Jshwaa's picture
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I gotta have my beer!


Anybody able to maintain their cycles and regimen AND drink beer on the weekends? I really would like to be able to drink some beer on the weekends, so I'm not sure if that will work on a cycle or not. Do I have to quit drinking beer? I've reduced the calories to Michelob Ultra.... Will that be ok on Friday and Saturday nights? Please let me know your experiences with this. Thanks.

Greg's picture

I've reduced the calories to Michelob Ultra

I thought you wanted to drink beer?

bundlz's picture

i put it in my cheatmeal bacardi oakheart or 2-3 its not bad at all if you not go wasted for 2 nights after each other Smile

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Dr.BroScience's picture

Alcohol is never recommended on cycle. I have to agree with the thread below . Why sabotage your cycle with alcohol consumption?

That being said. So if you must, moderation and alcohol beverage choices is key.
Red wine and after dinner digestifs do have their health benefits. If drinking alcohol , the better choices would be vodka or tequila. Preferably without a mixer.

You mentioned beer. If you were to have a beer I would hope you would be bulking (excess caloires) and hopefully refraining from orals as this could pickle your liver pronto. Also remember factors such as tren and alcohol buzz do not pair well together. Food for thought.

And for beers. , Ive found that the two least diet killing mainstream beers would be listed below.

Michelob Ultra 12oz - 96 calories / 2.6 carbs / .2 protein / 0 fat 4.2 % alcohol

Guinness 12 oz 126 calories / 10 carbs / 1 g protein / 0 fat 4 % alcohol

As always Drink Responsibly and Good Luck to you.

Caeser's picture

Alcohol is a depressant...
It will suppress your natural T levels... it is a testicular toxin...
It is a muscle-building killer...decreases protein synthesis...
It will increase Cortisol levels...
It will decrease serum GH...
It will inhibit the release of GnRH, subsequently decreasing LH...

It's not the calories you should be concerned about... it's the hormone disruption...

If you must drink... it's wise to limit intake to 3 drinks or less... Drink wine, or Liquor (e.g. Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Whiksy... in that order)...


333's picture
Manshit's picture

It stresses the liver,kidneys,but the real issue is it raises estrogen.Not a good idea to make it a habit.

BigWA67's picture

I love my alcohol way to much so i just steer clear of it when im on cycle better to stay as healthy as possible cause your already putting enough of a strain on your liver as it is!!

irongame427's picture

I don't think there's any problem with alcohol itself besides empty calories. Not gonna hurt you in moderation. What will hurt you is going out Friday, missing your last two meals, waking up the next day after drinking feeling kinda crappy and not wanting to eat your shitty eggs and oatmeal or a nasty protein shake, you tuck your eating up Saturday go out drinking again that night wake up Sunday and eat like crap again. If you can avoid doing that your good. When I was still in college I did that Thursday-Saturday and worked hard money-Thursday afternoonish. Didn't get very far. Moderation is key. But most of us who indulge in this sport can't do moderation. We're wired different.

Gymjunkie01's picture

You don't think alcohol puts strain on the liver and kidneys ? I would disagree

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333's picture

He said in moderation now if someone was to drink excessively then yes for sure would put a huge strain. I'm Not defending alcohol in anyway but if you have a few drinks once a month you will be fine definitely not every weekend lol the liver is the only organ that can regenerate 100% unless you have drank a 1/5th of vodka every day for 10 years then it turns into hepatitis of the liver that can't be repared but if the person is to quit alcohol they can live a normal healthy life with hepatitis c of the liver.

My mom is dying from drinking and literally was prescribed hgh to try and fix her liver but she still drinks her ass off like a dumb piece of shit so I got a little in site on this and from when my spleen ruptured I read a lot on What the ability of the liver can do but in all reality you are correct so +1 to you

Bearded_muscle's picture

Moderation in all things. Just keep an eye on your liver and know your body/cycle. Running contest prep with tren and winny? Haha I'm sure you can see that's not the time to add to the liver stress. But a light bulker on 500 mgs of test it should be just fine.

Side note: if I'm CRAVING beer and really should be avoiding it I find kombucha to be a decent substitute. Refreshing and the carbonation is the same kind of bubbles as beer since it's fermented but has next to no alcohol in it. I recommend the ginger flavored ones. Works in a pinch.

bigrick2017's picture

I wish I could have a beer every now and again

twistedsister's picture

Yea the calories are good ill drink a couple here and there but not enough to get drunk.
I reccomend einstok white ale damn good beer

stay thirsty my friend

Caeser's picture

Scotch, Scotch, Scotchy, Scotch!

Gymjunkie01's picture

Psssssss... and you say white ale .. what you need is a good German wheat beer

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333's picture

Wheat beer is the best ice cold on a hot summer day after mowing the lawn

Cochise's picture

I heard wheat beer gives you gyno-
Seriously read that some where and a buddy mentioned it while I was drinking one

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twistedsister's picture

Thats ok 10mg nolvadex for every 6 beers your good XD
Itd have to be more than a couple beers if its true .. moderation is key

Cochise's picture

Ha yea I think it was if you drink it regularly for a long time

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Gymjunkie01's picture

Idk? I'm kinda wheat beer fanatic lol I've never read this but doesn't mean it's not true

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twistedsister's picture

I tell you what some of them toasted porter dark ales will put some hair on your chest... i cant say ive had the wheat beer ill have to try it out.

333's picture

Uff da those dark ales ipa's are to thick for me and they are like 10% at least where I live

Gymjunkie01's picture

I've had those takes a man to drink those lol

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Gymjunkie01's picture

Your already on cycle your liver is already getting stressed enough along with the kidneys no reason to add the extra stress, also if your going to run a cycle dedicate the 12-16 weeks of eating right dedicating all that time and hard work why would you sabatoge it? If you wanna drink wait till your done

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Jshwaa's picture

Thanks, Gymjunkie01. That's a good point.

DSTER's picture

Agreed, but to keep it real I do have 2 beers just about every Friday along w really shitty appertizers, I mean the worst of the worst. And love it.

But I also consume an easy 2 gallons a day. On cycle or not.

Gymjunkie01's picture

I agree 1 or 2 hear and there won't hurt but most people don't stop at that it turns into 6-7 lol

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DSTER's picture

To keep it really, really, real that might just happen every so often. Just can't make a habit of it.

twistedsister's picture

This is better advice haha