giardap's picture
  • 557
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Record number of anabolic steroids among massive drug haul


SuperMax's picture

I had no idea Valium was a steroid. This whole time I just been eating them to get through plane rides, awe jeez

Brickiemuscle's picture

drugs like that give us a bad name

Owes a Review × 2
GrowMore's picture

Any guesses who's jacket pocket is stuffed to the rim with diazepams and xanax?

What a fucking haircut

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stairmaster's picture

irish idiots. I think this guy needs 5cc weekly to get a boner that he can bang this unshaved red hair miss.

JBO's picture

That is the bad bush. "Its believed gangs were in control of the drugs seized in the haul". Bwaaah! Gangs of Irish housewives coming down from adderal? What a joke.

The Impastable's picture

Not sure what being Irish has to do with it.

giardap's picture

We are the best fkn idiots in the world fella


BigWA67's picture

Hell yeah we are

BigWA67's picture

Well of course im always down for a couple pints

giardap's picture

Count me in!!
Itll be some punchline!!

BigWA67's picture

Im irish????

giardap's picture

Irish idiots?

WelshNmad's picture

Can't mention valium is bad because the doctor gives them out to bored housewives and drug addicts everyday with big pharma earning billions from it

Biased bullshit again from the "news"

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

Valium and cough medicines... the housewife's best friend!

stairmaster's picture


And it seems they don't know how much u can get addicted from that shit.

WelshNmad's picture


In a promo × 1
Gettingbig's picture

I mostly see xanax and valium and Ambien in these pictures. They ofcourse say steroids are the problem holding a bunch of dope that isn't even aas

giardap's picture

Absolutely! And then blame gym owners. Its pretty pathetic really
I'd say that steroids is a tiny fraction of the overall when compared with pharmaceuticals

stairmaster's picture

I think main reason why they do operations like pangea are definitely narcotics, opiats and pain killers. Steroids are just a small amount compared to all the other things they seize.

BigWA67's picture

"The potentially dangerous substances used to increase muscle mass and athletic performance"

Really!! they always have to demonize gear stupid!!

giardap's picture

I dunno what they are talking about at all, steroids made me smaller!

scratches head

BigWA67's picture

Hahahaha exactly lmao me to bro just ask my ex Smile

stairmaster's picture

selfmade fruity mix lol

giardap's picture

Can't beat that fruity mix lol

stairmaster's picture

haha yummy, the new fruity mix line...
