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Help with possible injury.


i'll try to make this short, I was at the end of my workout today back/bi. My final workout is t-bar row, I had just picked up the bar to begin my set, and I felt and herd a popping sensation at the bottom of my right lat muscle near where it connects to my ribs it was painful.

I sat the bar down with my left side and stopped immediately, Really i am hoping its not serious mainly is why I posted this, I am gonna go to the doc as soon as possible.

Just looking for any similar experiences or any idea what this was that happen.

I was thinking maybe I tor a ligament or separated a rib, my uncle said it sounded like I had an air pocket, not sure, it was painful though and is still soar.

ty much for any help.

dextetherdog's picture

Hope nothing serious considering you were at the end of your workout and body was prepared.
Did you try to max out on the weights or was it more like volume type of set ???'s picture

after action report.
Doc gave me ibuprofen and an appointment with a specialist and sent me packing.

no bruising or discoloration
no swelling so far.
Pain this morning was moderate, hurts to laugh or breathe heavily , I am pretty sure if I have to sneeze i'll shit myself from the pain other than that seems ok figures crossed.
I hoping it was just a muscle sprain or torn muscle or something of the sort, that nasty popping noise i heard still has me worried though.

Makwa's picture

My first impression if no swelling/bruising and the pain it it causing would be a rib issue. Popped/dislocated rib gives me that pain.'s picture

I am thinking the same Mak, It was definitely an uncomfortable popping sensation I am thinking maybe a rib dislocated momentarily causing the pop and the pain after words probably a stressed rib muscle.

Bill G's picture

Well at least your addicted to the pain.
Haha jk kidding bro. Injury SUX for sure. If you tore something you will have to leave it alone for a few months. I had a tiny hernia in my forarm. Burned like a cigar was in there just below my elbow. I kept on and it got worse. I couldn't curl , pull or grip anything. I kept going trying to work around it. It just got worse. When i had my disc problems in my back. It shut me down for about 5 months during that time it quit hurting the bump is still there but it doesnt burn anymore. Ive had a few injuries slow me down. Getting old and learning to lift like im not 20 or even 30 any more.

Makwa's picture

A pop and pain at an insertion point is never a good thing. I'd be on the lookout for bruising/swelling and popping some ibuprofin while on the way to the doc. Doc will probably just say rest it until it gets better but that is probably all you can pretty much do. Doc should be able to at least give you a time frame though.

press1's picture

Sounds like a ruptured ligament to me, even though it is a large muscle its pretty easy to tear or pull. I've done it before on weighted chins where I pulled my left lat at the bottom of the pull. If it is that it took about 3/4 months for it to heal and you won't be able to train back at all, apart from deads if you do them but not for a couple of weeks yet.

In a promo × 1's picture

I will have it looked at tomorrow , ty for the tentative healing timeline . That is what I was afraid of, I am thinking it will also get in the way of me training shoulders properly, maybe even chest.

god damn it, this injury could not have come at a worst time, i am in between cycles my being able to train daily is paramount.

Sam I Am's picture

I'd have it checked immediately. Has it bruised yet?

Owes a Review × 1's picture

negative no bruising yet, It is definitely sore though . It kinds hurts when I take a deep breath, I will get to doc as soon as possible, I am betting when I wake up tomorrow its gonna be hell, damn it this is gonna cost me money and gains.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

damn it this is gonna cost me money and gains.

It happens mate, you'll recover and be back in the gym in no time. Hopefully its not too serious.