Double A's picture
Double A 183

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 3 Quality 100% 3 Delivery 93.3333% 3 Service 100% 3 Pricing 100% 3
TheCrow333's picture
My overall experience

Clean and effective.

Most of the year I stay cruising at 200mg of test C/E a week but decided to add a little more for the summer. I grabbed some winstrol and proviron for a quick 4 week cycle. Within a few days I started dumping water weight and pissing every 30 mins. Veins are popping and dick is bricked up every morning. No PIP so far using the SUST 250. Pumps are feeling a ton better as I'm actually starting to get a burn again. This is my first time using Armani Anabolics and I wish I gave them a shot years ago. I have ordered from Eroids for years and never took the time to write a review until now. This source deserves more credit than they get. Don't sleep on them.

Products, effectiveness and results

Best US domestic source I've used so far.

No pip, strength us up, water weight is down, and dick is hard. My favorite source on eroids so far.

SUST 250 is as clean as it gets.
Winny is hitting perfect at only 50mg a day.

Customer service

Everything you need to know is listed on the site and easy to understand.

Shipping and Delivery

Super fast shipping. Received the order within 5 days of placing it.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I regret not ordering from them sooner.

I recommend shopping here!
Gman24's picture
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Gogo1294's picture
My overall experience

The HCG is trash. Bunk 100%. I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve cycled on and off and used HCG multiple times. Armani HCG is trash and don’t even waste your time. Idk how he gets all these great reviews. I’m 5’10. 215lbs. No acne no Pip no balls dropping because his HCG is trash.

Products, effectiveness and results

The HCG is garbage. It was probably sitting and he just wanted to get rid of it. That’s why it’s so cheap on the website.

Customer service

I’m here writing a bad review. So I guess it was great(sarcasm)

Shipping and Delivery

At least they got this part right. Discreetly packaged.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Double A » Thanks for taking the time to leave such an in-depth and well thought out review! I’m assuming you must have some evidence besides “trash” and “my balls” to back up your claims. Otherwise you just come off as another dumb douche bag kid online with no experience and a very low IQ. Of course that couldn’t be you though
  • Gogo1294 » Save the bullshit. Deny deny deny all you want shit head. You’re right, you’re perfect. It’s just everyone else that’s crazy.
  • [SRC] Double A » No, it’s just you. Not everyone else
  • Gogo1294 » Yup. And your HCG is dog water. Have a good day ass hat.
  • Gogo1294 » Evidence? Oh yeah let me go waste more funds on getting your bunk gear tested. Yea super bright of you there.
  • [new] Mistafrenched » I was saying this same shit a few weeks ago bro his gear is bunk was running his masteron and tren and literally no changes in nothing tren a you know pretty quick if it's legit week one nothing went up to 100mg Ed week two fucking nothing threw the shit in the trash
  • Rg23 » Agreed his gear is ether bunk or very underdosed, used the tren, semaglutide, cialis and all of it felt like nothing, as soon as I added in a trusted sources gear and felt everything like normal so it’s definitely trash
  • [SRC] Double A » Yes, and your credibility is through the roof as well. You two should start a support group for girl-brained, dumb lonely little kids
  • [new] Mistafrenched » I'll send my trash tren to jano if you pay for it double aa put your money where your mouth is cap not even cracked off
  • [SRC] Double A » Ouch! Good one. lol I do offer incentive and compensation for testing, you idiot. I’m not going to trust some dumb little kid with absolutely zero credibility or integrity. I know all of our stuff is great.
  • Gogo1294 » A little over a week later and everything’s turned on. They finally dropped. Maybe it was low dosed. Who knows. I’m just doing the right thing and letting your fuck ass know that your dog water HCG finally worked for me. You ass hat.
  • [new] Mistafrenched » Your a joke would have nothing to do with me I'm the one who is losing to be honest if you come out it being legit your lab looks better for doing it but obviously you don't want it tested for some reason hmmm --
Littleginger's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I’ve been using Armani for no telling how many years now. My number one go to domestic source for my oils and orals. Gave the TNE a try and got bloods pulled while also running 250mg Armani cyp. Additional cycle info posted with picture

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I cannot speak enough on the quality of Armani oils I’ve used. This review is more geared toward my use of the TNE pre workout. I did 50mg one hour prior to training for two days in row before bloods.

TNE for sure gave me a hell of a kick as you can see my test score over 7000. Weight jumped up couple pounds which was water but much more full looking. Pumps were noticeably better and just felt like you could squeeze another rep in vs when I’m not

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Can’t say enough on customer service. Ordering process and communication is second to none

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Super secure and turn time similar to Amazon prime which has spoiled me

Price to performance
Additional comments

Never had any issues over the years of using Armani and would recommend to anyone

I recommend shopping here!
Meathooks's picture
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  • Meathooks » Edit; forgot to put 5 starts for every category. But that goes without saying.
Abel0187's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The experience was super smooth. I was impressed with everything about my experience with AA. I am already putting together another order!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

X2 Sustanon 250-
I have been on several different brands of sustanon, but AA is by far the best I’ve used. It’s been about 6 weeks since TD and i couldn’t be happier. My arms feel more full, I have more energy than before starting it, and all the little aches and pains I was feeling (it could be a coincidence) disappeared. I will be getting my blood work done next week and will post the results as soon as I receive them.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

It was my first time using AA so I had a question about my order, they responded within a few hours. I was very impressed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The packaging was very discreet, and arrived in 6 days from the time I placed the order.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I was a little skeptical about ordering at first due to the great prices. But I figured I would place a small order and see what happens. I am so glad that I did. 10/10 will definitely be ordering more stuff soon.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 04/19/2024 - 02:05
Wolflove's picture
My overall experience

Great experience, everything arrived in a timely manner and was definitely dosed appropriately. I really like Armanian anabolics because they have higher concentrated product. EQ 600(Wow) and test 500

Products, effectiveness and results

EQ 600
Test 500
Great results strength levels increased and vascularity greatly increased.

