Jim Layhey's picture
Jim Layhey
  • 154

Eeeen sooooo lynnnnnnn

Default - Use Group's defaults.

Now that the squares aren’t watching I wanna hear your protocols! There is a million fucking ways to use this hormone we all know the 4weeks on 4 weeks off blah blah blah. Not discrediting that protocol. I wanna hear the interesting experimentations! Or un orthodox means of using eeeen-soooo-lynnnn! For example sluts..

I carb cycle. Low>medium>high(repeat)
The two high carb days of the week is always leg day and back day. These are the two days a week I use insulin. I run 10iu nolvin-r within seconds on my last set I run in the bathroom and dose(3iu of hgh also in same syringe)now the drug last about 5 hours (I know it can last longer don’t be a smartass) during those 5 hours I eat 3-4 meals (plus my carb post work out shake) also I’m drinking cranberry juice inbetween meals. Now I take the insulin for million reasons this way. #1 to take a load off my pancreas on the days where I’m taking in insane amounts of carbs #2 I feel legs and back need exceptional amount of nutrition shuttled right in for repair and to push growth #3 all my anabolics any orals In my system will also catch a ride with the insulin/growth hormone (igf1) to my legs and back which again physically there is a ton of damage to those two muscle groups. #4 (some of you know I take certain strong medications that suppress my appetite two days a week so I timed it to where my high feed is the next day after so I can top off my glycogen tanks from any under eating that may have occurred sometimes) works like a charm.

press1's picture

Blast from the Past - Anyone remember this guy Eddie Robinson?!

Eddie Robinson

After winning the 1989 USA Championships, the 25-year-old Robinson exploded into the big leagues with a victory in his pro debut the following year. In retrospect, it was his peak. In 13 additional IFBB Pro League contests, this 5’8″ Floridian never placed higher than fourth. He was only 34 when he retired. Likewise, he racked up some staggering powerlifting marks while still young.

We’re skeptical of the biggest numbers, but there’s a photo of him locking out an estimated 535 bench press while wearing just a T-shirt. That’s amazing when you consider he powerlifted in the 220-pound class when barely out of his teens.

He left competitive benching behind after 1986 (the year he turned 22) to pursue bodybuilding, leaving us to wonder how much he could have benched if he’d continued to chase higher numbers for another decade or two. As it is, no pro bodybuilder has ever manhandled more weight at a younger age than Robinson.

'From M&Fitness.com'

Bulkdaddy's picture

I got a friend that weighs 185 to 210 that benches that anytime of the year... Freak of nature!

MonstrousS's picture

Oh yea? Well I got a friend who's friend's friend's cousin's left hand's neighbor's broom stick's landlord's dishwasher can lift like, MORE than that.

Bulkdaddy's picture

I bet you suck weiner too!

MonstrousS's picture

ehhhhh heheheheheh no homo.

Yo how's the dosage increases going right now? I'm thinking of layers on some test prop to my stack. I was looking thru some old pics and last time I was on over a gram of test I looked fucking bonkers but didn't really see it at the time.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Honestly I’m loving the increase. I’m finally seeing some good quality size put on... My only problem is I eat really clean 6-8 oz of jazmine rice and 8-10oz of ground turkey or beef 93%... in the morning 8-10oz of egg whites cooked or 16oz liquid... I 16oz of liquid egg whites tonight and a whole box of pizza... lol... My metabolism is stupid fast. I eat like that ever 2 -3 hours ... other than the pizza. I’m trying to incorporate some more dirty meals.

MonstrousS's picture

Ah that's interesting. It IS so fucking hard even for a regular metabolism havin' ass person to "bulk" on that level of clean. At least, once you've gotten passed all the novice and intermediate muscle. You can do this bro! Eat that pizza! Smash that teriyaki! Down that Ben & Jerry's!

When I am focused on size, I eat out a lot. 2-3 meals a day are still as you described, but sometimes breakfast is x2 egg and sausage mcmuffins with a hashbrown. Or, sometimes dinner is BIG ass chili relano burrito, or something like that. Plus, as i'm SURE you know, having tren in the mix provides such a forgiving cushion.

