ForeverFitBod1's picture
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+ 10 The Risk: how do steroids Kill


Probably old news to some and maybe new news to those that just did not understand the risks or who we're never told the risks. I'm not posting this to scare anyone off obviously 2021 was a pretty rough year for our sport with the amount of high-profile deaths but. I remember a mod or remember posted some information about a link between tren and Alzheimer's. I researched it and that's all it took I haven't touched the stuff since. Anyhow

The link posted is a very long read but we should all understand what we are getting into and what risks are involved. You can also download it by PDF it appears.

I guess if I had an overall point to make, it would be to not crap shoot your life away. Enjoy the ride, take it slow. or an unexpected destination might come a little sooner than you think,.

"Factors which may contribute to morbidity and premature death in bodybuilders. There is little epidemiologic research investigating significant morbidity and mortality in bodybuilders, but case reports and anecdotal evidence suggest a number of causes. These include myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, kidney failure, epilepsy, and suicide"

JimNightshade32's picture

I was a junkie for a decade then did another decade in the joint, at this point I'm just trying to be in good physical health. Granted I'm still fairly new at this whole game I'd be lying if I didn't say I've had worries since starting but like many here have said it's a gamble & it all depends how much you are willing to risk.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Thank you for being open and honest about your past, same here, I had a pretty bad pill addiction for about 15 years. Getting on gear and caring about my health and doing the physical exercise is what broke me out of that mentality. At age 31 I decided it is time for a change. My life has improved beyond measures. I accredit that partly to this website here. Naturally all of us will fit in with the right crowd. Like everything in life you have to start somewhere and willing to make that leap is absolutely something to contemplate.

This is the best advice I can give you. Pace yourself. This is not a race. The steroids will absolutely amplify other behaviors and addictions and possibly that's how some of these guys get into looking like a damn cattle that's been injected. You need to find balance. If you do perhaps get out of control and start hitting multiple compounds or more potent compounds than yes this can really put a damper on your life and in your relationships. Being responsible and pacing yourself and realizing that this is not a race. It's a lifestyle. If you'd like to get to the finish line and good health and having good experiences in life then please use responsibly. If you ever need anybody to talk to or need any tips on anything you are welcome to friend request me and I will surely be glad to answer any private messages. This lifestyle will be a major change in which you need to look for the benefits and do the best with the negatives that may come with this lifestyle. I do believe that my journey into my personal health and well-being take some effort and dedication, but this will only fortify you over time. If you would like to be the best version of yourself possibly for yourself and for others around you, and if you can pace yourself and be responsible and do the research needed and take care of yourself in the best man are possible, it can be a highly beneficial choice to begin this journey. This is about dedication and mental fortitude. You do not want to end up in jail or costing yourself relationships with friends,families, loved ones. I have my regrets. You must remember as we get older in age that are natural levels to decline and there are risks with that also. Keeping yourself within range, and not overdoing things, you will see many positive enhancements in your quality of life. Thank you for joining this thread and being honest, that is a big step because it shows an inside outlook to your desires. In the end this comes down to Make it or break it. I started when I was 31 and I was irresponsible for quite some time I thought I would never have children. At age 40 I had my first little girl. This lifestyle takes dedication and research and passion to be the best version of yourself that you can be. The substances can make or break you. Keeping the mindset that slow and steady is what runs the race like the tortoise, is what will protect you. I hope to see you more often around the forums as I like to see a sincere and genuine post which speaks from the heart. Honestly I have not ventured to any other forum or website concerning this hobby. You will come to find that this is a family type environment where we look out for each other as a brotherhood. It's like the corner of a boxing ring where you get the support in the encouragement that you need to keep fighting another day, another minute. This website here is as genuine as you can get concerning this lifestyle. There are very good members here very good-hearted members.

