Sciroxx's picture
Sciroxx 359

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 93.3333% 9 Quality 100% 9 Delivery 95.5556% 9 Service 97.7778% 9 Pricing 93.3333% 9
  • Wanksta1984 » Just wanted to update. I received my package yesterday. Took longer than normal because I ordered 12 primo and they had to get them from overseas they said. . Guess they were out of stock here. My usually experience with them is about a week for delivery. I find that if you order near start of spring it sometimes takes longer which can be expected they probably are most busy during this time as everyone’s ordering for the spring/summer. They said they added gifts because of the delay but I didn’t get any gifts in my order. I just let them know no gifts were received. So maybe there was a mix up not sure. Overall I’m happy. I got my stuff as always!
odd job's picture
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kinnard's picture
My overall experience

Recently received my 3rd order from Sciroxx. Everything as ordered with a bonus, and was delivered in 3 business days as promised. T400, Stanozol, Masteron all doing their parts!

Products, effectiveness and results

Great quality. Been “using” for 35+ years, this is QUALITY.

Customer service

Above average!

Shipping and Delivery

Perfect and FAST!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 03/09/2023 - 04:14
BrolicBruce's picture
+ 2
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

My experience was with Somastim HGH. My overall sleep, skin quality, recovery, and body composition all improved. I had to cut back at 6iu a day due to carpal tunnel. I found 3-4iu a day to be most beneficial for me. 5 days a week. Mixed flawlessly with the bact water, didn't even require any swirling of the vial. I was impressed for a 20iu vial.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered 3 kits total which ended up lasting me 4 months, approx. Dosing varied from 2iu a day - 6iu a day. I ran this with TRT dose of 200mg Cyp a week, split into 2 100mg shots weekly. 6iu gave me carpal tunnel. I found 3-4iu to be the sweet spot. At this dosage I slept like a baby. No more waking up at night and I felt refreshed, like I got quality sleep. I lost inches 2 inches off of my waist line and gained 3 on my biceps! Any acne I had cleared up scarless and quickly. Recovery in general was quicker. Did not measure bodyfat but my skin felt tighter to my muscles and more defined. I lost 10lbs (278 down to 265) and increased my protein by 30g a day. I believe this had a huge contribution to me "keeping my gains."

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Someone is always available via PM to help with anything you need. This team is informative and their length in the business shows it. Sciroxx is a company that reinvests in themselves to bring the best products to the industry.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was very fast, within 2 business days once shipped.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Scroshix's picture
My overall experience

Love this site! Have bought a couple times. Always quick shipping. Always good communication and always good product. I’m looking forward to the my latest purchase and will probably only buy here until I die lol
33 yo dude
Since I started two years ago I’ve packed on about 25/30lbs of gains
I’m in the test blend hexadex 400mg a week
My cycle is kinda basic right now just T and some arimidex once or twice a week
Current diet = dirty bulk whatever I can eat in a day
But about to transition to chicken/rice/oatmeal/berries/egg whites to slim down. Will be buying some masteron from here soon.
Just ordered some injectable dianabol and a few bottles of T.
edit: since this site is a fucking review nazi and instead of letting me just say how i feel about the product purchased, instead i must be forced to give every detail, even that which i do not know isnt that lovely..
here is their bs list of requirements to post lol

How do you feel on this stuff, tired, horny, aggressive, no change? i'm well adjusted to higher than average test, therefore no i dont feel any different then i did pre test. and yes i have gotten bloodwork and my test is high af
How much weight and/or size did you gain? well i did infact answer this. but i dont exactly get a dexa scan every other weekend and i'm dirty bulking so gains are skewed by fat anyhow making it a near impossible question
How is your appetite? depends soley on what my diet it like... if i'm eating crazy carbs and junk then yeah its up, if i'm eating lower carb big surprise appetite is down
again after being on higher levels for a while the initial appetite increase subsided.
Body fat up or down? body fat up... diet related why is this a question..
PIP, Acne? never any pip from this stuff i rarely even get sore... ventro injections are supreme, acne.. nothing beyond the normal
Other changes you've noticed. balls shrank

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 02/14/2023 - 14:08
Katowooly's picture
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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  • [PRO] Makwa » Didn't even tell us what you ordered. lol
  • Scroshix » other than the fact i did state what i ordered from the beginning nice feed back....
  • Katowooly » Very good observation.
  • Scroshix » poor observational skills on behalf of both of you. stated clear as day, injectable dianabol, and a few bottles of T and if you read the post it said precisely what T blend i'm on
  • [MOD] Greg » -1 for that bit of snark and for the shipping details... Do you want to try again but this time following the review guideline popup?
ThatRobbieLad's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

Once again my experience has been nothing short of amazing , with great communication and help for an error on my end it was all handled with the utmost professionalism.

