posted Wed, 10/18/2023 - 00:50
+ 3 Test results
Test results off of 450mgs test prop 150 npp weekly with 50mgs winny ED. I have arimidex on hand for my e2. Any tips on cholesterol would be helpful im currently on a cut high protein moderate carbs low fat.
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Your stack particularly the Winstrol are very agressive for the heart, some people need to eat 60g of good lipids to help the hdl / LDL.
450mg test + Arimidex have also a impact on lipids ....
It's why diet are very important on cycle.
Good Luck and Be Safe
Taking cardarine, the gw 501516, it will restore your cholesterol to near perfect levels
Proof is true with bloods
I actually just so happen to have ostarine on hand from a purchase a couple months ago. Plan on getting bloods again soon so hoping for better results
No, ostarine is.not gonna do anything.
Your on winny, it wrecks lipids.
Fish oil, Arjuna bark, citrus bergamot, fiber, nattokinase.