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Old Iron
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+ 4 Newbie Weight Loss FAQ


Here are some questions I've been bombarded with in the gym since I went from fat to firm. These are answers for natural weight loss, please DO NOT ask a recommendation for using Insulin or ANY type of Thyroid medication to assist in weight loss.

Here we go:

1) Q: How long does it take to see the results from dieting?
A: Your large drops will begin between week 8 and week 10, they will began rapidly and then taper
as your body will continually readjust to the new requirements for subsistence. Also, I hear a lot about give yourself a cheat day. WHY? If your looking for a chick to bang you're not going to give yourself a Herpes day. STICK TO THE PLAN! This is for beginning a weight loss program. Resistance training will reduce fat but not weight as muscle is much more dense than fat. Also, fat retains much more water and blood than muscle so as you begin to lose weight your amount of water stores will also lower resulting in less mass. Tip: look in the mirror not at the scales. Take pic with the cam and you in the same position with the same clothes on every week and compare week one to week four to week eight. Counter point: When you start to dip into lower BF% you'll be fighting a much harder game ie. it's a lot easier to drop from 30% BF to 18% BF than is is to drop from 12% BF to 9% BF.

2) Q: Do crash diets work?
A: Yes. They will result in weight loss; however, you will destroy as much weight in muscle as fat; as fat as well as and even more so muscle are used in starvation mode as fuel after the carb load ingested is depleted. Furthermore, you may enter into a state of Ketosis where the body begins to burn fat by adding a keytone to the fat sugers in order for it to pass the "blood Brain Barrier" ie your dying. Tip: if you must rush it pick a day to fast before a work out day and after a workout day where you've consumed plenty of solid carbs/protiens/fats to replenish and repair from exercise. Fast one day every two weeks. This may not sound like much but will equate to 2 1/4 lbs of weight loss do to caloric restriction alone (based on a 3500 cal pound of fat, even though a pound of fat can range 2,843 to 3,752 calories). Counter Point: Competitors will plummet intake to starvation levels before a competition to display maximum muscle definition, separation and striation. Many black out after a pose downs that's the reason the floor behind the main curtain is covered in thin crash mats.

3) Q) Should I take AAS in order to lose fat?
A) NO! AAS should only be used after years of training and when your diet is in complete check. If you've not been weighing your food for at least a year and not under 15% BF I would say your not ready. Now did I do the right thing and wait for the perfect scenario? No, I didn't but I was also over 40 before I got serious about AAS, and did roughly 20 years of research. The weight is a behavioral issue. AAS to lose body fat initially is like putting nitrous oxide on a moped. Tip: When you stop weighing the pros and cons of eating foods you know are not good for your physique and just know those foods items are out. You've changed your behavior. Counter Point: PBB's often talk about AAS to cut fat, but what you need to understand is they're referring to dropping from 7% BF to 5% BF that's not us! That's them!

4) Q) Does Cardio burn more fat than resistance training?
A) trick question, don't get caught up on this one. Cardio may burn 40 - 80 more calories over a 30-45 minute period of equal intensity used for resistance training but after that training is over the cardio effect is over. On the other hand the muscle you build will continue to burn calories days, weeks and even years after it's created if maintained. Muscle also burns fat while you sleep, so, there's that. Tip: Use cardio and stretch exercise to assist with your resistance training. Counter Point: You need good lungs and a strong heart to pump oxygen to muscle under attack through resistance training and to recover and rebuild new tissue, in that case cardio can be a major factor in speed of hard muscle gains.

5) Q) I am a Vegan, what do I need to do to start building more muscle?
A) EAT MEAT MOTHER FUCKER! Put down the seaweed smoothie and take your pastie, tired, hapless self to the grocery store, go to the meat isle and dig in. Tip: The worst meat is better than the best fruit for gaining muscle. Counter Point: Nope, just eat meat.

6) Q) whats the best weight training exercise for weight loss?
A) Watch the boards go crazy here! My advise is large muscle group exercises that have long range movements that allow you to explode for a longer period per movement. Squats, Hack Squats, Seated Rows, Military Press, Sit Ups and Chin Ups. The idea is that you can use more force over a much longer period of time with a Squat than a Calf Press. And YES they hurt and NO, nobody except that one bull assed freak in the gym likes them (there's always one). This allows to in the beginning to train large groups of muscles with maximum fat burning and muscle building without wasting time on isolation. Tip; You're going to do it anyway so when you do your arms routine focus on the tricep more than the bicep. It makes up more of the arms mass and since it's used less will respond quicker to initial training and stretch out that sleeve faster. Long term advise:: This is not going to be easy at first and you will be in some minor discomfort to moderate pain. It made me lie in bed and cry a couple times wondering if I could really loose the weight and get into a shape other than a pear or if I should just be "happy " with who I was. In hind sight that was a cop out I'm glad I didn't take. It may be the hardest thing you've ever done, but if you can devote three months to giving it even a 50% effort, you'll be sold on they way you look, feel and are perceived by your peers; and those block heads that are always grunting and groaning in the gym that you hate so much for being show offs; mark my words, when you're over there exercising with them and realize these guys are super supportive and a few months goes by you will see many men and women come into the gym and never come back. You will see their look of bewilderment at the machines, the way their shoulders and chins are pulled down in a defeated an embarrassed way. You'll see them scurry along the outside edge of the gym using machines in corners, using them incorrectly, dropping weights and chasing down collars. You will see them on the bench with no spotter, wearing their street shoes on the gym floor while carrying their exercise shoes and you will hear them clanging and banging at the magnetic door because they don't understand the timing. Are you the one that will make an effort to help with a little,"hey man, if you exhale while pushing the weights up and inhale while lowering them it might help" or "hey man would you like a spot" or "I think your upside down"? Are you the one that is going to take an extra 5 minutes out of your routine to help a newbie? Because when it's your turn at the experienced table you will see yourself in all those bodies and faces!

MedDx's picture

get the maximum gains 

From what? Smile What goals are you looking to fulfill?

MedDx's picture


Transferred: (I'm using this as a reference point)

"Not sure where my old account went but just to get it out of the way this isn't a newbie idea from someone that's not experience with gear. Current Test=115, Free Test 27.1. 188, 5'10", 22%, 47 in July. I'm going on Bio-Te this summer and want to get the maximum gains of my last stash of Test-E. Usually dose 500mg per week for 12 weeks. Since the half life is 10-14 days I'll be changing from my 2 per week 250mg to once per week 250mg and running a longer cycle 16-24 weeks. My question is this, would you front load the cycle as to get into the post 5th week build phase faster and limp the rest of the cycle or just allow the test numbers to creep along slowly as to not have to large of a peek during the end cycle."

Venemy's picture

Nice read. EAT MEAT MOTHER FUCKER!!! hahaha Seriously though, #4 really spoke to me. I think I've been hung up on that too much lately.

StrongBalls's picture

Thanks for the post. I'm gonna take all this info and apply it to my new routine.

chubby.fats's picture

thank you

Green Ranger's picture

Good info bro +1

Engineereddisaster's picture

Nice post. I loved the cheat day/herpes day analogy.
Thanks for taking the time to write that up.

Pale's picture

Excellent post indeed. +2 from me as well.