Roidbazaar's picture
Roidbazaar 133

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 98.9189% 37 Quality 98.3784% 37 Delivery 96.7568% 37 Service 97.2973% 37 Pricing 97.8378% 37
  • jason0316 » Fyi, i miss clicked the 4 star on shipping and delivery but didn’t realize until it was posted. Sorry
Josegoldberg's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

It’s always a pleasure doing business with Roidbazaarme. Com.

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered 2 vials dianaplex 50, 1 vial of titan 400, 1 anadrol 50, and 1 Turan 10mg

Customer service

It’s the best nomatter what company you use, Roidbazaarme. Com

Shipping and Delivery

From the time I send my money off it’s in my mailbox no longer then 7 days usually 6 but sometimes 7

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 09/09/2023 - 06:13
  • Josegoldberg » I’ve used these guys for years and never have had a problem with the quality of gear. I’ll never use another company thanks
rhodes78's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This company has gone from good to bad in a very short period of time..I placed a order over 9 days ago domentic with a shipping label and nothing..i do not have alot of money and for them to do this to me is devastating...I would advise anyone looking to use them find another problem taking my money fast and giving some bs escuse about controls..please avoid..

Products, effectiveness and results

order 5 test cyp=nothing came

3 npp=nothing
1-anadrol nothing came

Customer service

bs runna around excuses went from very good to bad in a short period..what good is a fast response when they are lying

Shipping and Delivery

would not know..because never shipped it

Price to performance
Additional comments

i hope to change this review to something good but as of now i have not heard back from them..i will keep change this if they do right by me..I was a good customer and have placed prior orders..i will provide this board with updates..that way these companies can be held accountable..

I do not recommend shopping here!
edited 09/08/2023 - 18:55
  • rhodes78 » company contacted me..I have two diffrent says usa warhouses and the bs control story...other one says usps did not scan my package..I will wait and see..if they correct this asap i will remove review..if not it stands
  • rhodes78 » now offering a bitcoin refund..guess what i paid with zelle and don't have a bit giving me bs excuses that package takes up to scan 10 days at usps..don't make me laugh...if i don't have my package monday..i will go to every body building board and warn them
japootietang's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I placed an order on Aug 18th. Domestic order. They accepted payment a day later. They made a pre shipment label on Aug 24th. It’s sept 7th and it still hasn’t been received by USPS. I’ve contacted them numerous times and I get the same generic answer saying they contacted the shipper. Please be patient. So all in all it’s been three weeks since I ordered still no package and they have not offered a refund. Buyer beware..

Products, effectiveness and results

Wouldn’t know yet.

Customer service

Terrible. Fast responses with copy and paste answers. I just want my order or my money back. They refuse to provide me with either.

Shipping and Delivery

Pre shipment label created 2 weeks ago domestic order still no package and USPS says they nvr received it.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • rhodes78 » have you gotton you package?
  • japootietang » No, I have not gotten my package yet and they just stopped replying to my messages when I ask about it
  • rhodes78 » any update on you're package?
  • rhodes78 » same here...i am out 500.00..and they do not reply in the last 24 hours..pre-shippment label like you
  • trenmonster » .
  • rhodes78 » they can either make this right or i plan to do everything in my power on all fourms to inform people..i am pissed
ErieToPitt's picture
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Vincent68's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Small problem during customs clearance, resolved with reimbursement of expenses by roidbazar

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

products on offer from intex a real surprise : Tren E 200 & Testo E 400 perfect and balanced dosage for my programs , which have been going on for four weeks , a few pips with the text and usual mental charge with tren , next cycle I will insert some orals for give a good kick at the start

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As I said before I was followed day after day by the team when the package was stopped, maybe in some moments I was arrogant, and I apologize, in the end they refunded me 50 dollars out of 14 dollars of customs fees

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Perfect parcel anonymous and resistant

Price to performance
Additional comments

I reconsidered my previous review as the problems I had are not from roidbazar, but unfortunately from the Italian postal service during customs clearance, the products arrived to me anyway within the maximum time calculated by the site, I hope that in customs for the next order the same thing does not happen, thanks to the team for assistance and reimbursement of customs costs, which I have never had in other retailers, the products flow just fine, let's hope that the manufacturer's quality remains the same over time

