2-3 days

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Ugltestrat88's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I ordered multiple times and always quality service. I order test mainly, I've tried sus250 300enth 100prop. I roid tested the prop and 300enth can peptides and both came back legit. Orange for enth yellow for prop spot on. My libido strength and drive are all up. I use 180-250 a week depending on needs.

Products, effectiveness and results

Got test pics to prove. They sat overnight it was bright orange like label said originally. Very good quality and no pip, welts or any type of marks associated with pip. Smooth stuff. I do 2 shots a week delts and glutes.

Customer service

always easy on time like FAQS say. Responsive and thorough and is there to assure your needs are met.

Shipping and Delivery

3-5days dom usa. Received all my products fast and discreet. As a first time user was a great easy way. No minimum buys either so u can try them out.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • Ugltestrat88 » Its only allowing me to post one picture for some reason but this test pic was done on spectrum 100mg prop and Canada peptides enth 300
killroy's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

DomRoids was generous enough to let me participate in one of their promos. I opted for the ZPHC - Masteron Prop and was very impressed with the labs attention to detail, presentation and packaging. Definitely sets it apart from the other UGL competition. The source provided very professional service.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2x ZPHC - Masteron Prop

While not a incredible amount, I ran this 100mg M/W/F. Vascularity, increased hardening was experienced within a week on. Did see changes in the mirror with a possible loss in fat, but could just be the hardening. I was also able see a subtle increase in size which I will attribute to lean muscle gain, as I retained less water while on. The aggression at the gym and the strength gains were definitely felt as prior to its introduction I was only on a trt cruise dose at the time. The only criticism I have of this product is that I encountered some pip/inflammation especially in sensitive pin sites like my pecs, when the compound seeps from IM into SubQ. This maybe have been because I should’ve went deeper IM, and mast prop does have a bite for me with other labs too.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Comms were perfect. Did not need to communicate much. Things ran very smoothly.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was 4 days t/a from ship date. Packaging was secure and inconspicuous. As stated before the packaging of the actual product was very impressive. Full branded box, anti-counterfeit measures, custom glass embossed logo on vial, Big Pharma style insert. The lab seems to a very professional operation, who pay great attention to detail.

Price to performance
Additional comments

With the fast shipping and the effective compound I trialed, there is no hesitation to recommend this source if you are considering it.

I recommend shopping here!
Atlas53's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Used this source around 5 times already, always 100% SATISFIED.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Last time I ordered Canada Peptides test E, 300mg/ml
Using it as TRT already around 6 weeks
100mg every 4th day
Product great, works perfect, oil smooth and 0 PIP after inject
Very happy and 100% satisfied with this product

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always professional and responsive. No issues with communication or ordering

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

T/A was as expected (as usual). The packaging was simple and discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great source, I'd be happy to order from them again. T&A was on point. I'd be happy to recommend this source to all

I recommend shopping here!
AOPrinciple's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always, great communication and quality products. No complaints.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered 4 vials of the new Canadian Peptides Delatestryl Test E 300.
After coming off some short ester testosterone, I used ~200mg/week of the Delatestryl for just a couple weeks and the attached blood test shows great levels. There's some pip with this solution, but it's not too bad and the dosing is on point.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Fantastic; quick response to communication. A great seller I hope to use for a long time.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Secure and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I definitely recommend shopping with DomesticRoids.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/05/2021 - 05:17
  • [SRC] DomRoids » Thanks for posted bloods mate! Great numbers for 200mg weekly)