Tbone69's picture

Jimmy? Yeah that dudes a beast

MonstrousS's picture

This may be true! This story is subject to change upon being 1-upped tho, so hold your impressedism for what may be an upcoming final form.

exoticnfit's picture


I started out with R couple decades ago more off than on and it was always very challenging even though well prepared, to not go hypo. No matter your job, if you don't get a break for a few hours shit can go south quick.

In the recent decade it has and will likely remain only HUMALOG!!!

Far better control in dosing and timing of spikes and if for BB purposes that is what you want and need with consistency.

Daily doses as low as 15iu/day split over 3x to as high as 45iu/day split over 3-4 times per day have worked quite well for me. Obviously learning how much sugar/carbs you need is essential before bumping up to those number and or higher.

I would feel comfortable taking as high as 60iu in my next grow phase (I am in one now but with emphasis on staying lean as possible at the moment) with 4-5x split/day with meals/shakes.

When I was at my highest I was using 3 shakes per day with approximately 100-150grm of Dextrose, 4-6oz of Juice, 6-8oz water and 60grm protein. For no other reason than drinking calories is easier in regards to time and overall than eating it.

This was of course coupled with about 3 meals per day as well.

I haven't used Dextrose or Shakes all that much as of recent but will be adding shakes and then dextrose to those shakes likely before the end of the year. I have been able to maintain 225-230lbs (at 5'5") and a very decent body-fat level without which I am very happy about.

230-235 is the new norm weight I am getting back to and wanting to hold for a while but 240lbs is not out of the question. Anything further is not necessary considering how much lean tissue I carry on a short frame.

As I get older my HEALTH is even more important to me than the year before but I once thought 200lbs was a pipe dream...than 210, 220 and now 230.

If I can do 240, 250 as a SUPER MAX weight is doable but again largely dependent on how HEALTHY I am able to remain.

Recent INSUBOLIC experiment with moderate high calories (less than my past 5-6000k/day) had me hit 238lbs in a very, very short period of time when added to other supps. My body really wasn't impressed but I believe I could have hit 240lbs and held it for 4-5mths for it to be a moderate new norm.

Decided to reverse course and do a prep experiment with the Insubolic instead which also worked great and very fast. Insubolic is an RH-IGF-1 similar to Increlex not an IGF-1 peptide like DES/LR3

HUMALOG...that is a great option for BB who are not insulin dependent and if you want to really capitalize on gains and keeping ahead of potential hypo concerns.

Be safe and Train for PURPOSE!

Jim Layhey's picture

Obviously learning how much sugar/carbs you need is essential before bumping up to those number and or higher.

Completely agree. I had to cut out the dextrose and switch to Karbolynn something about the dextrose would completely kill my appetite and cause bloating.

230-235 is the new norm weight I am getting back to and wanting to hold for a while but 240lbs is not out of the question. Anything further is not necessary considering how much lean tissue I carry on a short frame.

I’m 5’7 and I completely agree. I started my lifting career at 130lbs. I was at a road block at 190lbs few years ago so matter how much I ate couldn’t seem to gain a pound (went all out too strong man style just to see and still nothing) then I added in growth and and insulin and that’s what propelled me to 200-210-now currently 217. I haven’t even begun to full throttle insulin yet. Just finished my cycle (after a year off training and dieting) to kind of make up lost ground and I swear I gained it all back for he most part (minus lower last and some quad development) going to take few months off and start a full throttle cycle (gonna post my protocol) so you’re saying insubolic igf1 huh? Been seeing a lot of advertisement for it lately seems pretty cheap and do able. Probably gonna run the Humalog similar to you 2-3 times a day on back and legs then just run post work out for other muscle groups as well. My only thing with insulin especially when you start hitting 15-20 iu a day is my mood could swing quicker than shit and I literally can not sleep enough hahaha I just stay with a giant botttle of cranapple juice lol

thanks for the input brotha!

exoticnfit's picture

Most welcome on the input!

Haven't been to bad on the moods deal...at least not noticeable for me.

I have run humalog for YEARS straight with very short break as needed. Anytime I've had stomach issues I go apple cider vinegar first.

If that doesn't work than its ZINC Carnosine preferably prior to a meal by about 90mins in the AM. Than I have a digestive enzyme with any carb meal. Perhaps that could do the trick with DEXTROSE for you since it is much, much cheaper than a product with other added ingredients.