Customer service

Ordering process was very easy. Great communication, responded immediately when they received payment and Items were being shipped.

Shipping and Delivery

Very discreet packaging and package arrived in less than a week

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Eagles 2013's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My first experience with Arni was actually one of the best I have had in 10 years on Eroids. Arni reached out without me initiating after I placed my first order just to ask me how things went, and if he could help at all. The order was delivered in under five days with free gifts and the quality is absolutely on par. I will be doing business with Arni exclusively for US Domestic going forward.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Absolutely top-notch. I ordered TNE and Semaglutide. The TNE draw, smooth pinch gives almost no PIP, provide some incredible pumps when taking as a pre-workout. I had been using Semaglutide from another top, so I’m here for almost a year and noticed to absolutely their drop off when I switched to Arni’s.

Also, worth noting, I ordered 5X TNE and received 10X. -)

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Absolutely incredible. Arni reached out to me on his own accord just to make sure I didn’t have any questions after placing the first order and then included five free vials of TNE. Just incredible service all the way around.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tight, secure, and ahead schedule

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are a class act. I will be doing business with them exclusively for all of my US domestic orders going forward.

I recommend shopping here!
Valhalla72's picture
My overall experience

I am very happy with my purchases from Armani and their service and shipping is the very best.

Only time I ever had an issue was with 500mg/ml of Test E which left a nasty PIP and knot in my thigh for 5 days. I did discuss with some more experienced friends of mine and they laughed saying "what did you expect from 500mg/ml???? I threw it out and will stick with 250 test cyp from now on.

Very happy with the 250 test, 300 tren A, 300 Deca, 300 masteron i've ordered as well as the HGH. Will keep Armani as my main source for the foreseeable future. Just no more 500 Test E for me!

Armani is my go-to source

Products, effectiveness and results

Very high. No issues related to qualty

Customer service

never an issue. Fast shipping and fast clearance of payments

Shipping and Delivery

Fast and secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
TonyGchisel508's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Hey guys whats up new here! I've used a few sources from the US and AA is by far the best hands down!! I've been using his products since end of December and the difference between armanis products and other sources I've used are night and day. I found my go to source for sure.i was already on a cycle and in a bind couldn't get anything and came here as one of my buddies was and within a week to two weeks already could notice a huge difference in the way I felt my pumps were insane and and I started putting on a noticeable amount of size and weight ... the quality on everything I've tried has been amazing...

Products, effectiveness and results

So I've used test c 250, sustanon 250, test e 300 & 400, test p100, deca 300, mast p 100, tren a 100, EQ 300, Dbol 50, anavar 20... all the products I've used from armani... all amazing I couldn't be happier with these guys ... all do what there supposed to do never dissapoints... and to put the rumors to rest the recent order I just got, the oils were so crispy clean super clear.. I never had any serious pip with any of the products not the test e 400 even ... only thing causes a little pip was the tren a 100... but no swelling no trips to the emergency room lol.. all around amazing won't go anywhere else from now on! Thanks Again guys!

Customer service

The Customer service is top-notch if you have a question and need help just send an email and he will get back to you as soon as possible. Usually very fast within a few hours. Makes the process so much easier and less stressful!

Shipping and Delivery

Very nicely and neatly packed vacuum sealed super tight and neat packaging... normal orders come in usually very quick 5 or 6 days even over Christmas had my stuff in less than 2 weeks... also tracking with every order is a huge plus!!!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Craigtrue27's picture
My overall experience

Good service
Test eand tren e bad pip every time. Severe swelling pain. Trips to emergency. Bad stuff man. It’s gota stop!!!

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 03/09/2024 - 21:48
  • FitSRQ » I've been using Armani gear for over 2 years and have never experienced any adverse reactions. Sure you didn't inject toilet water?
  • wanted » Was it test E
  • Craigtrue27 » Now why would you make that comment on my review. Every time I’ve ordered test 500 and tren e the pip is extreme. If you have had other experiences fine but don’t come in my review and try down play it. Anyone else can chime in on the bad pip from there products. Trying to shut people up is not gona help these suppliers send quality clean gear so if your bias then mind your business. Their gear has bad pip and is almost impossible to inject without extreme swelling and pain. I have 25 years in brother. So again mind your business
  • [SRC] Double A » Okay, you really need to specify that it was 500mg test. Now you’re just showing your lack of experience. It’s quite common for higher concentrations to carry a bit of a bite . It certainly does not mean it’s unclean. Please educate yourself before commenting and trying to tarnish our reputation
  • Wolflove » A lot of people don’t understand/know higher concentrated gear has a a higher risk of PIP. I always mix it with another component that has a lower concentration. Maybe you guys need to do a disclaimer for noobs. But please keep your higher dose product,
  • Craigtrue27 » You don’t know me and you don’t know what you’re talking about saying I have lack of experience. I was gona leave it alone but you seem to think you know some things about me. Bud I been around since professional muscle in the 90s! Don’t call me out. I could have talked about your other products with pip but I didn’t. You guys sell this garbage with no directions or warning labels and some kid sticks it in his leg and ends up having to get surgery n his career is over so watch your mouth. I’m tired of you guys selling junk n saying it’s great stuff. I’ve done hundreds of trials and know the differences between quality products. Like I said! Put a label on it for stupid kids so they only micro dose it. It’s effin dangerous man. Get it!