In life you will always have your ups and downs. I have had mine in every aspect you could imagine. In the end we realize that we are the architects of our lives. What we desire most and what our heart speaks to us, we must follow. I was living in a trailer 4 years ago with no children and shut down, now I am in a house which I have rehabilitated myself from the ground up, I have a four-year-old little girl, I'm completely substance free except for the gear. I pray. I am thankful. I'm thankful for this website and the members, and the sources. Which have allowed me to become a better version of myself and never go back to that lifestyle of pill addiction or alcohol addiction where they controlled my life. I was not happy. Eventually we all look for the right way out when we hit a dead end, if you have the mental fortitude you are strong enough to succeed in any aspect of your life that you wish. I know some of this sounds redundant but I am speaking from my heart and sometimes I can recognize a certain position or spot that a human being is in and this is just me speaking about my trials and tribulations. One other thing I would like to touch upon. Have faith brother. I don't care if you think you're talking to aliens or anything that you may wish. For me it is Jesus Christ. Some may scough and some may laugh but for me this is the truth. This is the other part of the equation that has led me to get where I am today and not be in the ground. Life should be about love happiness prosperity and living and enjoying the best moments and memories that we can. I will say this again and please always remember this to please pace yourself. This is not a race. This is a lifestyle to be enjoyed. Please remember that you are stronger than you think, smarter than you think, and braver than you think.

Thank you for posting here tonight. I sense genuine sincerity, I would not ever lead anybody down the wrong path that is not me. Please do not get me wrong I have had my ups and downs concerning this lifestyle. It has only fortified me and enabled growth that I don't think would have happened without choosing this path.

I do apologize for the long reply but like I said brother you've come to the right place

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Condor's picture

I've just read this thread and you've all got me worried now. I've only just started out and completed my first cycle. I was extremely impressed by the strength and size gains I got and now I'm starting to wonder. How dangerous is it to use roids? I don't have money to get regular blood checks. How long have I got lol?

Fact is I think life is a lottery anyway. You get kids dying of cancer, adults that have lead healthy lives but develop parkinson's disease or early onset alzheimers. Of course I believe in looking after yourself but from what I see, life is a bit of a lottery anyway.

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Well you could always research the risks of being low on testosterone as we age. Multiple Cancers and disease are linked to low testosterone.

I have been juicing 13 years and I don't regret it one bit. My blood come back all within the normal range and I am a responsible user. The research aspect of this lifestyle is just as important as doing the deed. Life without taking risks? Well, that is for some. But for a certain breed, we embrace this lifestyle and admire the enhancements and positive aspects and it can bring with a responsible user

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Makwa's picture

The risks are real. There is no safe supraphysiological dose of steroids. The deck is being stacked against you. Just depends on how much you want to gamble.

press1's picture


Fact is there is no safe level set in stone, everyone's tolerances are different and we all probably have underlying issues that we aren't aware of. I've known guys on here running what I'd class as low to moderate doses and compounds and they have died of heart attacks. You have to accept the fact that they do and will affect your health.

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

ALL Love FoR YOU. You are a shining beacon. Keep being you! Press1 rules. Period. You are probably the best thing that has happened to this website along with Mak. Much respect brother.

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Lil-Beirut's picture

The idea is that you don't want too live too long, otherwise you will end up a bed ridden zombie in your last moments. You don't want to die at 58 years old either, so you want to find the dose that gives you the best quality of life/gains without shaving years off of your life.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Fist bump! No homo

You said it right there

Quality of life. Let's put that on a pedestal. You are a quality member. Much respect

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1174's picture

It's better to burn out
Than to fade away....

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

"my my, hey hey"

-neil young.

Kurt Cobain quoted this on his suicide note. Is also a concept of a very well liked poem, that I like.

I would rather be ashes than dust.

-jack London

Thank you for posting that good minds attract

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steroidmen's picture

Steroids kill ?

Makwa's picture

Way to ruin my day Lol Been on death's door a couple times myself.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Why am I not surprised? You are a pillar of this community so please don't do anything too irrational because we need guys like you around here seriously

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Makwa's picture

I have done some pretty irrational stuff unfortunately just to get a plastic trophy.

Lil-Beirut's picture

Stick around for a while

Drexyl's picture

Makes you appreciate life even more, but for me it was a wake up call that some things can be controlled. No one can hide from the reaper if he’s looking for you, but if he’s not, there’s no reason to call his name.