I was 6yrs old when I walked in and sat on a bench and watched HUGE DUDES training at a gym. They let me do a bit of training hear and there when I was allowed to go over and I never looked back.

At 10yrs of age I created my first program along side a rehab program based on my knee issues during growth spurts and by 13yrs of age I had created my own programs training primarily from home in the basement.

Doubt I was even 65lbs when I first started but by 13yrs of age I was about 125-130lbs and felt amazing at 150 when I finally got their by age 19.

After that I competed as a natural CHAMPION and did my first Pro show at 21ish and retired the same year when I realized I was one of the very few actual natural athletes competing in the WNBF.

I shot up to 175 in the first year after with a focus of competing someday in the non-tested organizations and by 24 hit 193 and stalled there FOREVER. Believe I was nearly 32 or so when I finally broke the 200lb barrier with gym shorts and runners on. LOL

210 was the next brutal hurdle that I did not get to until I was very late 30s and 220 was a pipe dream until later in 2018. Since then 230 was the new goal and I finally crushed that in 2019.

This year I hit 238lbs very fast when I started using INSUBOLIC...like 5-6weeks ahead of schedule!

Dropped down for a quick prep check and now hanging around 225-230lbs depending on time of day.

I'm looking at going for 240lbs but I have my eye on possibly doing a final run on turning Pro again in 2021 earlier in the year. If that is the case I won't bother and just hover where I am at as I am also much, much leaner than normal with the addition of Insubolic.

240-250lbs is in the 2021 agenda depending on how competitions are going based on our the pandemic but I have a feeling it will be all good post election.

Keep it up and go SLOW and steady with the slin and again humalog is my preference.

If you check out Insubolic I would use it in lieu of the slin as per the manufacturers suggestions and based on my current experience being off slin at the moment while using it myself.

Gotta be selective when to use ALL the tools for a grow phase and/or prep phase and when to put in a little more effort and save it for when it is truly needed!!!

press1's picture

Have you ever tried MK 677 before for weight gain and the Growth hormone/IGF-1 supposed benefits?

exoticnfit's picture


Closest thing to SARMS I've used is the PPARS called Cardarine.

I've researched Ostarine (f I recall correctly as my brain is mush right now) and it seems worthwhile to check out but SARMS are so new in comparison to real AAS that I stick with AAS based on decades of research papers to prove safety.

Lots of unknowns regarding SARMS and while one may think they are choosing a "safer" alternative to AAS they may actually be doing the opposite.

Let me know how it goes if you do!!!

MonstrousS's picture

I love real cardarine (GW-1015664394u834924ER0E0TR9R0R). Especially to go with cycles that include tren. In general it makes me feel like i'm doing a good thing by using a unique compound that is shown to partially reverse hdl/ldl damage done by AAS, and for tren specifically, really brings my wind back. Not fully, but when I run 400+ of tren and no cardarine I can barely get away with a compound exercise drop set without being GASSED for 3+ minutes.

I also enjoy RAD-140, but do not find it "better" than any steroids I've used, especially in raw weight gain. Even Masteron probably beats it in the gains department, but it has the ability to dramatically increase mind-muscle connection, which is a unique feature, and really increases the enjoyment of hypertrophy work. Oh and the pumps are better than any AAS I've ever used.

exoticnfit's picture

I may have to do a test run with it someday for pump purposes but honestly...when I get back to my regular weight (currently at around 225-230) of 233-238, I am really lucky to still be able to wipe my own ass with no pump.

Its all fun and games until you have to go Greg Kovacs style after a good shit!

If you do not know what that means you'll have to look up "Nassar El Son Baty story about Greg Kovacs wiping his ass".

He told it to me in person when I first met him and I literally laughed hard enough to pee. Just the way he said it but it is still funny in written form.

So far I only know it is tradition in SUMO WRESTLING camps for the lower guys to wipe the asses of those who reach Yokosuna level...not sure there will ever be a body builders version of that. LOL

MonstrousS's picture

Whoa, I never heard of that sumo ass wiping shit.

exoticnfit's picture

I watched a couple documentaries and then studied a little on the subject.

