Trenbolone-e 200
Trenbolone by Pharmaqo

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 2 Credibility 10 2 Side Effects / Pip 10 2 Overall 10 2
Joeysnackzs's picture
+ 3
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Vascularity is noticeably there forearms are veiny and pumped after inly one set. Noticeable strength increase despite not training bench as much still able to match previous pr's.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Trensomnia, night sweats, you name it. Even though im on a low dose of 165 mg a week you definitely still feel it.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

get that dry tongue and throat when injecting. I dont get from any other AAS. No pip oils are smooth

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Managed to knick this bad boy from a friend who decided to not use it in his own cycle. Feels unjust to let a review not be done. Tren of course being as versatile as it is using this during my 20wk bulk putting on good size.

Additional comments

Feel lucky to have knicked this bad boy from my friend. Not sure if this review is allowed because i didnt buy directly from source. But its also his go to source he also let me snag 4 vials of there npp which is just as good as there tren.

I recommend this product!
trengod1992's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Keeping me full while I’m only taking. Trt dose of 160mg

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Strength and aggression is through the roof I’m just a low dose of 200 mg a week

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Nights sweets and some aggression

Final Verdict
No votes yet

A++++ product. I am on it right,
I am on week six and feeling great

I recommend this product!
Boa's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Trenbolone is great and strong product. It delivers stamina and strength to the space. No pip but sometimes tren cough.

Product Credibility
Average: 9 (1 vote)

Lab is real and.no.jokes with compounds they delivers. Verification code is real and it works.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 9 (1 vote)

Hair loss and grease skin, some acne
No pip at all

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Great lab and verification is great and helpfull. Tren e is one of My favorits compounds to run for muscle gain and hardening muscle. Just keep side effects checked.

I recommend this product!
BigArmsSmallCock's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Potent as fuck.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Can confirm code on their site.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Acne higher heartbeat all the time and heartburn .

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Be careful with tren its like a steroid on steroids, nothing for beginners. Gained 6 lean kg in8 weeks with being even more shredded then before, strenght went up a good bit but especially my vascularity increased alot and was horny all the fucking time i wanted to fucking everything in sight.

I recommend this product!
Anabolic chicken's picture
+ 6
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

This is the product which made me monster in gym. In 14 weeks gain of almost 6 kilos, veins coming out and look was freaky. Strength was excellent i managed to achieve personal bests. 600mg every week this is exactly what trenbolone can do and make you feel very strong.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

The product was my main and it looked wonderful. Color was yellow-brown like rust. i can 100% tell my friends to use it but only in advance cycles or with experience.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

This is strong and can bring out lot of aggression. A lot of care and personal will to run it. Acne is more than what other products can give, anxiety can make your nights hard to sleep, sweating in the night can also make it hard to sleep.

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

This was my main product and my most important product of cycle. 3rd product i used from pharmaqo brand.

I recommend this product!
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thank you sir
PussyLicker's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet
<p>I used 200mg peer week and without any change in diet i lost fat and still got stronger. Makes me muscle look fuller and slighty rounder also makes me really vascular. But be careful with that stuff its really toxic</p>
Product Credibility
No votes yet
<p>Confirmed as legit on pharmaqo page</p>
Side effects and PIP
No votes yet
<p>No pip but tren give me alot hearthburn.</p>
Final Verdict
No votes yet
<p>Potent tren!</p>
I recommend this product!
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