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

This is good


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Makwa's picture

After some close calls, I visit the doc much more frequently now just for even routine checkups. Young kids think they are inveinciable now but PED use will catch up to you eventually and bite you in the ass no matter how careful you are. People unfortunately don't think about the problems they will cause 10-15 years down the road.

Drexyl's picture

Yeah buddy, my biggest scares were from improperly prescribed meds, wife had my mother half the country away on speakerphone just in case it was the final curtain. It’s very sobering, but again it lets ya know, if ya really want that cheeseburger, just do it. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.

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DeeMan's picture

We need more discussions like this. Thanks man. +1

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Of course Deeman. I'd like you to know that I do have a lot of respect for you your dedication and wisdom is unmatched and your good positive spirited nature. I do not sense anything bad in you and like I said I apologize for a long time ago when I was having some states of anxiety. Like I said probably my two favorite members on the site are you and press1. I'm behind the curtain reading more than you know and I just like you to know I have a lot of respect for you. Have a good night brother

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DeeMan's picture

I appreciate that compliment man and hey I'm just a regular Joe who may know something that you don't know and you may know something I don't know so it all works out in the end. We may disagree on whatever but at least you're humble enough to know your faults because we all have faults. It's about recognizing faults and learning from them. That's what separates a real man from some childish minded so called man. Water under the bridge and keep doing you man. By the way good post.

UncleYoked's picture

agree completely.
We're all in this for one reason or another but we need to acknowledge the risks and health concerns that come with it. We also need to start pushing cycles that are lower risk. Tren is a terrible steroid...but man there is nothing like it.

DeeMan's picture

Absolutely man. I know we all love our juice but we can't talk about the good without the bad. Ya know I've always been hesitant to talk about lower dosage/ risk cycles because let's face it, folks are use to being lied to period, which I understand but that doesn't make everyone a liar you know? I have my personal reasons. When you mention lower dosage/risk cycles folks tend to call bs unfortunately lol. And yeah I heard that about Tren. Wish it wasn't so damn toxic.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Agreed. It's definitely a topic a lot like to turn a blind eye to or just keep it in the back of their mind


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DeeMan's picture

Lol yep they like to turn a blind eye or think that they are the exception....nope, nobody is the exception.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Nope. There is a season for everything

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DeeMan's picture

I see you have 4 upvotes and I agree but using steroids recklessly will result in certain health issues that CAN or WILL KILL. Lets be clear, with all due respect.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Too generalized. But,. Any and all opinions are welcome on my posts

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Jockstrap's picture

I agree. Up to of course flat out bostin lloyd abuse levels

DeeMan's picture

That should of been a lesson to all. Sad. He seemed like a good down to earth guy just like you Jock lol. RIP Boston

ForeverFitBod1's picture

He was dangerous to our youth. He had a huge following. Sure he was open and honest about everything, but he was also basically saying this is the clear path to get huge fast.

And how did that end up. Kidney failure. Age 29

Meant without disrespect. R.i.p.

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press1's picture

All Steroids affect the kidneys to some degree - even Testosterone at higher than normal levels. There was a guy on here a while back that while on around 600mg Test E his eGFR was quite negatively affected, once he went down to 125mg per week this greatly improved and fell back into safe normal levels. Dianabol also causes scarring inside the kidney's, Trenbolone is a clear kidney killer, E.Q has shown to be kidney toxic etc. Diuretics definitely don't help them but far worse are the higher blood pressures exerted on them directly caused by steroids, and their associated toxicity inflicted on kidney nephrons and the glomerulus.

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Makwa's picture

I have seen first hand tren alone ruin kidneys.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Like for example, if a doctor was to put someone on methylprednisone, the patient is required to get a creatinine serum test every 30 days. I think they check urea too.

M1T is some down right now nasty stuff I think I lasted a week on it. It's hard to narrow down and generalized at the same time. But what you mentioned is definitely something to think about when it comes to those. Luckily I haven't dabbled in that

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DeeMan's picture

True they can be causes. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney failure. Steroids can raise blood pressure.

DeeMan's picture

Facts are facts.