I recommend shopping here!
  • chris-Jhony » My favourite brand to go. Just checked the newest test results on their website- everything seems on point like always!
BootyGear's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Overall roidbaazar is one of the easiest and most efficient site for my orders. They’re my go to for just about everything.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hgh 120iu USA grey tops - work great tan 3iu, 4iu, and even 5iu at one point for a bit and I always had a pump and good fullness to my muscle. Fat loss is great too and I used them during my contest prep. Fat came
off like butter 1-2lbs / week on average and my overall well being on hgh I feel awesome, good sleep, good recovery, good skin / hair nails.

PramaQo Drostanolone P 100mg - masteron was clean no pip and oil flowed easily. Ran it a majority of my prep at 400mg / week. Pushed all the way to 700mg but don’t know if notice much more benefit past 400mg on masteron. Quality stuff. Mental drive, hardness and grainy skin texture was 100% there.

PharmaQo tren ace - smooth tren. I pin all fast esters daily. No pip / minimal. I ran my tren at 350 but honestly I feel like I could get away with 150-200mg.
I would use this product again 100% for next contest prep.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always on point and answer my tickets in a timely manner. They always provide tracking. I’ve ordered international and domestic and have always received every order with no issues.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good. I think I waited like 4 days for the domestic GH to arrive I was surprised how fast I received it. Packing on all products is top notch and stealth

Price to performance
Additional comments

Thank you guys. Will be ordering again!

I recommend shopping here!
whodaguy808's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

Great! Fast, discreet, respond quickly.

Products, effectiveness and results

Been running the grey top HGH and not to thrilled on it. Not sleeping better or strength gains. Running 2ius upon waking and 2ius before bed.

Customer service

Excellent! I will still use them, just not the grey tops.

Shipping and Delivery

t/a perfect, packing and deliver is on point.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • mikeyt4e » how long you been on the grey tops?
  • whodaguy808 » 4 months
Dragon54's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

RoidBazaar has been exceeding my expectations for over 3 years now.Quick , efficient.The products are helping me to achieve my goals of recomp. Slowly losing fat while maintaining and tightening up.My weight has been steady at 245,but look and feel better than before

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I use XT labs as a domestic source and order the Sustaplex 275 mg. I take this amount every 5 days. I am 60 , Right now training is very light because of wrist surgery in May and another scheduled in 2 weeks.However people think I still am training heavy because I have not lost any mass!!!I feel great on it and have been in much better moods. Products are dosed correctly in my opinion because I am not losing strength or size after surgery.Really happy with my condition

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The turnaround on questions, me wanting to change orders or use promo money I earned were always promptly taken care of. Even when I made mistakes , they corrected everything for me with no delays or price adjustments. I am very happy with them. They are very easy to get a hold of and answer in a timely fashion

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Domestic and international orders come in exactly as promised on time or a day or two early. Package is private and bubble wrapped for protection.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have used a few sources on Eroids. All have been good. Really no major problems, but RoidBazaar has proved to be the best of the best for me. XT labs have been great for price and quality. I use the international warehouses to get my T3 . The deals on multiple packs are great and my wife has issues in her thyroid but me buying this has made her feel better.Dr said she is borderline and would not write a script. But getting T3 has really helped her in recovery and mood.I was skeptical of all sites on here but really have positive outcomes and am now a loyal RB shopper and I recommend them to everyone at my gym and everyone who asks where I get my gear .

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/20/2023 - 10:06
  • [MOD] Greg » Follow the review guidelines or post the bloodwork
AZDMD's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered Test prop. And the Fast Rip blend. Everything was as advertised. Libido went up within 2 injections of prop. 1cc eod. Gained a lean 9 lbs throughout cycle. Very happy with supplier.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Test Prop and Rip Blend
Products were as advertised

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Had no issues but customer service has always been on point with Roid bazaar!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Arrived within the advertised timeframe

