Triplestacked1976's picture
  • 2

-1 180 46 years old 2 weeks back since Covid


That’s only 12 weeks. I’m running 16 on the 14th week. Adding climate for post cycle continuing two weeks after cycle. 210 lbs after 16 weeks cardio 4.6 km walking back-and-forth to the gym six days a week day five exercises per body part four sets on each 8 to 12 reps each that increase weight. all the health possibilities running in the family, heart condition, etc. don’t have every two weeks I get blood work done to check everything one time during that cycle family physician physical bloodwork.

Week/ProductTest EnanthateTren EAnadrol
AK80's picture

Thank goodness Rustyhooker is finally gone or he would have continued to have a field day with this one. Anyways, I ran your cycle through ChatGPT and it crashed the app. Just kidding!

Drexyl's picture

I think I might know why there’s some confusion, le Français votre langue preferee?

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Jrblh2's picture

Nothing is making much sense in this forum including the proposed cycle after a long 4 year layoff. I would only recommend a testosterone only cycle no tren get back into the groove. As a matter of fact I'd say give your self some more time without steroids.

Makwa's picture

I hope I am not the only one confused here

Nattyboomba's picture

Oh man

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Triplestacked1976's picture

As I stated earlier, that was a picture before or after eight weeks are in tren I was showing somebody the results show. I will post it before post myself as well as the company I use in the picture of the 10ml bottle of TRT-400

Engineereddisaster's picture

Wigga, that shake weight has been good to you. We’ll it has been good to the dude in the picture. No homo.
That tren will end your marriage and have you killing hookers 6 weeks in.
I don’t think that cycle will be good to you.
How many years did you take off for Covid? Is this your first time with the tren?
How many cycles have you ran?
Tell us a little more about yourself brother. Perhaps give us a pic of your current body..with out the face.

Triplestacked1976's picture

To answer the question it will be the first full cycle. I’ve been studying them for years and years and years I was on trend and draw and test for about three weeks before the gym shut down and then I haven’t touched it since this Monday will be the third injection starting anadrol 50 mg 225 mg tablets twice daily pictures posted

Triplestacked1976's picture

Again, that picture is not me. It was just a picture I took before and after an eight week tren cycle., I asked for knowledge information that you could provide after running six weeks and 50 mg of Anadrol twice daily 25 mg tabs 700 mg of testosterone 300 of Tren I thought using npp due to the fact it’s the fast acting of the two is in the nor 19 family even know, won’t produce the same, but I can’t think of anything else as the second and third, I thought, primo or mastodon acc until I finished the 16 week cycle show you have any better suggestions and appreciate your knowledge. I did not post that picture. I don’t know how it got there but I did post a picture of myself afterwards and I live in Canada Ontario to be exact steroid or illegal to possess use not to sell with my face in the photo I’m not worried about repercussion

Engineereddisaster's picture

Alright. Take a step back. I don’t personally care about the picture.
I can’t help you if I don’t understand your background, cycle and workout history. Please answer these questions.
1. What is your current age, weight, height, and body fat %
2. How long have you been lifting consistently.
3.did you take a break from training and steroids? How long?
4. How many cycles have you ran in the past? What did your last cycle consist of.
5. Are you willing to dedicate yourself to a nohomo lifestyle during any cycle that I suggest?
6. Would you be willing to send naked pics to Greg the moderator if requested (this may be a trick question)

All my love, no homo

Triplestacked1976's picture

When I first got on this form, I asked for advice on something that possibly could help. Instead, you’re asking me questions as if I am on trial gonna start with the last fucking question which I don’t even know where that came from because this is a steroid form, and regardless of the answer would be no I’ll answer elders questions no problem but you tell me one thing you must have some scientific proof but states using steroids before working out for years is the only way to do them because that’s what you’re saying I’m 46 years old 180 pounds I’ve spent years often on the gyms as far back as 1998 when Ronnie Coleman won Mr. Olympia, buying Iron Man magazines and I still to this day watch YouTube videos daily by anabolic doc. My family history course my doctor has been my doctor since I was 13. There is no underlining problems no heart attacks no heart problems in my family. I also have blood work scheduled every two weeks while on the cycle in a month a physical, and I forgot to mention I had a full blood Panel before I started it