DeeMan's picture

Damn right lol. We CANNOT ignore that fact. Yes...steroids will cause symptoms that will kill if steroids are used in a reckless way...fact.

alekaras's picture

Yes sir!

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DeeMan's picture

Good post. So this touches home for me because like I've said before, I had a workout buddy of mine pass away many years ago. He was young and definitely reckless with steroids no doubt. Now do I blame steroids 100% for his but they definitely didn't help the situation at all, especially combined with his party lifestyle. The boy was wild! If you're not going to get regular medical check ups then you don't need to cycle steroids period. Just my opinion.

And by the way, those causes you mentioned up top at bottom were definitely contributing factors in his death.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Yea from what I gather in terms of thickening of the heart wall, besides having a high red blood cell count which we can control,

They have observed the most thickening happening from extreme heavy lifts, and not so much the juice

But yeah I think it's good to discuss these sort of things once in awhile and sorry to hear about your friend

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DeeMan's picture

Thanks man. It's been awhile back. I don't feel sorry for myself and not looking for attention but it's on my mind every now and then so yeah this topic is serious to me. Folks need to understand if these drugs aren't used correctly it could be fatal.
Now athletes will develop a bigger, stronger heart but in my opinion it may be different with using gear. If I'm not mistaken all gear thickens left chamber of heart. As far as growth, I remember a deceased bodybuilder who had a heart 3 times the normal size. I maybe a little off but his heart was huge!

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Correct. Left ventricular.

I go in for my first echocardiogram this week. Age 43. 12 yrs of saucing. A little nervous but. This is what I'm going thru right now. I think it's an important aspect to the forum I guess. To share what your going through at the moment. Maybe I'm paranoid but we will see how things turn out. My Dr. Is hella cool lady, said it's a wise choice to get one considering the facts of my lifestyle. It took quite a few visits of mentioning it and trying to fill out whether she would ever report me or not. Luckily she hasn't and has been trustworthy. Now this naturally also occurs in asthmatics which I am so, I'm also having a heart stress test done. As mentioned before this lifestyle can be very fun and we can kind of take an inch for a mile so it's just really good to keep ourselves in check once in awhile thank you for your input there

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press1's picture

What you need to prepare for buddy is that after using gear for 12 years and doing lots of heavy lifting, that they will likely turn round to you and say that your heart has got thicker and maybe bigger. We are constantly exerting the heart quite considerably even when natural, when the body is given steroids it is going to act like every muscle does and it will grow and get stronger. However in terms of the heart, getting bigger isn't what we want as it actually means it becomes less effective at pumping blood around the body. They can measure the thickness of the walls in the echocardiogram - hell when you are laid there on your side and they have the probe on you, you can actually see your heart beating on the computer screen (and hear it). I can see it happening with anyone who has run several cycles or more and trained for many years, not sure there is anything you can do to prevent it really. Scratch one-s head

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DeeMan's picture

She sounds pretty damn cool to me. And it's best to know than not know. Nothing worse than going about your daily business and boom! Never knew what hit ya. Thanks for sharing and keep us updated.

bigred250's picture

So I think we all know that steroids affect HDL & LDL cholesterol but what do the numbers look like for someone who is obese or eating the “average American diet” - do those people still have good cholesterol or is it just as bad as running a light cycle? I’d like to think that (ofc depending on the person) that running say 500 test may be equivalent to what “normal Americans” cholesterol numbers look like. I could be completely wrong but I have been wondering what the difference is between the two….

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JEX30Sex's picture

I can answer this for the most part...I think. I stopped eating just chicken and rice and am eating a "normal" diet. Chicken, pork, beef and fish. I don't eat fast food EVER and I only drink water, watered down Gatorade and beer. So maybe not the completely normal American Diet. I eat whole eggs, real butter and use oil when necessary for cooking. I eat ice cream on occasion, love cheese and sour cream is pretty regular. I had just had all of my lipids done and my cholesterol checked and nothing is outside the normal parameters. I'm 2 cycles in and am going to hit my 3rd soon but I don't think I'll ever venture outside of Test for any cycle. If it's good enough for my balls it's good enough for me LOL. A lot can be said for more severe or intense PEDs though but I can't speak for it.

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