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+ 2 Eccentric / Negatives / ISO's - Muscle contraction tools - fact vs. fiction


From some comments lately, these training tools seem to be widely misunderstood. Rather than be an internet-bro going all academic on it to shed some light, I thought I would let an academic go all internet-bro on the subject...

Take a look through Dr. Jacob Wilson's most recent video on contractions. Very much so worth watching, starting from 5 mins in

Hope this adds some value for you

j1980's picture

Great find! +1

cobler_smith's picture

Slow negatives work great for me, dr wilson can fuck off.

giardap's picture

haha yeah totally man,
wilson, norton, pakulski etc etc etc,... all those lads, sure what the fcuk would they know?!!!
They are all clueless dimwits!

cobler_smith's picture

Im sure they know plenty but slow negatives have helped me better than anything. I was given advice to increase time under tension a few years back and with slow negatives ive been able to do that.

giardap's picture

Look... its all right, none of it is wrong. Whatever works works right? So as long as u aren't hurting yourself and are stimulating the muscle you are doing something right,.... fair enough? ??

But. .. if you want to know about what spurs the most growth or creates most tension, tears, activation etc not to mention what stimulates the most anabolic hormone response afterwards etc... that would be when these guys systems and views can take things to the next level

Does that make sense? It's about the most optimal approach, not the only approach

Hope that makes sense

helloBrooklyn's picture

So the whole "lower the weight slow and controlled to build more muscle" thing is broscience? Shocking. Shocking I tell you!

Seriously, this isn't the first time I've heard from a knowledgeable source that those studies that show that the eccentric portions of lifts tear more muscle are flawed and misunderstood.

giardap's picture

Lol, Nah controlled is where it's at but speed is largely irrelevant

Eccentrics work but no1 seems to know why. It's really simple. It's about fibre activation. On the conentric x amount of fibres fire. Bit on eccentric x+y amount of fibres activat and fire up. That's why the eccentric is stronger in the first place. So load it up, and then some to stress it!!!

It's all valid, they are all tools!

helloBrooklyn's picture

I said slow and controlled. As in both aren't entirely dependent on one another. The eccentric can be fast yet still under complete control. See: Dan Green's bench press form. Also see: how fucking jacked he is even though his eccentrics are blink-and-you'll-miss-it fast.

Then you got monsters like Scot Mendelson who take longer to lower a bar to their chests than women do to pick out an outfit. And it works for them. There's no ONE WAY. That's really the point. When guys say lowering weight slow and controlled is a great tool, of course, I agree completely. When they say it's the best way to lift, period, that's just not true.

giardap's picture

Absolutely hB

bigrick2017's picture

Cool brother I watched 15 to 30 min until the guy kinda lost focus but he has some good information in that video

giardap's picture

Glad you enjoyed Rick! Yeah Wilson is solid. Check out his facebook page. He does weekly lessons and is both theoretical and practical including IFBB pro's. He was in Gen Iron 1 with Pakulski.
His publications are rock solid, and the videos like this one, cover topics in the weekly academy with Q&A at the end covering all sorts!

bigrick2017's picture

Cool man I just went got on his page thanks!

giardap's picture

Yeah dude, that's the point really. Wilson, Pakulski, Y3T, Dorian.... doesnt matter. The mechanisms of action are well known and clearly defined, but for some reason, many of us gymrats completely misunderstand and misinterpret it! Bro nonsense proliferates etc. but education trumps that.

Catalyst's picture

Bro nonsense proliferates etc

There's a whole industry built on that particular premise.....

giardap's picture

Totally Catalyst,
When you see the likes of Glanbia buying out the likes of Optimum Nutrition and BSN, you start to realise just how much quid is at stake generally, then the likes of Enhanced Athlete etc.....!