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+ 1 Study on cardiovascular morbidity mixing PDE5i (Cialis) with Nitrates


I know a lot of folks on here take Cialis for various reasons such as workout pumps and lowering BP on cycle. New study published correlating Cialis use with nitrates with higher chance of cardiovascular morbidity. If you fit this niche, keep a close eye on this and/or get with your doctor about it.

Makwa's picture

I would be worried about all the nitrates we consume in our preworkout drinks. Might be equivalent to a nitro tab for a lot of us. Lol

SeeOhShow's picture

Very good point.

Rosschestzip's picture

So what medications are nitrates? Are they something a lot of us would be taking or more uncommon? And I hope this doesn’t sound dumb but are they the same as the nitrates we get from food?

SeeOhShow's picture

Brand names? I couldn’t spout off for you. I would say they’re more uncommon and would be folks with chest pain like angina.

They shouldn’t be using gear anyways, but Cialis is so easy to get on here it’s worth mentioning.

And yes we do also get nitrates from food. This is why they say some foods act as natural vasodilators. I haven’t looked for any studies if the nitrates used for medicine are exactly the same as found in food or if they’re just under the same umbrella. It’s a safe assumption, however, that the amount you get from food would be considerably less than the amount you’d be taking as a medication.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ok good to know. And I looked it up and the only one I recognized was nitroglycerin so ya if you need nitroglycerin your probably not on gear lol. But you never know.