Price to performance
Additional comments

Would recommend

I recommend shopping here!
SkiElectric's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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  • [MOD] Greg » In case you missed it in... YOU MAY WRITE A REVIEW IF... which I'm sure you read in full... TEXT DISCLOSING PERSONAL INFO WILL BE DELETED. Do not post personal information, payment methods used, emails, tracking numbers and similar content.
Crossfire84's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had to come back and review on my last order again. I’m always pleased with RB but it I’m being honest I thought the brand was going down for awhile. Always out of stuff. Then I get hit out of the blue asking if I’d like to promo?? Sounds sketchy lol. I took a chance though and I’m more than pleased with the entire experience.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is my main reason for coming back with an edit. I ordered some of that Sixpex caber and aromasin and after getting my bloodwork back the other day, my estrogen and prolactin were in normal range. My prolactin was even a bit low. I’m currently running 600mg test c and 450mg NPP and 2i.u HGH edI already have a little gyno and tend to aromatize pretty heavily ever since I got it. Plus GH seemed like it would make it grow within first week or so of use. I did some reading and saw some stuff about Gh, prolactin and gyno so I chanced it with this caber from a company I couldn’t find anything about. Glad I did.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Never have had a problem. Within 12-24 hrs usually.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always wrapped and protected well and made discreetly.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Cheap and excellent quality… that’s kind of how I feel about this Sixpex brand. Since ordering I’ve seen it pop up a couple other sources but I still can’t find many reviews. I’m completely satisfied with the product and the source so I thought i should do my part and leave mine letting people know it’s a good product.

I recommend shopping here!
drussak89's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've gone through RB multiple times and have always had a great experience. Decided to try a new brand (Pharmaqo) and had great results

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2 bottles of Pharmaqo Test-P 100, 1 bottle of Pharmaqo Arimidex (1mg 50 tabs) I've tried multiple brands of Test and Adex and have to say these are on point. Nightly boners, steady gains, no estrogenic flare ups as far as I could tell. Have not gotten labs but I am pretty in tune with my body. My only issue with the Arimidex is there is no easy way to split them in 2 (no notch in the middle) Being on .5 mg ed this made it a little bit difficult but aside from that couldn't be happier with my results.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As always RB is on point, i had a question for them and they were quick to respond. They truly set the bar in this regard

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Came in a stealth, discreet small box with plenty of bubble wrap inside, no risk of them breaking. Came about 3 days sooner than i thought it would

Price to performance
Additional comments

Definitely will be returning to RB, everything I look for in a source

I recommend shopping here!
Highlander's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Another smooth order with quality products. RB has been my go to domestic source for years and I don't see that changing. 240mg of Test E has bloods right where I want them. I added 50mg a day of Emirates Winny, which was the first time trying that line. It was basically cardio in a pill. The wife was pleased with the 100mg of sild.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

XT Test 300, Emirates Win, & viagra. Results were better than expected. I wish I would’ve ordered more Winny, which I’ll be doing now. I dropped body fat without changing diet or cardio.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is one of the main reasons I always go w/ RB. Smooth sailing, product came in within time frame given

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet packaging, pack came in a few days earlier than I expected

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is my go to 100% and highly recommend

I recommend shopping here!
Stoyeboy1983's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Roidbazaar has always been my go to, they always come through and no matter what lab I've run they all are legit and give me results.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have ordered npp, tren , dbol and arimidex. All products were effective, gained about 10pounds of muscle with the npp, cut alot of weight while retaining muscle with tren, test cyp keeps strength through roof. Dbol got my BP too high but was very good at giving me strength. I have very few sides like night sweats and back acne from compounds, and elevated BP but nothing I can't live with.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Customer service is always awesome, I receive emails back within hours of sending them one , and there was a hiccup on we time with an order that got lost, and they made it right and sent me another. They are always polite and caring about needs you have and quick to answer questions. Ordering process is easy and discreet

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The delivery of my packages has always been very discreet and packaged really tight and well. Ordering domestic It would be at my doorstep within 5 days of purchase Date, very quick! And even international has been pretty decent lately with just a couple weeks! Amazing turn around!!

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you are looking for great gear and awesome service that you know is gonna hit your doorstep them these guys are the go to. They even throw extras in every now and then for ya. Couldn't ask for more in a business.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 07/24/2023 - 20:30
  • [MOD] Greg » GENARIC reviews are not permitted. Review items ordered and used within the last 6 months ONLY. Follow the review guidelines EXACTLY as given.