Andre1102's picture
  • 72

+ 11 Pec tear


Pec tendon tear a month ago. Hgh 4 iu to help recover. Doing very well

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killakam's picture

I had a full pec tear surgery 3yrs ago. Mine was from jiu jitsu though (arm bar). Your scar is much larger and higher then mine. How long after the tear did you get surgery? I went from bp 455 to about 245 no juice on the latter. It never leaves your mind when benching unfortunately. Hope your recovery is quick.

BeastMoDe33's picture

Ouch. How'd u do that?

dmxinyourface's picture

Whishing fast and full recovery. Gh will clearly help. Along with some test Nandrolone.

maxtom's picture

Keep recovering bro!

eighty7's picture

You need TB500 and BPC157 not HGH

Catalyst's picture

Wishing you a speedy recovery fella.

JakeKO's picture

Looks like you recovered very well. Thank God, that looked brutal

Andre1102's picture

Jesus boys what happened to my post haha. Thanks for all the positive and helpful advice that was posted. Love y’all

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DavosD's picture

Lmao hostile take-over

DeeMan's picture

Weird take-over

DavosD's picture

Haha thats another way to call it, either way funny as hell

DeeMan's picture

Lol. Circus like

Shitforbrains's picture

Ehh it happens brah. Got hijacked lol. Sorry. But it kept us all entertained for 24 hours and counting. I bet Greg and BFG are just sitting back and LOL waiting for someone to fuck up lmfao.

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DeeMan's picture

My apologies to you shitforbrains and all of the guys, that includes you the most Andre 1102
Very disrespectful to the fullest. When you entertain you become part of the circus, no if, and or buts lol

Shitforbrains's picture

No apologies needed brother. We are who we are. This is a safe place for a lot of us and we all for the most part hear each other out. But I’ve said it before, I just choose not to engage when things become personal, which IMO is completely not cool. Both you and Press have been here a long time and I have as well. I just have had been put in detention for several years at a time lol. You guys are the leaders here and it sucks when the leaders are going at it with each other. Shit, I’m starting to sound like a emotional broad. I need a Arimidex lol. But seriously, all love is all I care about.

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Drexyl's picture

This thread is getting a little out of hand, @JakeKO and I tried to add some levity but it didn’t take. Ghost is on point, if you’re not willing to bump that GH up to a pretty hefty dose, drop it. You’re in fantastic shape, no denying that, but maybe change up that lifting routine a little bud. As bad as the injury is it could’ve been even worse. Kind thoughts your way bro

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DeeMan's picture

Yes out of hand...true. And yes both you and @JakeKO did well. This is eroids after all. Thanks for real.

Gh0st's picture

Drop the HGH brother. Not Supratherapeutic anyways. I’ve seen data that shows it can propagate the production of the wrong types of collagen to lay down for repair. Which could increase risk of re tear.

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Shitforbrains's picture

I can bench 1000lbs for 10

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DeeMan's picture

do me a favor...look up my boy Jimmy" The Iron Bull" Pellechia. He's the guy that got me going, well he and another legend basically. Weighing 230 he did a controlled assistant bench with a 1000 pounds back in 90's. Now he did have some assisted help from spotters but still it's a 1000 pounds. He definitely put 300 pound body builders to shame with his un-worldly strength. Pure and simple he's a legend. I love the strength game...yessir

simonmagus84's picture

Post a link

simonmagus84's picture

I can rep 390lbs x 19 times minus the weight of the bar and have a biiiiiggggg salami.

Who said this?

Drexyl's picture

He also was a Hell’s Angel, a nightclub bouncer, semi pro soccer player, competitive fighter, sponsored bodybuilder, tour bus driver in Europe for a famous rock band, I’m leaving more out as my thumb only has so much strength.

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Shitforbrains's picture

David Hasslehoff???

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Drexyl's picture

Hasselhoff is easily a foot and change taller than the gnome I’m referring to.

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DeeMan's picture

Hey do me one big favor @Drexyl and I'll owe you. Post that evil Hasselhoff twin pic please sir.

Drexyl's picture

LOL, he drove a big evil truck, I think it was “Goliath”

Edit-seriously, no wonder the guy drank like that

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DeeMan's picture

I swear one day this will be your avatar pic. Something about both dang pics.

Drexyl's picture

Or I’ll put in that skin tight suit from the video and take a whole body pic lol, dude was looking like 6’2”, and 5’7” of it was all legs

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Shitforbrains's picture

Wtf lol this is epic

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DeeMan's picture

You are responsible for this pic along with the big boy pic below being inducted into the Eroids Hall of Fame! Legendary

Shitforbrains's picture

How did you find this lmao

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DeeMan's picture

Lol I can't take credit, it's all produced by Drexyl.
That evil twin pic had me dying

Shitforbrains's picture

Only a few of us will ever get it bro. Lol had me dying too. Not a lot of folks these days will understand.

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DeeMan's picture

Yeaaa buddyy! Do you trt my man? I'm thinking bout it

Drexyl's picture

D, my guy, I’d definitely get some bloods done and see where you are and even more important how you feel. It’s definitely a game changer, but gotta stay up on it and not get creative like I did. Stay at a dose that keeps you at good numbers, nothing crazy, deep IM injections, and don’t skip doses or play around. You’ll wind up feeling like garbage. I’d hate to see that happen to you if you don’t need it to feel right…

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DeeMan's picture

I understand. And absolutely blood test are integral. Well said man and appreciated. Been doing pct for years. Do you feel test cypionate is better for trt than Enanthate? I've heard different stories. After all very similar half life...4.5 vs 5.5. Tell you what at times C has me somewhat irritable. Just slightly, hell no tren rage though

Drexyl's picture

I haven’t ran a lot of enanthate, I’ve tried a few vials over the years and noticed zero difference at all. I don’t go high dosage without anything though, 500mg a week with testosterone is max, and past few runs were lower. I started with cyp so stuck with it, plus there was talk of some sketchy raws of enanthate coming over. If you were feeling something different my first guess would be either the cyp you had was on point or overdosed and maybe the enanthate was under? They’re so close in structure I’d bet it was dosing of the product.

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DeeMan's picture

I just like to ask that question in general to folks. So yeah at one point awhile back there were issues with sketchy raws and some folks who didn't get pip with Enanthate actually got pip. Not sure what happened. But yea less water retention with E for me but both are great and I use both. And absolutely NOTHING MORE THAN 500MG...PERIOD. That's just how it is and will be.

Drexyl's picture

They’re making the same face

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DeeMan's picture

Another Weird dude

Drexyl's picture

Shit he may have been drunk here…

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Shitforbrains's picture

Drex you always find the funniest shit on the internet. True evil genius you are.

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DeeMan's picture


DeeMan's picture I damn near ran off the road laughing. I had to stop my vehicle! Garthe Hasselhoff going back to Africa.
Wearing that black skin tight suit

Shitforbrains's picture

I was just trying to think of a legend idk lmao

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Drexyl's picture

The fact that he didn’t put a bullet through his head after his career was founded on driving around in a talking car is legendary enough for me, I’m a fan. Not to mention that drunken cheeseburger feast that his daughter caught on video. You know that thing was delicious. Lol

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Mac12769's picture

I remember that video lol Drunken hunger at its finest ROFL

Shitforbrains's picture

Hahahaha priceless. He will always be a badass in my eyes.

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