Sciroxx's picture
Sciroxx 359

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 93.3333% 9 Quality 100% 9 Delivery 95.5556% 9 Service 97.7778% 9 Pricing 93.3333% 9
goldenphi343's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

My overall experience with Karl and the team at Sciroxx has been superb. I am 26 years old and doing my first cycle. I ordered some test E, anavar, & Primo - was promptly informed when I asked to check the order status that the primo was on back order for shipping, so they kindly swapped for Winny (stanozolol depot) in lieu of the primo. Shipping was fast and they were very communicative, they helped make the process easy and it was neatly packaged and of high quality upon inspection of the caps/vials.


12 weeks
300mg Test E weekly - *tapered up to 750 Test E (after I ran out of winstrol/anavar)
150mg winstrol depot wkly (50mg/dose)
25mg anavar (daily)
Inj. M W F

So far I am about 8 weeks into my cycle and I see a very noticeable, significant difference in my physique, looking fuller and more defined. Have received multiple compliments from friends and people approach me for advice regarding steroids since I started looking the part haha. I am up around 12lbs since I started 7 weeks ago, and to me the gains all appear to be lean mass since I have not noticed weight gain or additional water, and have still been able to maintain my abs, if anything I look more shredded, larger, and harder.

I ordered gear from another source to compare just in case since this was my first cycle, and the other gear I tried injecting and had WAYYY worse PIP - even though the other gear also claimed to be in MCT oil. With Sciroxx gear, there was little to no noticeable injection pain - even injecting up to 2cc in same syringe in my glultes or 1ml in each delt. Goes in smooth, and with the winny I could usually taste it/a slight metallic taste in my mouth which was not unpleasant, but, as far as I understand this is another positive sign of legit gear.

After 13 days of starting my cycle I had some bloodwork done to get a base and confirm the gear was legit, which it came back positive. At the end of my cycle I will get another blood draw done to see where all my levels stand health-wise at the end. Only sides I have experienced have been mild aggression increase, and some hair shedding from the winny, since I ran out of winny I do not notice nearly as much shedding even at 750 test.

Keep in mind these labs were taken at the very beginning of my cycle, so, I estimate my total test and free would come back MUCH higher now that I have tapered up to 750 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. If any of you have questions feel free to message me, so far I am loving this gear and will gladly order from them again.

Products, effectiveness and results

Extremely good quality, I ordered the Eternuss pharma Winstrol depot 50 and Test Enanthate 250, plus oxandrolone (anavar 25mg)

Customer service

They were always quick to respond when I had questions within about a day or so

Shipping and Delivery

Came in the expected timeframe domestic and I was able to ask for updates on the status of my shipment.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Lil Lee's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great service, great product. I lost a significant amount of muscle over the past 2 years and definitely wasn’t as lean as I used to be,

I ran 12w cycle of Anavar, strength is amazing, gained 3 lbs of muscle and I’m notably leaner.

I ran a low dose, 10mg and did not have any of the side affects most women are afraid of. My menstrual cycle didn’t change, no facial hair growth. My skin was slightly oily.

Sex drive and sensation increased….best side affect ever!

*I’m 40 years old and mom of 2

Products, effectiveness and results

High quality, no complaints

Customer service

Great service & communication

Shipping and Delivery

No issues

Price to performance
Additional comments

100% ordering again in the future. I appreciate your responsiveness and for reshiping the original package that was never reviewed

I recommend shopping here!
edited 06/25/2022 - 20:29
johnnyl050677's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Great experience as usual.

Products, effectiveness and results

Ordered tren ace and injectable anadrol. Anadrol kicked in almost immediately and WOW!!!! Beat abombs ever!!!

I've used their tren ace before and it's solid. On a week now with test cyp. Tren should start kicking in as well

Customer service

Always above par!

Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Shogun89's picture
My overall experience

Good experience, have ordered from them several times.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test Cyp, Masteron prop and enanthate. Got good results Masteron gave me a harder, leaner look. Great pumps and sex drive from the test

Customer service

Usually it's been great, but had a payment question with last order and have not heard back after several emails. Hopefully this will get resolved

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery is fast and discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments

Good place, other than current order, they're good to go

I recommend shopping here!
Big Tone36's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always great experience dealing with Karl. GH arrived quick and very effective

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

2 X IGF1-LR3

The GH is definitely the strongest I've ever used. Used 5 i.u. daily for the 2 kits. The numbness in the hands was extreme and wrist and joint pain. My snoring was also out of control the wife kicked me out the bed a few times lol. I gained about 7 lbs while leaning out. Definitely push me beyond my previous limits, I'm my heaviest weight while still lean, started around 236lbs and am now 243lbs in the a.m. I hit 251 lbs one evening but it pushed lots of food that day. Ibran bloods which I'm included at the bottom of this review. Definitely will put it up to any pharmaceutical grade out there.

Igf-1 I used pre and post workout at 100mcg each. Pumps were crazy and quite painful on shoulder and arms days. If I had more I'm sure I would of kept growing.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Again, very please. Been doing biz here for several years and never disappointed. Karl always responds almost instantly to answer all questions. Easy to deal with 1-2-3

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Discreet everything intact. Arrived 3 days after ordering. Order Friday had it by Tuesday.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very high quality gear and GH here. True professional and will continue to do biz here as long as I'm still going in the game. Big Thanks Karl and Sciroxx team!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 05/20/2022 - 19:46
Growman's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

After using Sciroxx for years I was on a 2 year hiatus and just used them again for the first time. I grabbed test prop and primo. 1 cc prop 3 times a week, 3cc primo twice a week. I received the shippment in a timely fashion and have been on for a month. I have been training over 20 years and have been extremely consistent for the last decade. I'm feeling it working already, test prop has me horny as I have been in a long time and the primo is just starting to lean me out and get me nice and hard.

Products, effectiveness and results

The quality is amazing as it always was in the past. Primo is my "go-to" and its hard to get legit stuff, so whenever I need it I go to Karl because its always on point, and this time is no exception i'm very pleased only 4 weeks in. The test prop I felt right away, as you should. Me and my girl are both pleased lol, cant keep my hands off of her and im a beast in the gym as well. Very little PIP a the injection site.

Customer service

He is one guy that always reponds within hours, if not minutes, so I always know what is going on. If ever an issue he takes care of it on his end.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery was very prompt and the packaging always very good as it was in the past.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is the only source I trust for Primo, its worked so well in the past and its just as good as it always was. In the past I have used his CYP, Hex 450, EQ, Var, Winnie and primo at least 6 times. Never have I been disappointed with the quality, always pleased with my results.

I recommend shopping here!
Makwa's picture
+ 7
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

You pretty much get the complete package here with Sciroxx and Karl. Prompt, courteous customer service and superior HGH and IGF-LR3 along with someone who can actually answer your questions on how to best use the products.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I ordered 3 kits of the Novotrop and 2 kits of IGF-LR3. Both of these products were used in my current cycle which will be reviewed here.

The novotrop vials are perfectly vacuumed sealed with nice dense pucks that dissolve quickly when adding the BAC water.
I was previously using a different brand of HGH when I switched over to the Novotrop a few weeks before my run with the LR3 so I could run both Sciroxx products side by side. I continued on with 6iu split 3iu first thing in AM and 3iu taken prewo. I noticed a pretty good drop in the numbness in my hands at night which was really nice. It was almost to the point that it wasn't there. I was tempted to bump up the dose, but I didn't. I also noticed a slight water dump when switching over to the Novotrop which brought out more vascularity. which is also the likely reason for less severe CTS. I just seem to look better with the Novotrop compared to other HGH. The positives of the HGH just kept on rolling. Hardly any DOMS the next day after working out. Recovery was phenomenal which I always notice when running HGH. Fat gain nil while eating at slightly above maintenance dose. Had to shave head practically eod or it got too long and would always clog razor and be a big pain the ass. Big thumbs up on the Novotrop.

