Glasses's picture
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+ 5 Snacking the Healthy way..


My first post here.
Let's see how it goes.

So this will probably be my favorite forum, as my girl says- food is love, food is life. Hehe
I love to eat, love to go to gym. Maybe that's the whole big truth behind it. Eat a lot, train hard. Generally I tend to eat as healthy as I could possibly eat, given the fact that I really love food. But this post will be about my favorite food - snacks.

Healthy between meals snacks for me would be baby carrots, normal carrots sliced, red paprica, boiled broccoli. I really enjoy sunflower seeds, and nuts. All kind of nuts.

I consider myself an expert in sunflower seeds. Hehe. I am really choosy regarding them. But that's like a (Must have item) when I watch a movie or some series on TV.

When I'm working I pack with me or buy in local grocery shop - Indian, ground nuts. Almonds or pistachio. Love them.

So in coffee break when everyone is smoking. I just drink my coffee and eat nuts.

That's just me. What about you. What is that you snack on? Or do you snack at all.
There may be a lot of compounds around that can help you reach the peak, gain mass better, cut faster. But what I know for the fact is that if your diet is not in check - all that is useless or even bad for you.

And agien, quoting my girl! Food is love, food is life.

GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Sir,

This is quite a serious subject when it comes to dieting and losing body fat. How many times you hear athletes or people that have nothing to do with fitness saying: "I do not eat anything and my weight doesn't go down". Majority of these people do not even realize how many calories you get from so called "snacking" and most of them would not even remember that they had that snack at all. You can easily pick up 300-500 calories (that can be a calorie deficit that you need to start losing body fat in the first place) from just having couple biscuits or fruits and without even realizing it, then a week later you step on scales, look in the mirror and do not notice any changes - well this is quite a common mistake. Also every time you have that snack you spike your insulin up unnecessarily.
So I find snacking quite a bad habit that leads to negative consequences. If you feel hungry between your meals you would need to adjust your nutrition plan and maybe have a bit bigger meals/portions to fill you up while maintaining your calorie intake.
Nuts by the way can be quite high on calories and even though some are going to say "you need healthy fats in your diet" that is true but not in the amounts we normally have them.


Dr.BroScience's picture

Not a big snacker here unless you count home made jerky

If I'm hungry in between whole food meals, that's what fresh cut veggies, liquid egg whites, and whey isolate are for.

rabbitman's picture

exactly why 2 of my deer is always made in jerky, nothing like good free protein to snack on!

Sam I Am's picture

Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or apples.

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Jayzgainz's picture

Oreo' size. With a half gallon of milk.


Cottage cheese with pineapple

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RangerVet's picture

Peanut butter by the jar

bundlz's picture

Same here and dessert for cheatmeal hotvl pancake with Nutella and peanutbutter with peanut Chunks in it

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IrishMack's picture

I prefer my peanut butter with no sugar and full of liberals.

Sam I Am's picture

Well you do reside in one of those swanky counties if I’m not mistaken. Liberals in paradise...

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IrishMack's picture

its a state filled with pretentious people who pretend to be rich and drive fancy cars with their big houses so far in debt with their champagne dreams with beer pocketbooks. I'm having a very hard time fitting in still.

wanted's picture

Celery and cottage cheese

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Makwa's picture

I snack on T-bones and baked potatoes.

Sam I Am's picture

Big eater with big money...

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IrishWOLFhound's picture

Carl ?

Sam I Am's picture

Probably. We should set the odds and bet. Lol

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Sam I Am's picture

It’s just an inside joke. Nothing to worry about.

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IrishWOLFhound's picture

Never mind Smile cottage cheese and peanut butter are my go to snacks , not together though haha nice post +1

Sam I Am's picture

Good thing I train alone. Who needs a spotter when you have gas...I wonder if they would kick you out of planet fitness for that?

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Sam I Am's picture

Gas is healthy bro and it keeps people at a safe distance...

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