AlmostFamous's picture
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What I got that was claimed to be Dianabol isn't Dianabol.

3 weeks of what I thought was 50mg of Dianabol made me feel lethargic, fatigued, down, and fairly vascular. I only put on 5lbs in the 3 weeks period I was on it. Very lean gains. Not what I was looking for though as I wanted an easy going, feel good cycle. How I felt was very similar to my Superdrol and Ultradrol experiences. This wasn't Dianabol.

I think when AC runs these promos and runs out of his orals, he fills the caps with whatever he has available. Pretty crappy thing to do.

I'm thinking about getting it tested in the near future for peace of mine as well. I had ordered pct, the two multi-color pills, but after hearing previous claims of it being ineffective plus my experience with the Dianabol, I have no confidence in it being worthwhile. Not taking that risk. Take it as a loss.

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thedrywallguy's picture

Balkan is my awesome! Had to throw that in there.

homebrewed's picture

It was AAcaps. He was solid then.

wentsideway's picture

yep That was him

AlmostFamous's picture

I don't know the story but he did, it was something like

glowinthedark's picture

Isn't dbol a cheap compound ? I guess it got mixed up with something . Thanks for letting the people know

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AlmostFamous's picture

Yes, it is a cheap compound. I don't think its as simple as a mix up. AC runs alot of promos and from comments I've read, I think when he runs out of a substance, he'll cap it with another substance he has available so he can send the order out. Multiple people who have ordered Anavar are claiming it's definitely not Anavar. I just don't think its a coincidence.

mrmanip's picture

I cannot pin his test p without an insane amount of pip..I have two vials I'm getting through but it's definitely not normal.. Might even consider stopping cycle

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BulldogMuscle87's picture

Sounds exactly like superdrol the good old ph days lol never touch superdrol agin I've always stayed away from that source he always late sorry for your loss bud +1

AlmostFamous's picture

Nothing beats superdrol if you want max lean gains and don't care how you feel. Biggrin

AlmostFamous's picture

I wouldn't want anything from them. I don't trust their products, and then you have stories of customers having hairs in their vials of Test E. Very shoddy operation. Sometimes its best to move on.

AlmostFamous's picture

You misread what I said, I wasn't speaking about Balkan. I was responding to "Hopefully they'll make it right with you."

fbfreak985's picture

hey bud balkan is a great pharm brand, absolutely. But if youre about to jump into pct in 2-3 days go with nextdaygear. They have pharm grade products that get to you in 1-3 days max after donation. Its great for last min emergency pharm grade gear. Id get everything from them and 1-2 other sources but they are a little pricey. But for last min great gear, i cant imagine going anywhere else.

AlmostFamous's picture

Even though I've never tried Balkan, I know about the ugl. I tend to stay domestic so its not very often I have a chance to try their products.

The Problem's picture

You should pop open a dbol capsule and see if it has a bitter taste, because dbols are bitter

Bigboss10's picture

I'm willing to bet that your dbol was legit. Many people expect magic to happen from this compound. It does me the same way. Feel like a walking turd and minimal weight gains. Dbol just isn't faked much. It's cheap. Sorry u didn't like bub.

AlmostFamous's picture

I could be wrong, but I plan on getting this tested soon for peace of mind. Like I said, very different than what I experienced before with Dianabol. And it's not just me, scores of people have received orals that are either giving them completely different effects than what they expected or they are inactive.

LOKI 1's picture

I almost ordered from them once. I couldnt get passed the email instructions though. To many good sources out there. +1 for keeping it real.

AlmostFamous's picture

Yes! Sometimes you have to learn the hard way to stick to your sources you know are legit. The promo got me to give him a try, but lesson learned.

Wildling's picture

His cialis and clomid was good stuff when I tried it around new years. It does sound like you may have not been running test with the dbol. Anything over 30mg makes me feel funky. Maybe it was too much? Maybe carb intake wasn't enough. Either way Richard.Simmons is right. If you don't feel right on it, cut it out.

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AlmostFamous's picture

My two previous experiences, I ran Dianabol @ 50mg for 6 weeks. Outside of back and leg pumps here and there, I didn't start experiencing sides until the end of the 5th week.

AlmostFamous's picture

Yes, I was running test. Straight forward cycle, originally planned to run Dianabol for 6 weeks @ 50mg and Test E for 14 weeks @ 600mg.

I understand weight gain is all diet, but I'm very inclined to put on alot of water weight from Dianabol. On previous experiences, I put on very excessive amounts. I'll easily put on 20lbs plus of water in 4 weeks from its use. The way I felt on AC's gear was so far removed from how I felt on previous experiences. And how vascular I got just in those 3 weeks was so unlike any experience I had as well. I was getting the slabs of muscle, sculpted look. Just wasn't what I was looking for at this moment in time.

After I ended usage of the suppose Dianabol, I immediately felt much better and I watched the vascularity subside over the next week. I'm 10 weeks into my cycle and I'm still not as vascular as I was during the end of the 3 weeks I was on it.

Pmob's picture

You did the right thing ! Cut them out if your feeling bad ! Please keep us posted if you get them tested !!

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