PugDad's picture
  • 3

+ 4 After first cycle.


Here is a pic of my first cycle. This was 2 months in and I had dropped a bunch of weight and was starting to fill out nicely.

DeadlyCrooc's picture

nice traps, +1 fella

cd1's picture

Would be good to see a before picture if possible and as mentioned below....focus on that back as you've got some good mass in other areas
Plus 2

Pale's picture

Might just be the angle but it looks like you need to work on your wings. Traps and delts look good.

PugDad's picture

Thanks, and yes, back has been something I really focus on now. I been doing more higher reps and lots of sets. Tri-sets and such. I find this training style works best for me.

MegaTRON13's picture

Looking swole! Keep up the good work! +1

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