Yep, not the best fraternal like organization to be apart of but in Japan it is a highly honorable and glorious line of work.

Not getting this guy to wipe some dudes ass just because he can't reach though. LOL

MonstrousS's picture

Wow, what a trip. Do you know what happened to the guy that posted this?

exoticnfit's picture

No clue.

press1's picture

I've seen a few people including Greg Duchaine singing praises for RAD 140 - He set his Bench WR using that and a few other things. He bangs on about it like its the next best thing for strength gain but I have always been dubious. You don't think its that great?

MonstrousS's picture

You mean Doucette? Yea in his rad-140 video he does go on about how amazing it is, and how mg for mg its wayyyy more powerful than AAS compounds. That may be true, but nobody runs sarms in the 400-1g per week range, for a reason i'm guessing? I am curious to run 250 test enth and 500 rad-140 some day, but it does cause a certain type of anxiety that is good for preworkout. I'm not sure if I would want to experience the much more intense version of that. Anyway to answer your question, mg for mg, I bet it is stronger than most anabolics steroids, but I am not convinced that fact would result in greater tissue growth. It's kinda hard to make sense of tbh.I ran it at 210mg per week, (30mgs per day) back when I hadn't messed with any AAS yet, and people said I did look bigger, but knowing what I know now, I'm pretty confident I would have grown more off of 210mgs test enth.

press1's picture

This is very encouraging dude .....

I'm 5'9 and for ages now just cannot get past 200lb's (naturally I'm 140lb's)

You reckon if I got on some long acting slin I could get up to 210?

Bulkdaddy's picture

Insulin is the most anabolic thing you can take...

Jim Layhey's picture

Not directly anabolic. It’s the most anabvolic hormone for shuttling pathways.

Jim Layhey's picture

Absolutely. Minus the obviously 1gf benefits from insulin, you’re growing from a different pathway from over shuttling nutrition in the muscles at 100x the rate of our body can ever do. I haven’t tried long acting insulin. My I carb cycle so I wouldn’t want long acting insulin in my low days so I’ve always stuck the the faster ones and focused around training and my key nutrition meals. But if you’re one of those people who have high carbs everyday then long acting insulin would not only be perfect but it would actually be healthy on your body taking a giant burden off your pancreas. A lot people just eat eat eat and have no idea how hard that can be on the body lol people who don’t know a lot about insulin says it’ll make you a diabetic by using it.. I feel the exact opposite! I feel like it will prevent me from being a diabetic by the constant phases of using and giving my pancreas the breather!

exoticnfit's picture


Long acting with a fast acting is actually the best option for pancreas protection and likely avoiding becoming diabetic that I have researched.

exoticnfit's picture

Go slow with it so you learn how much sugar/fast acting carbs are need per iu of slin.

The average suggestion by Palumbo is 10grm carb/iu of humalog.

Most will fall in the 7-10grm carb/iu range if you are just covering the carbs you are shuttling in and not NEEDING insulin to cover everything.

Committing to LARGE FOOD intake was what broke me past 200lbs along with humalog specifically.

press1's picture

Great information mate Smile

Do you mean Mix 75/25 or 50/50?

exoticnfit's picture

I am not certain I understand what your referencing regarding mixing of anything.

When I switched over to HUMALOG I've not ever gone back or mixed my insulins.

100% HUMALOG only use.

press1's picture

When I search for Humalog Slin it brings these products up:

Humalog U-100, Humalog U-200, Humalog Mix75/25, Humalog Mix50/50, or Insulin Lispro Injection prefilled pen.

exoticnfit's picture

Humalog injection pen vials by Lilly.

100 I do recall.

NOT a mix...fast acting only!!!

Bearded_muscle's picture

Not recommending this but I would take 3 units of R with 3 units of gh first thing in the morning fasted and then go do cardio. LOW INTENSITY just walking the line of going hypo before a big breakfast.

This was very effective for cutting, I had heard that duchaine had some guys doing the same.

Some days 2 units was enough but 3 was right at my limit. Literally if I went to 4 I would have gone hypo.