Engineereddisaster's picture

There is no need to get butt hurt over my questions. I added a few of those questions at the end as a joke. I was Hoping to lighten the mood a little. I asked the other questions because I really want to help. Believe it or not, you and I are about the same age. I grew up playing with He-man just like you did. I still remember the number 007-373-5963. Do you?
Bro, You are 180 lbs. that’s great. I too weighed 180 lbs once. But that was back in the fourth grade.
I can help you if you will take a breath and quit taking yourself too seriously.
No offense, but your writing skills are on a 3rd grade level. No one here is being an ass. You just have us all confused as to how to help you. We all want to help you.
After asking those questions, I feel like I have enough Information to give you the best advice I can. I have experience in all of the compounds that you are planning on running. I will give you my .02 cents. You can take it or leave it.
1st advice. Don’t run Tren E on your first cycle. Bro, tren has the potential to ruin your damn life if you are not careful.
From your responses, It seems that you are a bit of an ass. I hope I’m wrong. If you are an ass off will be 20 times the ass using tren. With that Tren E at the beginning of the cycle…4 weeks in you will be on the edge of psychosis. Your wife could be living on an island with no men around and you’ll still believe she is cheating on you. Your mind will be playing nasty tricks on you. You will believe everyone is out scheming on you. It will get bad. On top of that You’ll be horny as hell but won’t be able to figure out why you are unable to ejaculate. Do you plan on using anything to combat the prolactin associated with tren use? If not are you going to be ok with the possibility of milk squirting out of your titties? At one point in this cycle you will say, “I gotta get off this shit before I ruin my life!” You will stop pinning it and guess what? Because you ran a long Ester you’ll have to keep wearing the crazy hat for a couple more weeks. Bro, please leave the Tren alone for your first cycle. If you don’t, I promise at one point and time in that cycle you will say..”holy shit. Why didn’t I listen to Ed.”
My second piece of advice: Leave the Anadrol alone. Bro, if you are really 46 you have to be starting to realize how short life really is. Leave that poison alone. You don’t need it. That liver has been working for 46 years. Don’t kill it now. He’s not a spring chicken anymore.
Bro, take your cycles one bite at a time.
I suggest you keep it simple. 250 to 300 mg’s of Test E twice a week. Rotate sites, Take some time to learn how to manage the post injection pain (pip) if you are hell bent on pushing that cycle a little harder, do it with the Masteron. Masteron is kind and will probably be good to you. If you are running Masteron prop, you’ll need to pin that a little more frequently. That might cause pip issues in virgin muscle. So it’s ok to leave that off.
You didn’t mention an A.I. you probably better look in to that so you don’t get bitch tit and yes. Gynecomastia from Test E is a different form of titty that prolactin Gyno from Tren E. You don’t want either. Unless you do want your own titties. If that’s the case..fine.
I hope that helps, no homo
PS. I can appreciate the fact that you are a Ronnie fan. He will always be a king in my book. I’d be willing to bet that Ronnie would tell you to slow down too. One look at Ronnie’ll see why it’s important to slow down.

press1's picture

'I grew up playing with He-man' - No Homo! (playing with He-man's man tackle is just wrong Ed)

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Engineereddisaster's picture

One might assume that He-Man carried the same Homo-erotic connotations back in the 80’s, as they do now that the internet has perverted even the straightest of toys, no homo. That assumption is wrong. He-Man itself was one of the earliest forms of No-Homo statements as the toy itself stood as a type of No-homo test.
Homo boys wanted nothing to do with the power of Greyskull. They were more interested in playing with their sister’s Ken-Doll. Who has a much stronger homo element attached to him as he normally was responsible for driving Barbie’s pink ass car in various homoerotic outfits. No homo.
He-man’s “Man Tackle” as you would put it, consisted of a shield, and sword sword that was used to fight off the homo powers of Skeletor, who in fact became a skeleton due to the chronic wasting associated with the AIDS virus no homo.
I hope this history lesson clears it up for you.
All my love no homo,

press1's picture

HAhahaha LMFAO!!! Bro I was also a Huge He-man fan during the time he ruled Eternia & the rest of the Universe!! I was a child of the 80's too and every evening after school if it was on you bet I would be watching it Lol Didn't Skeletor have kinky sex with the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull though??!

You remember these guy's?

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Drexyl's picture

Lionel was definitely a fag. (Said in my best Jackie Gleason voice)

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Drexyl's picture
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Engineereddisaster's picture

No, The Sorceress only hooked up with He-Man, perhaps once with Man-at-Arms after a couple ov Zima’s, but never Skeletor. The only chick Skeletor hung out with was Evil-Lynn, who in fact was a Bull-Dyke, who just happened to hate He-Man. Who just happened to be a muscle-bound alpha-male. Go figure.

Drexyl's picture

I don’t know if Evil-Lynn was a dyke, I think she was just firm, and had different look about herself, like Fairuza Balk, who would definitely get it BTW.

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press1's picture

Do you reckon Evil-Lyn routinely pegged Skeletor & forced the Sorceress to join in?

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press1's picture

DO NOT run Test / Tren E & Anadrol for a first cycle, this is a BAD idea. It is TOXIC as hell and really is more of a hardcore strength cycle than a general gym cycle especially a first one. First cycle should be Test E only at up to 500mg/wk. Get to know how you tolerate this and ancillaries as and when needed and take it from there. Read the Newby forum on here and join in on the general forums and learn everything you can. Running the above cycle will do nothing but hurt your organs and probably cause you to rupture a muscle.

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press1's picture

What happens if one cannot commit to the No Homo lifestyle during a steroid cycle?

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Engineereddisaster's picture

That’s a very good question, if one is not willing to commit to the no homo lifestyle, I usually have to make a couple of adjustments to my cycle advice. That usually includes increasing or adding Anavar to the cycle with some slight adjustments to the AI.
Thank you for asking. No homo

press1's picture

Seriously Bro - I can't believe someone would put that picture up of themselves! Shok

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Triplestacked1976's picture

You must’ve missed the part that I have said three times now that picture is a before and after eight week cycle of trend I was showing a buddy why that picture got put up was an accident and I have all the questions you guys last night answered not one person has actually answered the question. I originally asked dead. Everybody has just decided to lock the watch where I’m going to cycle so if nobody’s got any information that is helpful then I guess this is not what I thought it would be

press1's picture

Bud CHILL out!!! We are just pulling your leg (Joking) we know that isn't your real picture - its one that goes up by default when you have put something up that breaks the rules such as showing your face or packaging details.

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