Starting a run of LR3 in my cycle is always the most exciting part of my cycle because I know good things are going to happen, as was the case here again. For my entire run of LR3 I consumed 25g of cyclic dextrin with 10g EAA intraworkout. Postwo I followed up with 35g Vitargo and 40g isolate. I never experienced any hypo incidents while using, but the carbs were in there to be safe, and I am pretty confident helped with the pumps in the gym also.

I am always conservative, probably to conservative, when starting a run of LR3. I started at 25mcg prewo for the first couple of days. Definitely noticed the increased pumps in the gym right away. Then I just decided to bump up to 20mcg pre and 20mcg postwo. The prewo shot would be combined with my prewo HGH dose. Now I was walking around with a perma-pump all day long. Second week I bumped up to 25mcg both pre and post and still feeling really good in gym.

Third week I bumped up to 50mcg pre and 25mcg post. I really noticed a huge increase in the pumps in the gym compared to the 25mcg prewo that I was previously dosing. Very significant difference. Insane pumps and vascularity. Could hardly reach my ears to take my earbuds out at end of workout the pump was so huge. Usually by this point I have to back down the HGH dose because the CTS gets too bad when using other LR3. Did not have to do that this time. Better quality LR3 or HGH, I don't know but it was nice to be able to keep the HGH dose the same and get the benefits of that higher dose.

Karl recommended that someone at my level should be using 100mcg of LR3 so the final week I decided to bump up to 100mcg and see what happened. Man, what a change in body comp! I dropped 2 lbs that week and it all had to be fat. Three people asked me that week if I was getting ready for a show, New veins were showing everywhere and people were noticing. Karl, was right, 100mcg is the ticket for me. Body comp completely flipped at that point, unfortunately that ended my 4 week run, but it was a good one. Will be hitting 100mcg much sooner on my next run.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Karl is always available to answer any questions. Shoot him a PM or email and bang he gets right back to you. Payment confirmation is pretty much instant which helps put your mind at ease.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I had always oreder international but now Sciroxx has a domestic line so I went there. International was usually around 2 weeks but now 4 days and package at my door. Can't really beat that, especially when dealing with sensitive cargo like HGH and IGF. Package nice and secure.

Price to performance
Additional comments

If you are going to try IGF-LR3 for the first time, this is the stuff I recommend to people. This is pretty much my bench standard when comparing effectiveness with other brands and has always been the best. The Somastim was also the first GH i used and set the standard there. Really can't beat it. The knowledge base that Karl has about HGH and IGF is also unbelievable, this guy really knows his stuff and is my go-to for questions with anything related to IGF/HGH.

I recommend shopping here!
QBall's picture
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bighulk3012's picture
+ 2
Owes a Review! x 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Karl is a great guy and makes you feel important each time you communicate with him. Overall satisfied with quality, service, the whole nine yards.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pentadex 300
Hexadex 450

This is an overdue review that I totally almost forgot about! I’ll try to remember as accurately as possible. I started week one with Pentadex 300. M W F injections. I started at .5 each time so about 450 a week (I like to ramp up). Week 3 I went up to .7 M W F.

By week 4 I started to have some solid gains. Went up from 210 to 220, some water I’m sure as well. I’ll be honest it did have a little pip, but more so a dull pip that I can handle. I ran this for 12 weeks @ roughly 630mg per week if my math is correct.

My strength went through the roof. The gym I went to didn’t have above a 120lb dumbbell and that felt like light work on incline chest and flat chest. Did have a little acne, libido increased, aggression, strength through the roof.

All in all, it was a great run. I did run the Hexadex 450 another time. Little more pip in that one lol. I’m a little fuzzy on the details of this cycle, but I do remember running .5 M W F, 675mg I believe. I like to stay below 750mg on test. I feel great and less sides.

