WARNING! Source has not been active in a while.
posted Thu, 08/25/2022 - 09:08
Estimated T/A:
2-3 working day with same business day shipping (US domestic only!)
Minimum Order:
Payment Methods:
Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin)
Please note
US domestic source with over 6 years of experience!
All products are mass spec tested and done perfectly by the book. Nothing is sold without testing before hand.
Orders are delivered professionally and discreetly. Packed securely with perfection in mind.
Contact info:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Well after being scared going through these and multiple unanswered emails had me thought I had basically thrown away my $, my package did get delivered only 5 days after payment was sent. Multiple emails and support tickets were unanswered so definitely would not advocate using for those who want to be able to ask questions and get updates
ScarecrowSo 5 days... you emailed and harassed when it only took 5 fucking days? God you're a cunt.
No I had questions regarding some products before ordering, and then one email regarding tracking info lol. I had sent about 3 emails before ordering and trusted my old source for who knows what reason and then one support ticket and one email regarding tracking info which he used to send without requesting. Glad my post aroused u --
Scarecrow"Well after being scared going through these and multiple unanswered emails had me thought I had basically thrown away my $, my package did get delivered only 5 days after payment was sent."
"My order shows shipped, but no response to email or support ticket regarding tracking number."
You're a cunt. Stay on your birth control pills.
After going through eroid reviews and discussion and not getting an answer to multiple emails over multiple months. And yes email and support ticket asked for tracking info, I’ll leave the 40 year old key board warrior to it haha. Good looks fag
ScarecrowBut you ordered anyway despite not getting replies. So it shows licking windows is your favorite hobby. And your 200lbs lil girl. You're doing steroids wrong.
lulz @ 3 bottles of test and some dinger pills. Fuck man, you sent an email for every item you ordered.
Cunt. Retarded cunt.
Scarer of crows and I hate Batman, grow the fuck up creep haha
Dinger pills sell good around town to cover your personal expenses, see that someone was never smart enough to make it possible to get your own supply foh free. U got anything better then cunt? I think if you said cunt one more time then I’d def feel it haha, sorry ole fuck
ScarecrowGlad you supply dick pills for all your limp dick boyfriends. Perhaps get a job and you can buy more than $80 worth of shit to freak out about.
You've used hunter "for years" but yet you are 200lbs @ 15% bf. Like I said before, you're doing it wrong.
"Jamison the male".
Malignant cunt.
44 year old that likes to go at it with people on forums is quite the trophy. I’d be fuckin embarrassed being in your shoes but to each their own, minimum wage ass 9-5 head ah
ScarecrowI'd be embarrassed if I had to sell cialis to buy 3 bottles of test and THAT was the order I emailed nonstop about. Based on what you buy, someone working minimum wage could probably afford more than you. I guess your dick sucking business isn't booming in the way you thought it would.
“Lulz” thank god u actually started coming up with some shit other then cunt. Doin much better bud
ScarecrowOh you're still a cunt. Don't get it twisted. hahaha
Someone’s a big fan of cunt
ScarecrowWell you love dick so....it ain't you.
Right when I thought u we’re getting better at this…
Scarecrow"Well after being scared..." That must really suck to that out of shape and frighten that easily. You must have been in a shear panic over $80 worth of stuff. How bad were your boyfriends gonna beat your ass if that order didn't show up???
$310 order but if we wanna keep going by $80 that’s fine. That’s fine by me, thanks for at least putting a little thought into that comeback. If ya lose $ it sucks no matter how much it is or how much ya got haha. Would love to compare some numbers and trump someone 20 years older then me out
ScarecrowThe fact that you actually try to defend against shit like that, shows your skin is thinner than you boyfriend’s foreskin.
Sure thing Jamison, what numbers would you like to compare???
If one of the guys in ur gay beat up club stole 100$ out of ur wallet you’d be pissed all I’m sayin, now call it a victory, move on with ur sad ass life and stop wasting people on this damn forums time.
ScarecrowYou keep coming back though twink. Tell me more about how scared you were??? Like, you pissed your pants a little, scared? Or Jamal was gonna choke you out with his black anaconda, kinda scared???
Ur so mad
ScarecrowaNd Ur So “SCaRed”.
That’s crazyyyyy lol very vivid thoughts ur havin over there
I was waiting for the cunt. Thank you! My night is absolutely ruined! Haha made up weight height age body fat because I just came here for info but run with it if you’d like. Kinda guy to blast and still look natty asf haha. Your that type I can tell, will be seeing you soon with Chris Hansen, on dateline NBC. Flipping between eroids and texting minors fuckin pussy. Tough guy behind that keyboard… go blow sum
ScarecrowSays the "200lb" twink with bitch tits and a limp dick. Oh I "made up my height, weight, and body fat." Sure ya did Jamison, sure ya did. Good thing you put "male" in your bio otherwise nobody would have been able to tell with all the "haha's". I bet you got some awesome milkers going from all that test you bought. God damn, 3 whole bottles. Keep selling all those dick pills around town and you might actually be able to afford an entire cycle.
“With all the hahas” guy literally jus hit a “lulz” as if that’s been a thing since fawking 2005 lol
ScarecrowThat's because I'm mocking you, you dumbshit. You're too fucking dense to even realize it because you actually do talk like that in real life. hahahaha
Will be taking notes on how to talk like an adult (44 year old queer), no haha and lots of cunt. Thanks for this information!