posted Sat, 01/18/2025 - 01:19
-7 Press 1
Press 1 begged me to come to forums. He said he wanted to hold it for me.
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Press 1 begged me to come to forums. He said he wanted to hold it for me.
Hold what?? Lol
His little bipper duh.
Damn I didn't know press doing that kind of stuff lmaooo
@press1 you’re famous! You know you’ve made it when the haters come a knocking’!
They love him deep down
That could mean many things
Gay for pay mate it goes on a lot in the bodybuilding world and I know for a fact there’s not a lot @press1 wouldn’t do for a vial of NPP some injectable dbol and a jacket potato
Thats Very true pal - I am a true Steroid whore. I'll even do a 2's up if the DBol inject is good stuff, the potato has to come with Chilli Con Carne or Chicken Tikka though because I'm fussy.
Too bad you're so far away! I have about 10 vials of dbol inject. That's one weekend of you being dressed in a tiny black dress and high heels. The chicken tikka would be on me afterwards.
There’s a genuine he’s pacing a weekend bag as we type with an offer like that
A bag and a fedora with feathers would be a nice addition.
No wayyy!! Is it the stuff in the white and pink 10ml vials by any chance? Shrink wrapped?
Yep, just like you like them you whore.
Lets see the merchandise!! Put up a piccy
I think he said tiny black dress and heels mate, nothing about shrink wrap --
Plastic wrap underneath the dress? Hmm, interesting.
Oh you little tart lol
You Pair 'O Cunts!!!
lol you love it
You can refer to me as slut cunt these days mucker
@Greg Please can you give him his Slut avatar back please?! LMAO
He had it. He cleans up well but rest assured, He's still a slut at heart.
Not just in heart Greg
This is my slut avatar. Greg you’ve got enough on your plate I’m sure
You got tagged, speaking of famous lol
That list is so long I can’t even find my name! Wish I’d known the rule of not reviewing more than 8 times in a year, still can’t get my head around it. Guess I won’t be reviewing for paid orders anymore.
Oh you're in the first comment. Scroll to comments
Seen it. Cheers mate.
Shit happens mate I got stripped too a few weeks back didn’t know the rule properly either but we do now so all is good
Cheers bud. Definitely well aware of that rule now LMAO!
Too much estro in the forums lol
Real Housewives Of Gear Town. More gossiping and negging in here than Beverley Hills. Can’t we all just get along? lol!
How do i get a forum named after me!? Damn @press1 you are now surely an eroids elite! Lol
LMFAO This is how you know you've made it mate - a weekly dedication to yourself whether you want it or not!!
Here buddy, I'm gonna treat ya!
This explains your other post and turns it from kinda weird to really funny.
Lol. It's all weird really. Gossiping, arguing, hating etc lol. Like Lk10623 said, why on Earth would any man be so concerned with the actions of another man. Child like and hilarious to me. So yeah kinda funny I agree
Why would a loser comment on that and bring it up. Dick rider away!!! Ridem deeman. Keep those karma points rolling in LMAO.
Huh lol??!! U love talking about my dick and karma don't you lol? Why? Do you suck dick for karma or what? haha. Geez!
Hey feel how u feel about me, it's all good. Life is good. It's cold outside be careful. Don't let your wig freeze lol. Snowing everywhere
Misinformation cleared up. I gave facts man. You know. All lies and name calling does nothing. I looked horrible but We had a friendly post up competition and you guys didn't want to play that's all. I asked. No big deal. Let's not be bitter. All good. No need to argue
Do you take mind altering drugs?
I mean where do you even come up with stuff?
You challenged me to what? I close up elbow contest?
Everyone was here you moron, you posted nothing, I have photos up. You do not. The hairless wonder Deeman is worried about my hair? Its like bizarro world with you. You get called out be multiple people, yet you repeat these stupid answers and replies because you have to defer the fact you are washed. Maybe you were something, although I doubt someone as insecure and ego driven person ever was , but you are a bum now. At best, my pet jester. I wind you up and every laughs because you can't resist the reply.
Oh the obliviousness… good thing you delete your exact forum posts that do the exact same thing, so the new people can’t see the real you.
Only if they knew the real you huh? Still being messy huh? Still fan boying huh? Still LeBron James dunking and everyone moves out the way huh? That's the real u. My statement stands so get over it lol
Oh look you’re doing it again lol man it’s so easy with you almost not fun
Wind em up let him spin!
I hear ya. Lol ok
I love it buddy.
It's just fun to hate Deeman! LOL
Huh?? Lol the last pot you posted was a bit " Rusty"
Still trying to understand your kindergarten pussy comment below lol. Kinda disgusting