I received my order extremely quickly and it was safely and securely delivered.

I’ll be making another order soon and a customer for life with this service.

Products, effectiveness and results

The products are top notch and work fantastic.

Customer service

Without a doubt the best customer service I’ve experienced , communication was quick and easy.

Shipping and Delivery

The package was delivered quickly / discretely and very secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Shop with the utmost confidence just like I will continue to do.

I recommend shopping here!
  • [PRO] Makwa » top notch and fantastic is not a review. Just generic nonsense. What were your doses? How much weight did you gain, fat lost, lbs gained on bench etc. A review has real numbers associated with it.
  • ThatRobbieLad » My apologies , I’m new here so I didn’t know. Currently running 750mg of test C a week , I’ve gained 8-10kg and looking leaner than when I started. I started at 110kg and now 118. I’ll continue my cycle for 8 more weeks and look to gain further. So far I’ve added 10Kg to my bench , 30 on squats and 30 on deadlifts.
  • [PRO] Makwa » that is what we need to know for a review +1
  • ThatRobbieLad » Appreciate letting me know , I’ll keep that in mind for my future reviews. Have a great day.
Dancino77's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I have been using Sciroxx products for 10 plus years, after finding them I've used no other source. We have had very few glitches and the few that did occur where resolved professionally and in a timely fashion.

Products, effectiveness and results

I use Testoplex 400 for HRT, I use 1 ML per week, this keeps my blood levels consistently between 800-1000 (ng/dL) depending on what time of day I get my blood work done. I think it would be more beneficial to give a brief explanation of when I'm off HRT while using this product than on, while off.. these include lower energy, loss of muscle tone, low sex drive and more irritable. The product is Pharm. quality.

Customer service

They always contacts me within 24 hours, oftentimes within a few hours, communication is always courteous and informative. They give a few different options in the ordering process some more cost effective than others and my orders are always complete.

Shipping and Delivery

I typically get my orders within 2 weeks, packaging is always neat and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [PRO] Makwa » 400mg/wk and bloods are only high natty levels. That dose they should be over 2K.
  • Dancino77 » you are absolutely correct my friend, I mistakenly indicated 1ML, I do .05 ML, I will change that if I'm able
  • Dancino77 » you are absolutely correct my friend, I mistakenly indicated 1ML, I do .05 ML, I will change that if I'm able
Dragonballz's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Ok I’ve never written a review so hopefully this is correct. I ordered Nandralone 400 and testoplex 400. Communications were smooth. Package arrived within a week in discrete packaging. I ran 400 nandrolone and 600 testoplex per week for 10 weeks. Eating roughly 4000 calories per day I put on about 10 lbs during that time. Very lean. Kept a six pack. Overall the cycle made me very strong/horny/affected my sleep a bit. Seems to be dosed correctly. If anything, I’d say it’s dosed on the high side. Towards the end started to get some nipple sensitivity so I took some anastrozole which made it go away. I would definitely do this again. Great gains!

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Good communication

Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Bchsideblazer's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

So I’m pretty new to this. I made an order earlier in the year last year with good results and decided to do it again and track it this time. I ordered test c and deca this time. Decided to run 500mg of test and 400mg deca injected twice weekly. Weight increased from 175 to 190 within the first month. Strength increased with the weight increase. Had labs done after the first two weeks of injections and testosterone levels were too high to read for the test I got.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test and deca 500/400mg weekly. Very clean product and no harsh skin side effects for me either. Had labs done and test levels were more than the parameters of the test I ordered. Weight and strength increase!!

Customer service

Very professional and communitive. Responds quickly through email.

Shipping and Delivery

No problems. Shows up unbroken and safe.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will be ordering from them again 100%

I recommend shopping here!
ThatRobbieLad's picture
+ 1
My overall experience


I could not have had a better experience , the customer service has went above and beyond for me as I made a couple of errors that required help and the communication was top notch.

I will be a customer for life with service like this.

My first order was two bottles of test cup , and currently 4 weeks into cycle with crazy performance in the gym and the biggest I’ve ever been.

The products are amazing , and ordering more as we speak.

