griefey's picture
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First Ever Cycle (Want advice)


I don't know if I'll get a response. Im new to this forum. I'm expecting pushback, and some good trolling on this post, lol. 25 years old, been lifting for a couple of years. Really would like to do one cycle and retain most of those gains through a proper pct and then just go natural after there, continuing a good diet and training habits. Maybe TRT down the line. Is there a consensus safe first cycle that a majority of people run? If so, could someone here recommend me the safest possible cycle as a beginner (Compounds, Mg/week, Length of time, PCT) Im aware that no matter what, risks will be associated with it, I just would like to minimize them as much as possible obviously and do things the correct way. Any help and advice is appreciated.

FartDracula's picture

Honestly if this is the only cycle you'll EVER run I'd just go ham and really spoil yourself and use a 50/50 ratio with Test/Primo E. Primobolan is SO expensive but it's just...awesome, it's great.

33stevan's picture

I would recommend a Testosterone only cycle 200-250mg a week split into 2 doses. Make sure to have AI on hand.

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Lapiszx3's picture

I’ve done a handful of “cycles” and ultimately just settled on trt+

Your first cycle won’t be your last. Sorry to tell you but the first time you start will be the last time you are natural.

If you go Trt you will have to commit for the rest of your life. Imho.

29 weeks is a long time! If just a cycle.

Go test only. Max 400mg a week. As a first cycle your body will definitely respond to that much juice.

12 weeks.

Have arimidex on hand. .25 as needed. You won’t need a full dose.

And pct on hand for the end of 12 weeks

But trust me you are going to want to put juice back in your system as soon as your pct is over. It’s both a physical thing and physiological.

Don’t get crazy with anything else though. The temptation is/will be there. Just don’t.

Kiss method.

TheIcon's picture

TRT down the line? Not poking but TRT is something people typically need not just something peopel plan on doing cause I just feel liek it. If you plan on doing a TRT dose down the line well then you are just doing a small dose of test you aren't doing TRT.

CRAZY DOSER's picture

I recommend beginner cycle with Testosterone only

Use Testosterone Cypionate twice a week. Split the dose into two injections of 200 mg each, for example, on Monday and Thursday, or take 200 mg every third day. You can switch from twice-a-week injections to an every-third-day schedule if you want to gradually increase the dosage without a significant risk of side effects, around 4-6 weeks into the cycle.

Plan the cycle for 10-12 weeks. It is highly recommended to get blood tests done before starting the cycle, during it, and after finishing. These results will be extremely valuable for planning future cycles.

Start PCT two weeks after your last injection. Take Clomid at 50 mg daily for the first two weeks. Then, reduce the dose to 25 mg daily for another two weeks.

Remember: The rest is just as important as the gear itself. Focus on aerobic exercise (regular cardio sessions) and drink plenty of clean water.

Finally, all of these advices will be pointless if you’re not consistently training the basic compound lifts (deadlifts – either conventional or sumo, squats, and bench press). Perform these exercises with free weights and aim to progress in working weights (70-80% of your maximum). This is a physiologically essential condition. The reasoning behind this rule is beyond the scope of this post, as it’s a separate topic altogether.

winmag4582001's picture

Nobody cycles only once!
Diet and training mean more than mg’s injected.
PCT the right way.
Your genetics will determine your overall results.
Keep a journal of your cycle, meals and training.
Everybody’s body is different. You will have to fine tune to yourself.

lacie's picture

Funny, I am new as well and was thinking the same thing - cycle only once. Already I have received good advice on this forum.

RoidsForLife's picture

In my opinion there's never really only one cycle, like u mention. Using AAS it's kinda addictive, u get addicted to the strength and physical gains they give u. For first cycle u only need is some testosterone ester (I recommend Enanthate or Cypionate), most people can tolerate really well 250-500 mg of that and it's safe, if done properly. U can run test of that dose for usually a really long time. Also make sure to get in hand some AI (Arimidex, Exemestane) and a SERM, like Tamoxifen. If u thinking about adding an oral too, I would recommend Anavar (20-30 mg) for 4-6 weeks usually, at least for a beginner. For PCT, u will need Clomid, Tamoxifen and HCG recommended too, but u can also use HCG during cycle to prevent testicle shrinkage. One last thing, if u worried about hair loss and you're prone to it, u can use Finasteride, but if not and u don't worry about hair loss, don't use it. I hope I have been of some help and good luck. Smile

griefey's picture

Hi, thank you, you’ve been a lot of help and very respectful to a beginner like me. If it’s not too much to ask, I have a few more questions.
1. For exactly how long should I run the test? 29 weeks?
2. Should I do 250 or 500. And is that per week? If so, do I pin every other day, and if so, How much would I pin at one time?
3. Should I add an oral? Would the risk to reward be worth it ? I’m trying to keep my cycle very safe while also maximizing my first cycle.
If you could write out a comprehensive cycle for me, I’d be very appreciative. Like what days to pin, how much, and when to take the oral if I do. Also when and how often to take my AI, and when to start my PCT.

If that’s too much to ask, I 100% understand. I appreciate the fact that you took time out of your day to respond. I’d be willing to pay for your insights and time if that’s what you feel is fair.

itsHughJanis's picture

I recommend really doing your own research instead of asking for someone to make a plan out for you. If anyone lays a day by day plan out for you, we’re kinda doing you a disservice. Get out there, do some research, and come back with whatever questions you have after that. This forum is full of a lot of really experienced people willing to share their knowledge, you just gotta put in the legwork. Test only cycle, 200mg/week, make sure you have your AI and PCT on hand before you start. I also recommend having more than one type of PCT and AI in case you get bad sides. Best of luck brother!

Also: The newbies section in the forums is a good place to start.

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