As far as results on the Hexadex 450, you felt it’s potency immediately. I was working out with a good buddy at the time and he complemented my strength and size. Was around 227 when I started if I remember correct and finished at 241 (12 week cycle). Strength was up, oily, acne, aggression, libido all the markers checked. All in all great products.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great service, Karl is always reachable. Simple process, order, donate, receive!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Great T/A. I think it was between 4-7 days if I remember right. Discreet packaging and secured.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Dont kill my pumps's picture
+ 4
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

this is a review for 600ui of Novotrop ..
It's my second order of hgh with Karl ...
Good results after 5 months of administration at 2ui in the morning and 2 in the evening, improved skin, finer hair, faster and golden tan, excellent mass maintenance in post cycle! recommended!
I posted my latest blood test ..
I am 35 years old:
IGF: 293 ug/L
SERUM HGH: 7.74 ng/ml
injected 3ui, 2 and a half hours before blood sampling.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Novotrop hgh 600 ui

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

quick responses

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

fast and safe shipping

Price to performance
Additional comments

i'm loyal to karl .. i recommend doing your shopping here for hgh!

I recommend shopping here!
mandangleow's picture
My overall experience

I've ordered several packs in the last few years. First was 6 boxes of Somastin, which was very potent and clean. More recently ordered test e and proviron. Always amazing quality. Always great communication. Sometimes there are delays, for various reasons. But they always come through.

Products, effectiveness and results

Way above industry average. My only source for years now.

Customer service

Extremely consistent communication.

Shipping and Delivery

Some delays are regular.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Freemusclehead's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Hello fellow consumers of Karl.

If you have not ordered from Sciroxx, don’t hesitate! If you are a previous customer and are not accustomed to the new format, fear not! It’s still the same reliable dude running shit. If you have any questions after you place your order, he will get back to you literally within an hour or so and get shit squared away for you. Most reliable vendor I e felt with in years by far!

Products, effectiveness and results

test and various orals are what I typically order from him and they never miss. Always top quality.

Customer service

Always gets back to me within a day.

Shipping and Delivery

always simple, discreet and delivered to my doorstep without issue.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Sciroxx » Thank you for thee feedback !
ruthlezz_1's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

There's nothing better than not having to worry about whether or not you're going to get your product or if the quality is legit. Just send your order, kick back and it comes through every time and faster than you would think is reasonably possible. These guys are my go to 100%.


Products, effectiveness and results


The novos and somastim are high quality human grade for sure imo. I've reconstituted many vials in my day and only novos, somas and a few others that are guaranteed results. You can actually see the oil from the hormona as it goes into solution. This is the sign of legit hgh. I personally used on the bb comp scene in my area to exceptional results

Customer service


Email them and they will respond every time in short time. Always great communication after order is placed as well. Have questions and they will be glad to help, just ask. Very professional and polite as well.

Shipping and Delivery


All you could ask for, Discreet, fast, secure, short t/a time.

Price to performance
Additional comments

These guys are the best that I know of for many years. Always gtg. 100% Normally, I would keep this source a secret so no one else can compete on-stage or in the gym!!

I recommend shopping here!
Kaladryn's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Very positive every step of the way!

Products, effectiveness and results

100% real Genotropin pens, bloodwork is fantastic, I posted mine.

Customer service

Excellent communication and smooth ordering process.

Shipping and Delivery

Perfect and everything as expected.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have a prescription for GH and this is exactly the same. Sciroxx gets my highest possible recommendation!

Bloodwork below. Top is baseline, bottom is after 2 weeks on 1.8iu (0.6mg) per day.

Note that I only did 1.8iu IM 3 hours before the GH test, not the standard 10iu.

