yokedbull's picture
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Been taking 125 mg of his sust 250 split in 3 pins (mon, wed, fri) per week for the last 2 months along with anavar at 50 mg from another source
Feeling great, libido is up and getting lean by the day

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Mr Roid's picture

Thanks for sharing bro!

Makwa's picture

Test looks good. Var already has your lipids messed up.

yokedbull's picture

I know man what would you recommend to get that cholesterol down?

Makwa's picture

Only thing that works for me is Crestor from the doc.

Badgoat1's picture

5mg of crestor worked wonders but really fucked my liver values up. Cycling var at 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off with a clean diet seems to keep it in check.

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yokedbull's picture

Ive heard that high cholesterol is not something u have to worry anymore, its more important to have your triglycerides, a1c and insulin low. This is the reason i pulled them too. In fact high cholesterol is protective to the cell membranes

Makwa's picture

High cholesterol hardens your arteries and is a stroke waiting to happen.