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UK Lucozade Goes Rogue!!


Not sure if anyone gets this stuff outside of the U.K - but for those of us who do the unthinkable has happened!! Lucozade Original has changed it's taste - NOOOOOO!!!!

For those who don't know what it is, it started out as a Glucose based drink for when you were ill with a cold or the squits and couldn't stomach any food - but you still needed hydration and energy! It was used mainly for that purpose during the 80's and then during the 90's it was marketed as a sports drink where various other flavours and varieties came out such as Orange, Apple, Blackcurrant etc. The Original Flavour is still the best though and up until now has stood the test of time - it tastes quite strange and I guess almost like you would imagine drain cleaner to be LMAO Its sweet followed by a kinda bitter undertone which makes it very unique and likeable. A bit like Marmite in that its a desired taste but millions drink it daily still. They also halved the amount of sugar in it some years ago to save it from the sugar tax that came into force over here to try tackle our obesity crisis.

However as these companies do - they decided to change its taste for some crazy and unthinkable reason. I got my first experience of this yesterday, it now tastes sweeter and more like an Orange & lemon drink than drain cleaner LOL Which I am not a fan of Sad

The artificial sweetener they use in it too has changed from aspartame to sucralose because of the recent cancer risks associated with aspartame. The old sweetener gave it a mental alertness edge which has something to do with the effect it has on the nervous system, you can defiantly feel the difference without it in. For people that have tried it so far, what are your opinions on the new flavour?

Makwa's picture

Never heard of it. Often times the new and improved versions are way worse than the original. I remember back in college, the dorm bathrooms came out with a new and better version of toilet paper. Instead of Sandy Wipe and it was now Sandy Wipe II with the slogan even more sandier than the original. Was not a very good upgrade in my book and everyone wanted to go back to the original version.

press1's picture

Lets face it - with anything the manufacturer has changed things because they are trying to make more money from the customer. So they try and cheapen the ingredients or take something out, because when they are selling millions of units they will make more money. They try and sell it to us mugs as the 'better' version but really it ain't lol. Kinda the same as when a Lab does really well so they think how can we make more money from a vial of gear? Scratch one-s head Ohh I know we will buy some cheaper quality RAW's and hope the muscleheads won't notice!! WRONG - if you use that product regularly you can tell straight away that its changed and has become shit.

Makwa's picture

remember when they changed the formula for Coke. My sister flipped out when they did that. That didn't last long. I think the whole USA was pissed they did that. Lol

Mac12769's picture

I remember that lol. Changed the label, can, commercial, the whole thing. Tasted little sweeter to me and more like Pepsi, but with a shitty aftertaste, which I didn't really care for anyway. Stopped drinking sodas really long while back though...but yeah they pulled that back faster than Bud Lite Lol

press1's picture

I watched a video the other day where this girl had a piss stained toilet - she poured a bottle of Coke in it and let it stand for 30 minutes. Then she flushed it without even scrubbing the bowl and all the stain washed away!!!

Makwa's picture

Put a nail in your can of coke and it will be dissolved the next day.

press1's picture

HAHAhaha Unfortunately I don't think the UK's fondness for lucozade will match the US's for Coca Cola LOL There has been a fuss kicked up over it but I think they will just say 'Fuck em - they'll get use to it' Lol

Makwa's picture

Power of the people Lol

ForeverFitBod1's picture

My wife would be making use of those "glass knobbly bottles"

Shall I drink it before or after? That is the question haha

I imagine that's like the equivalent to our Gatorade over here in the states

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press1's picture

They actually do a Lucozade 'Sport' version which is flat and is probably more like Gatorade, this stuff is quite carbonated and quite awkward to drink until you either put it in a glass with ice or shake it a bit lol I went and got a load of bottles earlier from another place I use and 2/3's of the shelf was already the newer version which is worrying, I thought I would have more time to replenish stocks before The World comes to an End - Kind of like you and your Bunker!!! LMAO You guy's have your Guns - I have my Lucozade!!! LMFAO

This really is a Life or Death scenario bud ......

Waltdisneysbum's picture

Has the orange flavor also changed or just the original? I can't remember the last time I had an original lucozade, I'll have to pick one up on the way to the gym today and try it. Biggrin

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press1's picture

I believe its both the Original and Orange flavour - I have seen some say that the orange flavour has improved with the change, tastes less artificial.

r.f's picture

When you'd go visit loved ones in hospitals all youd see was lucozade original bottles everywhere next to patients.. Lol, Brilliant drink tastes fantastic

press1's picture

Reminds you of being a kid when you see the glass nobbly bottles doesn't it lol I'm pretty sure they sold those little ones into my early teenage years which was early 90's, then the bigger plastic ones came into force. There is an old unopened one for sale on Ebay for £70!

r.f's picture

Haha the old glass bottles are classic. When we fell ill or even broke a leg , lucozade was given to us like it was the doctors orders. Our elders thought it was some kind of medicine. Fast forward to 90s and with all the adverts showing up on billboards at football and sports event we found out its just a energy drink..with it being made by beechams people thought its some kind of medicine to cure everything from flus to dehydration

press1's picture

Yeh it actually was made by Beechams wasn't it!! Lol No more Bro ....

LondonGeordie's picture

I always used to drink the orange one as everyone else did and remember my mum would always buy the original, I’d be like who even drinks the original then I gave it a try and couldn’t stop stealing all of hers lol

alekaras's picture

It's still same here in Greece, we probably have some older batch!!

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press1's picture

Hey you get it over there do you bud? Biggrin

alekaras's picture

Yes sir it's been around for years!
Used it a lot in my former job, working out in the sun!!

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press1's picture

Wicked!! I am gonna go out today and buy 20 big bottles of the old stuff while I can still get it in other supermarkets LMAO