I recommend shopping here!
ex-tightend83's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

New source for me. Was looking for a new one after my old one closed up shop, and decided to give Sciroxx a try after reading some of their reviews and being sent a personal email and discount code from Karl. Nice touch.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered: Dianabol, Novotrop, Cialis, Test C, Viagra, Genotropin x3

Made first, second and third orders with Sciroxx and in the middle of placing a fourth. First-time user of GH, started off with 2IU of Novotrop daily, a week in was getting crazy dreams and skin looked as if it was beginning to tighten up. I ordered the injectable version of Dianabol as listed on the site, but Karl could not get it. HOWEVER...he more than made up for it with gifts that included enough oral Dbol to choke a horse! Also sent the Somedin as a reward for trying the Novotrop. Also sent extra Cialis tabs. I am in the latter stages of a 20-week cycle and the results have been stunning, to say the least. I have only gained about 5 pounds on the scale, but am much more defined and had quite a memorable summer because my arms not only grew a bit, but became more defined as well and seemed to be the topic of discussion! I had Anadrol from another supplier, but the Test C was also on point! This in conjunction with the GH (used Novotrop in the morning and Somedin pre-workout) seemed to be the ticket! Second order was the Genotropin which I started to incorporate before bed. Received more freebies because of delays which were not his fault. Third order was three more kits of the Somedin because I had finished the four weeks at 50 mcg and now am at 75 mcg. This did take about a month-and-a-half to arrive and was sent as free gifts two vials of Test E and more Cialis- is this guy GENEROUS, or what?

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

A-1 customer service. I know he got tired of me bugging him, but always responded quickly and did whatever he could to make me feel better- even went ABOVE AND BEYOND what most sellers would do. Everything has shown up as promised, even if it was late.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Delivery was hit-and-miss, some products took longer to arrive than others (I guess depending on availability and from where they were shipped), but everything HAS shown up and was professionally packaged. You wouldn't guess what was in it if you didn't already know.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great experiences with this seller. Karl is very kind and will go the extra mile to make sure you're happy. Can't beat that! Will be placing my fourth order on Wednesday.

I recommend shopping here!
warrentjr's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

A repeat customer for five years. Karl is always prompt and reliable and always get legit product.

Products, effectiveness and results

dbol, winnie, anvar orals and inject

I have had 100% satisfaction with product effectiveness and results, getting exactly what I ordered, arriving in good condition.

Customer service

If any hiccups Karl will fix or offer alternatives....answers back very quickly.....get tracking numbers. All of which is just reassuring.

Shipping and Delivery

Discreet...reliable.....turn around in less than a week for domestic products.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
drock18's picture
+ 3
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Amazing. I've been working with Karl for 6+ years now and he's always been responsive and fair and reasonable. I've used sciroxx products including sxirrox brand test, Deca, Cialis but this review is for novotrop hgh which I've been ordering from Karl for 6 years now.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Novotrops. I've tried other GH and always come back to novotrops. I've been using 3.5 iu per day and bloods came back at 453 ng/ml. I've posted up labs on novos and they have never disappointed. See link to my most recent labs here...

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Karl is insanley responsive. I don't even think he sleeps! He responds to every question literally within the hour. Ordering is a breeze. You order through or directly with Karl.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always discrete, never any issues. Turnaround time is around 1 week or less for domestic and 4 weeks for international.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Twinkletoes's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very good to do business with. Responds quick. Fast t/a. Great quality

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nortropin been using for bout 6 months now. Very lean n vascular. Love the results im getting

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Stays in contact with you. Amswers questions prompt.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Unbroken and discreet. Good t/a