Jim Layhey's picture

I’ve heard this protocol from Dr Tony Hughes coach Trevor was having people do that and showed their results of just 6 weeks and they got shredded bro. I just have this irrational fear that I would instantly black out(I know it wouldn’t happen been hypo’d a dozen times it’s a slow onset) I’m off my cycle as Sunday (health problems kicked in again been in the hospital gonna be here few more days) but I’m going to drop to trt keep my hgh where it’s at and just try and hold weight for a month or two then gonna start a cut January 1st and I will be definitely doing this protocol now that you reminded me of it! Thanks BM (<- does this mean baby momma or bearded muscle it’s your guess lmao)

Bearded_muscle's picture

Sorry to hear that man, hope it’s a quick recovery.

Remember if you go that route to use R and not log. It’s more forgiving and gives you a little more warning before things get really dark.

R also has about 4 hours of elevated insulin which matches pretty closely to the 4 hours of elevated gh after you pin.

Jim Layhey's picture

Yeah true the r would overlap with the hgh nicely! Plus r is easy to get at Walmart super cheap too. Except they always try and give the Nolvalin N lol those regards don’t know anything.

press1's picture

Fuckin hell man - Sorry to hear that :( What's happened dude?

Jim Layhey's picture

My immune system again. Woke up and couldn’t see again. So had to be hooked up to a 24 hour IV luckily my left eye is coming back around I can actually see on my phone again lol missed my YouTube lmao!!

press1's picture

Is the right one coming back?

Jim Layhey's picture

Yeah once the rights nerve cords stops swelling (my immune system attacks them) slow process but at least my mom brought my wax pen for me haha

Tripod 66's picture

Or you stop whacking off till you go blind again...

press1's picture

Damn man well I hope things sort out again soon - do they think this is just a one off or will it occasionally happen?

Jim Layhey's picture

Wasn’t supposed to happen honestly Hahaha I’m
All good Tho my limey brotha from another mother <3

MonstrousS's picture

That's an intense condition! Must be scary af to wake up blind. Glad you're getting better.

press1's picture

My mother is a cunt mate - Abusive alcoholic. Haven't spoken to her for 8 months and don't plan on doing ever again. She use to find the workplaces of my girlfriends mothers out and ring them at work in the middle of the day smashed out of her face screaming at them down the phone, which of course caused me no end of shit with my girlfriends. Like a mug I'd forgive her but now just view her as like one of these evil mothers that gasses their kids to death. See Jim your life ain't that bad LMAO

press1's picture

I was speaking to Greg in email about a month ago about some possible powerlifting coaching and damn I didn't realise just how much these guys make! He was wanting $200 just for a 15 minute phone call then about $10k a year Lol

Jim Layhey's picture

change your Randy

Bearded_muscle's picture

If they’re good, the number of top end coaches is pretty small so they really get to dictate their own rates.

MonstrousS's picture

Right, once you have a reputation as an elite coach, you're essentially a god, lol. Imagine what Charles Glass makes per session AND outside of his coaching entirely. Him existing generates money.

The other thing about coaches at this level, if they are truly charging based on what they need to charge to keep a minimal client load and support a highly successful life, and if you CAN afford them, you're getting truly exceptional attention and care. That's only IF they arent just sucking everything they can out of the rep they've obtained, stringing along too many clients at once, charging them way more than what they're getting for the cost.

exoticnfit's picture

Last I checked Charles charges $200/session which is roughly an hour.

Back home and over a decade ago I was charging $125-$150/hr but after a move to a "not so big city" I started back up at a very humbling $50/hr.

Finally at $110/session and will be increasing rates (for new clients) to $120-$150 and likely continue to have it go up to an eventual $200/session marker.

People need to learn their value in a particular field (in guest speaking engagements in another field of work my fee is $2000/90-120minutes) and stick to it. Before I dropped to the "local norm" I reverted back to other fields of work/expertise that was $40-$60/hr.

I just couldn't get my head around charging 1/3rd of my true value/session just because I moved to another city but glad I did so I could rebuild my reputation so far away from home. HUMBLING AF experience but grateful.

The biggest thing to remember is that when you are debating about charging more, you are charging for the YEARS of EXPERIENCE/RESEARCH and not simply the "hour of your time".

A better understanding of how to truly value your worth is how you can have the confidence and the brass, to finally charge what your true value is!

Have what it takes to back up the VALUE you are able to share and your price-tag has no where to go but up!!!