76's picture
76 530


Estimated T/A: 
Payment to door 3-7 days FREE SHIPPING OVER $500

Minimum Order: 
$50 crypto and cashapp, $200 Zelle (5 previous orders), $200 Vanilla Gift card

Payment Methods: 
Crypto, Zelle, Vanilla $200, cashapp with bitcoin

Please note

Tablets are hard pressed with a pharmaceutical binder that has a slightly sweet taste.

cashapp instructions


Upload a pic of your gear for free shipping on your next order!

Blood tests total/free test uncapped $100 store credit

Submit order payment verification asap or you’ll delay the process, some methods can take 1-3 days to confirm.

Lab tests
Test E+
Tren Ace
Test Prop
Cut Stack
Mast E
Mast prop

If your payment method requires information to be submitted you must do so within 24 hours or your order may be cancelled. Please contact us by email if you have exceeded this time frame and your order was cancelled.

Crypto payments update within 12 hours, if yours has not please email or PM here.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Patiently waiting.

Gainscity206's picture

What do yall recommend, low doses cutting cycle. And how long to run it for and when to take stuff out. So I am looking at Test, anavar, decca than wanted to run mast e for the next cycle some good recommendations I need. And want to keep 76 at the top on this thing. They deserve more love on here. They make some good products.

Vi-King22's picture

What dose and how long have you been running the test/var/deca and what are your weight/bf? I run test and mast at 500/500wk at the tail of a test/deca cycle and at 6’3” 230 lbs 12%bf I get absolutely shredded and can see every vein and striation. I dropped from 252 lbs to 230 over a couple of months, I also run the mast at 400 with my deca and test and then increase the mast in the last couple weeks of deca. It’s my favorite winter cycle and it feels pretty good, overall. The results are pretty nice, especially with the right diet.

Gainscity206's picture

I’m off completely, I only ran test and anavar only max test E was 300 max anavar 25mg 4 months cycle. I just run gear only in the summer, but wanted to add decca or mast E playing around with that if I see any more improvements. How long should I run decca or mast and when should I add it in my cycle and pull it? I’m 5’10 184lbs I lost all my gains was 195 with 10%bf this summer

bigred250's picture

Tirz makes a cut much easier. Test & anavar, test & mast are great cutting cycles. Anywhere from 200-400 test & 25 var &/or 200-400 mast

Gainscity206's picture

How long can I run mast E for when should I add it in my cycle?

Jockstrap's picture

You need to quit being lazy and read forums a while @gaincity206

Gainscity206's picture

Point me in the direction to the forums section you are talking about. @Jockstrap

Jockstrap's picture


Click on each section and theres a mass of great info Smile

DasCaveman's picture

Any one use the semaglutide?

Anyone have any work when they’re reopening? Want to put an order in

Designer-south316's picture

I have in then past. And I’m pretty sure they have already

Rand0's picture

Anyone use 76’s primobolan e? I have over 10 orders with the guy so I trust his stuff just looking for first hand experience.

Vi-King22's picture

I have not, but I am intending on running it at 600mg/wk with test when they open back up. I haven’t been able to find anyone else that’s run it. I’ve run just about everything else they make satisfactorily, so I’m going to trust it’ll be the same. Keep ya posted when I get my hands on it, unless you already do. Then please let me know your experience!

Rand0's picture

Just waiting for him to open up. Planning 400 a week with test. I want to pair it with dbol, preferably injectable if he comes back with it.

Jockstrap's picture

Dbol with primo is bad idea. Look up proper runs before wasting cash

Rand0's picture

Why? Dbol along with test will raise estrogen, adding primo or eq even will lower the estro. Plus like Viking said, if it’s good enough Arnold it’s good enough for me

Vi-King22's picture

The old Arnold combo. I was also thinking of running with Dbol. Can’t be bad if Arnold loved it!

Jockstrap's picture

Deca dbol...not dbol primo.

Rand0's picture

I’m just trying to decide on a dbol dose. Obviously the dose is lower if it’s injectable but as far as oral, I’d probably go lower. I haven’t done a dbol cycle yet.

Vi-King22's picture

Also considering running a little oral primo as well.

Dubbs2's picture
Kpolbol's picture

I see that the page is up, just unsure if it’s ready for orders. I don’t see the payment options after setting up an order. Any update?

smurfdude1234567's picture

A few days ago said he would send out newsletter when they’re back up and running Smile !

Keep an eye out

In a promo × 1
Kpolbol's picture

Preciate it--

Tansini86's picture

Dude my anxiety through the roof I took my last shot and didn’t realize I was out ! I hope he gets up and running before I crash my test levels! Letttts goooo lol

Gainscity206's picture

You should always have extra on hand for that exact reason. Or do what I do come off completely give your body a break. I came off my cycle 8 months ago cold turkey to give my body a break from test and anavar. Now im going to add decca this cycle to see how it goes.

smurfdude1234567's picture

What ester?? Let this be a lesson to always keep AT THE LEAST 6 months of gear on hand…

I have cycles planned out until and into 2028 lol!

In a promo × 1
Jereseyjoe76's picture

I feel like a kid checking every few hours to see if its up and running. T is the man its definitely worth the wait best bang for tbe buck waiting to lyt order number 13 or 14 in.

Rand0's picture

Same. I’m hoping he has some new surprise products also, he mentioned he’s been working on things so hopefully it’s related

Jereseyjoe76's picture

I hope so to i have the money just sitting to side waiting lpl

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