Jimmy Tango's picture
Jimmy Tango
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+ 4 On cycle blood work that isn't too pretty


Disregard the source listed. I'm just using "eroids.com" as a space filler and opting to not list the source.

My doc says my GFR scores list me as having stage 3 chronic kidney disease. If I was African American my GFR score would be in range, and the only difference used in calculation for the GFR scores between African Americans and everybody else is an allowance for increased muscle mass. Since GFR measures creatine and nitrogen levels, I'm assuming the GFR score is a false positive based on extra muscle mass. My doc also said my cholesterol is the highest he's ever seen. My LDL is normally in range when on TRT (or when not on anything) but it does go up quite a bit on cycle. Liver enzymes are always slightly elevated.

I've been on 700mg eq 400mg test up until a month ago and 800mg test and 300 eq for the month leading up to this blood test. I went through a couple bottles of tren a somewhere in that 6 months when I felt like a bump and dropped it when the sides annoyed me. I forgot to make sure the doc got the correct testosterone assay that would give me an exact number over 1,500. I can only assume it's in the 4,000 range. The IGF-1 test was just to get a baseline before picking up some GH. I've been using zero AI and my estrogen is fine. My blood pressure has been nearly perfect. Acne isn't much of an issue. I do take finestride to protect my hair which has been acceptably dense until recently.

I made solid gains, set a bunch of PRs, hurt my back, acquired a new knee pain that nags me if I'm running or squatting, and thoroughly messed up my cholesterol. On top of that my hair is officially thinning. I feel great and look healthy enough but continuing on this path wouldn't be healthy so it's time for a break. I've picked up everything needed for PCT plus some GW. A GH order is forthcoming. I'm ready to do zero anabolics for a long time and see what that's like. If my testicles still have any love for me, maybe I'll stay off completely but more than likely I'll be back on TRT. I'm not getting any younger. We'll see how it goes.

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Killlller17's picture

i have metabolic syndrome and my HDL is always very low and LDL high,regardless of any steroids.

Been like that my whole life,I`m 35 and I expect to die soon then.

Don't know about the kidneys.

But kidney lab abnormalities are posted here almost every day yet these people are fine.

MegaT883's picture

Kidney damage happens. There are a few Pro's who would disagree with your statement: Flex Wheeler, Ray Mentzer,Tom Price, Don Long,Mike Morris, Scott klein to name a few. They were all fine until they weren't.

Bodybuilders See Kidney Damage With Steroids

Development of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis after Anabolic Steroid Abuse

Killlller17's picture

Mmm yes,I know all that. I'm just pointing out that every third guy here on 500 mg test posts some bloods with creatinine out of whack.

noquit's picture

That LDL is high bro but your doctor is full of shit, or he's brand new if he says its the highest he's ever seen, I was expecting to see it around 4 or 500 to be honest after reading your post. Putting u on some cholesterol meds would remedy that in no time...Def time for a break tho

Jimmy Tango's picture

My current doc is young and runs a family practice. I don't think he's seen much. He thought using exogenous testosterone actually lowers LDL, which is laughable. Obviously he's not the doc that prescribed my TRT.

monsterD996's picture

Holy Jesus!! You LDL and total cholesterol is soooooo fucking high man. That's honestly crazy! You definitely need some serious R&R man. Definitely keep getting bloods done till everything settles down. Be smart and carful.

Killlller17's picture

You`re full of shit.

Killlller17's picture

Keep eating your popcorn.

monsterD996's picture

I'm full of shit?? How

Killlller17's picture

For being so dramatic....that's not so high in clinician practice. And it's only temporary.

monsterD996's picture

Lol ok bud

MegaT883's picture

The KING always has a way of hanging around in ways you least expect.

Jimmy Tango's picture

Agreed, and on it.

ziabungle's picture


Sam I Am's picture

Your bun is ok so if I were you I’d go off cycle for six months to a year. This is usually caused by staying on cycle to long.
If your taking fenafybrate for your hdl it will raise your blood creatinine.
Also red meat consumption can affect that number.

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Jimmy Tango's picture

I do love sirloin steaks and ground bison.