Products, effectiveness and results

Two bottles of test cup , 4 weeks into cycle and making crazy improvements so I’m already stocking up --

Customer service

Simply the best I’ve ever had ,

Communication was fast and incredibly friendly / patient even with multiple mistakes on my part.

They made the ordering process so easy.

Shipping and Delivery

The delivery was so quick i had to check the calendar. Packaging was safe / secure and discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/13/2023 - 19:42
Sukhoi-47's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a review of the Ozempic / Semaglutide medicine used for weight loss.

As you are aware this med comes pre diluted and in a mixed adjustable pen. However the transport and storage of this pen requires constant refrigeration. Also, the cost is wildly high and ability to obtain is limited.

A female has trouble loosing weight and has tried everything with little success. She has used the original ozempic pen in the past so we knew exactly what to expect for comparison purposes.

I inquired and the Boss delivered. wow The delivery is a dry unconstituted powder in a typical meds bottle. It is available in 2mg and 5mg dosage which needs to be mixed with bacteriostatic water, then refrigerated. This makes it substantially more viable as the delivery of the dry powder is more stable.

Now to the results:

Starting weight 159 lbs
Starting fat 25.4 pcnt
Height 60 inches
Age 49

Current weight 125 lbs
Current fat pcnt 19.7 pcnt

Starting dose was 0.5 mg and ending dose was 1.25mg. Duration of med usage 16 weeks.

The effects of the powder meds as delivered are identical to the ozempic pen. She is not hungry and she will have nausea when consuming high fat or high sugar foods.

Recently supply has been low. On the last delivery we had to make a small adjustment and the Boss communicated the issue. The boss had to make two separate shipments to fulfill. One shipment has been received and the other should occure very soon.
I am indicating this to highlight that even with supply issues, the boss has been amazing and worked to make it right. Excellent work boss.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

See full review above.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

See full review above.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

See full review above

Price to performance
Additional comments

See full review above

I recommend shopping here!
edited 01/09/2023 - 15:02
Dont kill my pumps's picture
+ 6
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Once again I publish the hgh novotrop results after a month of administration at 2ui in the morning and 2ui in the evening .. third order with Karl and always satisfied!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

360 ui novotrop and testo enantate
I have been ordering for a long time and always excellent quality

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Immediate answers

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

With a little patience everything arrived and well packed

Price to performance
Additional comments

I recommend buying hgh here I have had experience with pharmaceutical hgh and have had no difference to this one from Karl!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/21/2022 - 00:23
  • Big Tone36 » I love these novotrop. I had a igf score of 575 from 5 i.u. daily
Crunchtime704's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great. Order was received amd have placed another. And will continue to do so. Communication through email is great as well. Received package with zero issue

Products, effectiveness and results

Stanozolol, great results!! 50mg per day for an 8 week cycle. Started to feel after first few days. Side effects were not bad, very tolerable and manageable.

Customer service

5/5 great communication and good amount for the money

Shipping and Delivery

5/5 delivery was a breeze

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will continue to order from sciroxxx!!!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 12/20/2022 - 01:25
  • [PRO] Makwa » What were these great results, what did you feel, what were the side effects? You are not telling us anything here.
  • Crunchtime704 » By the end of the 8 weeks i gained 8 pounds of lean mass. I felt the strength gains after the first week. Hit new PRs. Bench almost doubled. Definetely felt really dry and hard throughout. I said side effects were minimal. A small amount of joint pain as usual with winstrol but it was not too bad.
DontAskForMyNAme's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great overall experience. I'm a 40 year old man on TRT but the doctors wanna give me some bullshit 160mg dosage which isn't enough. With that dose, my blood level gets to 750. I've used test cyp from sciroxx to get my dose up to 300mg/week and that got my test up to 1600. Gear is legit. I've also used the Masteron and it does make my libido go up and improves my dryness. Delivery is fast and reliable too.

As far as subjective feelings and mood, I'm a 40 year old professional and I've been working on learning my dose for TRT for a long time. I felt the same way on sciroxx's TCyp as I feel on pharma testosterone. High energy, great mood, great sex drive, the right amount of aggression to crush goals, etc.

Did not gain any size because again I just use it for trt and I'm at a small calorie deficit. Masteron did help with some fat loss. I do have to cycle off masteron because after 8 weeks on it, my tendons start to hurt.

Products, effectiveness and results

ordered Tcyp and masteron both g2g

Customer service

great, answers emails right away

Shipping and Delivery

discrete and highly padded

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!