inked's picture
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ANBRO's picture
You match your beauty of a wife...and with your determination I believe you will meet that goal if not exceed it! Keep us updated! You look great now... Once you add weight you're going to be unbelievable... But the wifey is still amazing +1
inked's picture

Such kind words, they are truly appreciated! Yes, I am unbelievably lucky to have landed a wife like mine! She is the one who keeps pushing me in and out of the gym.

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Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! Impressive structure and foundation to build upon! You should have no problem attaining your goals! You are already muscular, hard and dense! Keep us updated with cycle pics which are certain to be amazing. +1

inked's picture

Damn bro, that's a fucking morale boost! Appreciate the kind words! Gotta do everything I can to get those goals!

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inked's picture

trust me bro, growing up small I feel your pain. Now that i am bigger, I still feel wife thinks I'm giving myself a complex! Haha

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inked's picture

They were great! If I had picked up more, I'd stay on them! I plan to run the 3 kits of hyges and then go back to the VIPs.

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inked's picture

Yeah I stopped using straps and never wore gloves...I'm hoping I can get them to grow!

I have one kit of VIPs left and then I'm switching over to brown top Hughes I picked up

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inked's picture

Thanks man, im finally starting to feel comfortable with me size...but far from happy! Now if only I could get the damn forearms to grow!

im running test, tren, EQ and growth

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inked's picture

Nah this is actually the first selfie I have posted...was always paranoid because of all of the ink. Everyone remembers the wifey bro! She is hot as fuck and everyone in the gym knows shes mine! haha Thanks for the kind words!

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