Gh0st's picture

Damn dude. That’s a hell of a change in cholesterol levels considering you’re really just running test and EQ. If you dropped the tren at least a month or two ago I would assume they’d rebound back to a healthier level by now. And you’re using zero AI to effect it. Try red yeast rice extract as a supp. Unless he probably wants to start you on a statin depending on your ASCVD 10 year risk..

Kidney function is definitely something to watch. What are your stats? Anyone carrying around a ton of unnatural mass for a long period of time is eventually going to have kidney/heart issues it’s just a matter of time.

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Jimmy Tango's picture

Just shy of 6 feet and 220 lbs, so I'm no mass monster. Tren was dropped a while back. No statins for me. It's gone up before and goes right back down. I wish it didn't elevate so much while on gear but the answer is simple. Less gear and less frequently. I'm fairly certain my use was excessive for my goals.

Heart issues is another thing to think about. I haven't done an echocardiogram but I probably should. That's one thing I never see anybody post but we should all keep an eye on the size of our hearts. Left ventricular hypertrophy is something to watch out for.

MegaT883's picture

Don't blame you statins suck. Tried 5 different statins all caused muscle pain or crippling joint pain ,brain fog.Now I just take B-3 with no sides other than the initial flushing before my body adjusted.

Top_Price77's picture

A few years ago I ran a prolonged cycle and put on quite a bit of mass. When I did my annual physical and TRT blood work, my kidney function came back out of range. My doc told me it was due to the muscle mass. Shortly after I came off cycle so I wouldn't loose my TRT. And not long after my blood work came back in range. Just my experience bro, we are talking about your kidneys, so keep us posted. Thanks for sharing bro, +1

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MegaT883's picture

Had it happen to me eGFR came back at 58. Dr freaked. I toned things down. Made sure I was well hydrated for new test and numbers went up. I've also been fighting high cholesterol #'s not as high as Jimmy tango 230's to 240's. The cause was my low HDL. Once I got that up all the other numbers gradually came down. HDL will clean out LDL where your body can eliminate it. Did it by using vitamin b3 in the form of nicotinic acid. Best at raising HDL. Better than a statin. Nicotine acid has a side affect where it cause a flush and you turn beets red. Work around is to use slo-niacin. Start off at 250mg for wk then increase to another 250. At 750mg got HDL in the 50's.

Jimmy Tango's picture

I have a kg of niacin powder on hand. I haven't been using it because the flush is a little unpleasant but I've started added 500mg to my shake every night for the past couple weeks. Mixing it into a shake that slows absorption seems to help quite a bit with the flush. Also, the more I use niacin, the less flush I get. I'll look at the link you shared and see what the difference is.

MegaT883's picture

i had used the quick release niacin (nictotinic acid) but flush was just to much. The link above is to a slow release niacin less of a flush and now that my body has adjusted I have no flush. Most forget but niacin was the go to drug to lower cholesterol before statins. It is still used today with statins for its effect in rising HDL.
Do the research it works. When I don't take it my numbers shoot up and HDL goes down.

GrowMore's picture

Do you take 750mg of nicotinic acid ed year round in that case mega? What other supplements are in your stack if any?

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MegaT883's picture

Yes except for the couple of times I ran out. Take NAC 1000mg, Liv 54, opurity multivitamin multi mineral with iron.
I have a b12 deficiency so 1500mg b12 inject once a month.

GrowMore's picture

Thanks for the info mate, after a cut with high DHT, mixture of orals and crazy diet I think it’ll be worth adding some nicotinic acid into my supplement stack. I’ve been curious about Nac also, seems a lot of members run it, mind me ask why you do?

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MegaT883's picture

N-Acetyl cysteine is a great supplement that does a whole lot of things. It promotes formation of glutathione. Improves immune system function, good antioxidant. Take it for lung, liver, kidney, immune system health. By the way congratulations on your EBC finish.
If your a guy who donates blood you should add iron to your stack.



GrowMore's picture

Nac is cheap enough to buy 6 months and givenit a go to gauge the results. I was lucky to have a lot of support from some decent people, thanks for the kind words and advice!

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