's picture
AuctusPharmaGro... 1

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 0% 0 Quality 0% 0 Delivery 0% 0 Service 0% 0 Pricing 0% 0
OnIt's picture
My overall experience

Scam website.
Yes they'll get in contact no they won't complete any orders.
Do not transfer crypto.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
williamlifts's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Wow. Just wow. I have been using APG for a few years now when an old source of mind recommended me their products that he was selling. They never had a site where you could go to until recently, it was just a big name supplier that had a lot of connects. Let me tell you - these products have always been liquid gold for me. Over the years I've also seen them grow and now I'm able to get all my stuff in one place (like HCG and many orals other sources don't have). The prices have actually come down due to big deals in recent times but since they made the site I'm loving it all-that-much much more and they were already my go-to before they had this site haha. If you're hesitant - don't be. This is as easy as it gets nowadays, especially with this new site. I would say this is def more of the "premium" brands out there nowadays. And I have tried many other sources in between here and there but between support, quality, and consistency I cannot say a supplier has treated me better than APG.

Products, effectiveness and results

So, quality is obviously the most important thing for us steroid heads. I love customer service and all - but if the quality is garbage, I'm not coming back. Let me tell you. have never had a single problem with APG where I've second-guessed the quality. I get sides on everything and I'm super sensitive to these drugs (especially 19-nors). I feel like at this stage of the game I can tell when it's trash. From my usage, I've seen incredible gains and next review I post I'll include my bloodwork. I was on 200mg of test and my free test was outrageously high at like 400+. I react really well to it, but I'm telling you, the stuff definitely works because I've gotten bloods at the same time after a shot of another source's and I was in the 100's for my free. I know this isn't solely indicative of quality, but trust me you can feel the difference.

Customer service

Customer service is incredible. Though I still talk to my old source that put me on APG, I mostly contact APG directly nowadays. Last order I did through the site but APG on telegram response is nearly instant. In fact, I don't think I've ever waited over a few hours. They are super informative and nice and it's not like I'm dealing with a person who doesn't speak english or a robot. If you ask for advice or info on a specific agent, they are more than happy to discuss. Feels like I'm talking to someone at the gym lol.

Shipping and Delivery

Old packaging was ugly not gonna lie. It sort of turned me off when I first tried it, but the products were always good quality. Now, however, the new packaging alone makes me feel like I'm taking a much more premium product. I know it's not a big deal but I actually really like the new branding. And it's verifiable that it's actual APG products because they have custom serial #'s, barcodes, and design stuff like lids only they would have, etc.

As for shipping, always has been super discrete and professional. Multiple layers of packaging and secured. No complaints here. Sometimes I place my order and it gets shipped same day.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I've gone ahead and attached my latest order. Just got some clen, that's all. I already had all my injectables for this cycle and wanted to toss this in. Splitting the tabs in half for the time being as 50mcg is a bit much but I'll work my way back there.

I recommend shopping here!
edited 09/03/2022 - 20:11
  • Rustyhooker » 200mg test with free at 400? bloods
  • hogwild » right,,,, was thinking same thing my free test TRT sweet spot is 900 running 180 mg. a week... post bloods.
RemmyC's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

1st review on Eroids
I purchased from this source after seeing a forum post of his - The rep I got was extremely friendly and helpful with fast replies
Good product with fast delivery - Got everything around 4 days after I placed my order

Products, effectiveness and results

I've used anavar from multiple sources and this was by far the best, with the most noticeable effects
-Endurance and total energy increased significantly over a week or so

Customer service

Super friendly rep - Fast replies - Very knowledgeable and answered every question I had with expertise

Shipping and Delivery

4 day delivery after placing my order
Packaged extremely well and was even sent updates when it was sent, 1 day away from delivery, and delivered

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great source I highly recommend

I recommend shopping here!