Price to performance
Additional comments

Will use again. Like the way they do business

I recommend shopping here!
firedawg1004's picture
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  • [SRC] Sciroxx » Appreciated
Idkwid's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Went GREAT! I take 200mg prescribed trt and on top of that I started at 180lbs and ran 750 test weekly/ ed injection. So close to a gram a week. For 10¹/² - 11 weeks. It was almost 11. My weight fluctuated. I went down to 170 and back up to 180. But I lost fat and gained muscle. I joined a new gym halfway through...But my muscles are fuller and have better shape for sure.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)
<p>Really strong Very effective No pip</p>
Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)
<p>Wasn't bad,Ordered from overseas and still got it in like 2 weeks.</p>
Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)
<p>Discreet and unbroke. Very reliable to get to you and get to you intact.</p>
Price to performance
Additional comments
<p>I highly recommend using scirrox. Definitely g2 source for me. I can't wait to try more than just his testosterone. The image was my starting point. And my "chest day pump" picture is the end of the cycle</p>
I recommend shopping here!
edited 10/03/2021 - 13:02
  • Rustyhooker » Tells nothing of cycle. Nothing at all
  • Idkwid » I didn't know we were reviewing my cycle I thought I was reviewing the source and product
MSarna's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Very pleased after multiple orders from over the last couple years. Top quality products. Backed by multiple different bloodwork done while on various doses/compounds. Both my wife and I have had great results with everything we have used (only product not used yet is eq, just received that, and will be running in 6 weeks time). Always happy to order from sciroxx and will continue to for the foreseeable future.

Cycles were:
Test: 600/wk
Deca: 400/wk
20 weeks

Results: drastic strength increase. Weight went from 235-255.

Next cycle:
Test: 400/wk
Tren: 200/wk (ran only first 10 weeks)
16 week

Weight 255-240. First run with tren during this cut. Strength stayed high during caloric deficit. Fullness stayed as well during deficit.

Cruise between cycles on 250/wk. Bloodwork always matches up compared to my old prescription I had previously.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test cyp 250
Test E 400
Deca 400
Eq 400
Tren E 200

Ran multiple cycles plus trt doses with multiple different compounds from sciroxx (all sciroxx/eternuss labs brand)
Bloodwork has always checked out. Little to no pip even with higher dosed compounds. Always great results with cycles regardless of cutting or bulking.

Customer service

Always replies asap if you have questions/concerns. Replies are very timely as well. Ordering process is smooth with instructions for payment etc.

Shipping and Delivery

T and A is great. Delivery is fast and secure packaging. Never have issues here.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Bigdaddyvladdy's picture
+ 1
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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Big Tone36's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always a pleasure to deal with Karl, great guy, sticks to his word and gives 100% effort to make sure things happen and make sure you happy. Placed several orders in years past and was never disappointed in quality and service.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Effective even at small dosages. Gets the job done. Very clean smooth oil, minimal sides and good gains. This was always a good indicator of quality CENSORED vs not quality with the impurities that tend to give unwanted side effects.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Response instantaneous, guy is always working. Easy ordering, lots of options.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4.5 (1 vote)

Discreet and secure, protective wrapped. T/a a little delayed but was out of Sciroxx hands. He did try to assist anyway he could even gave gift to ease my pain. Overall i am pleased.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Used products 7 weeks total, starting weight 220lbs, finish weight 236lbs. Ran
Testodex E 250mg weekly weeks 1-5. 250mg every 5 day week 1-7.
Trenadex E 200mg same as test dosage above
Mastodex E 200mg same as test dosage above.
Gained lots of strength, workout intensity was bumped up, put on some water and definitely lean tissue. Very happy with products will definitely continue to do biz again and again!

I recommend shopping here!
edited 08/21/2021 - 23:19
eeeroidsuser's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

*** I am in communication with sciroxx to change the shipping from international to domestic, they are now responding to my emails and hopefully I will receive the products
soon. I will update this review when that happens. ***

On July 8 I placed an order for:

Methyl-1-Test 10
Winstrol 50mg Tabs

I haven't yet received the products, but I am in contact with them to have it re-shipped domestically.

Products, effectiveness and results

I will update this review once I have received and tried the products.

Customer service

They seem to be responsive.

Shipping and Delivery

Will update once I receive the products.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • [SRC] Sciroxx » This is an international order. We guarantee any order, and will reship it from the domestic warehouse Sir, you'll get your order soon enough
  • eeeroidsuser » I have accepted the friend request