cry_havoc's picture
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Anabolic Diet


I have been reading the Anabolic Diet lately ( Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale) and wondering if anyone has used it with any success. He advocates 30 grams of carbs a day during the week with 45-50% fat and 35-40% protein with an unlimited carb loading on the weekends for 24-36 hours or until you start to "Smooth Out". From personal experience I have lost fat on a high fat high protein diet but had trouble gaining weight on it and felt flat from it. I needed more carbs for my workouts.

I am interested in leaner clean gains and not so much a dirty bulk method with a ton of fat with the strength gains.

Can anyone weigh in on this topic?

giardap's picture

Great thread

k-boom's picture

in my opinion you need carbs. Carbs help you replenish the glycogen levels. So after a hard training muscles need to recover. Like Mike Mentzer said in one of his books: the body always is taking safety measurements. The growth of the muscles is one of them. When you hit them hard they take all the measurements so they can face the next time the hard workout. So this is the most basic explanation of the muscle growth. During the recovery the muscles need proteins, carbs, vita mins, minerals.
Try getting carbs from rice and oats and see what happens. try to be around 3-4 gr of carbs per kg and 2 gr of protein nd 0,5 gr of fats and see what happens. Also try to cycle the volume and intensity of your workouts.

Gh0st's picture

I'm currently reading this as well. Since I'm not cycling right now I decided to give it a try. Keeping my fats at 130g, protein 250g, and carbs (higher than suggested to start this week) at 90g per day. I just had surgery a few weeks ago on my shoulder, so unfortunately I can't train like I was. Therefore keeping myself a little under my maintenance cals. I'm curious to see if I can continue to maintain weight (muscle mass) and lean out a little bit with this diet.

However, this definitely isn't a diet I would run or suggest running while cycling. Although there are a lot of healthy fats out there available in food, this guy suggests eating a lot of red meat. Which is almost always high in saturated fat and cholesterol. While there isn't any good scientific evidence that shows eating a diet high in cholesterol will give you high cholesterol, there is plenty of evidence that shows diets high in saturated fats will contribute to atherosclerosis. Which is one of the leading causes of strokes, MI's, etc.

With the typical cycle tipping our cholesterol balance from good to bad (with the use of orals, aromatase inhibitors, and the mild changes with oils alone, etc.) I'll keep my fats lower while cycling. Being young and wanting to maintain my health for as long as possible, I think it would be better to avoid a high fat diet while using any AAS.

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redmenace117's picture

Also here is more he wrote, but almost the same crap.

Click here for his book : Anabolic Solutions for Bodybuilding.

redmenace117's picture

I just got the PDF on Friday, and have started the diet 3/29, yesterday.
I have been looking for something like this for some time now.
What I ate yesterday for day one was this:

8 eggs - 55 fat 50 protein
6 slices bacon thick cut - 42 fat 24 protein
Bob Evans sausage - 44 fat 40 protein
5 slices muenster cheese - 42 fat 32 protein
8 oz. ground beef 85% lean - 35 fat 42 protein
2 tbsp olive oil - 28 fat
1 tbsp coconut butter - 12 fat
protein shake (50 protein)
8 oz. chicken breast - 17 fat 67 protein
protein shake (75 protein)

I'm going to work one of those protein shakes out, but that is what I was able to do yesterday, but after work today, hitting up shop rite.

So really just looking for advice, if I am out to a good start.

cry_havoc's picture

What was your total caloric intake on that? How many Carbs did you have total and how many are in the protein shakes?

redmenace117's picture

FAT - 250g
Protein - 380g

Protein shakes have about 4.5g Carbs 1 scoop.
So i am basically drinking down my carbs to stay under 30.
Cheese has small percentage, and other things, so really you almost can't eat anything of a carb. Cause your getting them in some cheeses and in your protein shake if your protein shake has it.

Calories have to be around :
FAT : 2250
PRO: 1520
About 120 or 100 Calories in Carbs.

Around : 3870 a day. I'm gonna get CUT lol

redmenace117's picture

I also eat greens twice a day.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

ive done it. amazing results in my experience. of course i was "on" but i gained about 5lbs of muscle and lost about 2-3% bf during the course of the diet. i will say though, i had my bloods done and my cholesterol was FUCKED up. my ldl was in the 220s from all that animal fat. i was eating steak 1-2x a day. ground beef 3x a day, pork chops 1-2x a day, salami to snack on, going through olive oil and whole unsalted butter like nothing. but it does work just watch your cholesterol. on weekends id start my carb load with ice cream to spike insulin and then eat an entire meat lovers pizza. my body soaked up the carbs like nothing. for me i notice my glycogen will refill after about 36 hours instead of the recommended 48hrs. thats the key to getting success out of this diet, staying in keto while carb loading. eat just enough carbs on the weekend to fill out and stay sane but not enough to "satisfy" yourself or else the next week will be hell again. hope this helps

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cry_havoc's picture

How long did you run this diet and were you on a maintenance or bulking phase?

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

I was actually on a recomp/leaning phase. I'll usually prime before a cycle and then bulk the first 6 weeks or so to take advantage of the anabolic rebound effect afterwards I'll go into a solidifying type stage where I try to get leaner while keeping muscle on. I ran this diet for about 6 weeks. I had to stop because my cholesterol was soo terrible my doctor was worried. And how I calculate the gain in muscle and drop in body fat is not by eye or by guess. I get my body composition analyzed every few weeks or so at my local nutrition shop where they have this really high tech machine that will print out everything about your physique. Once starting the diet I went from 15% bf roughly down to 11.5% bf and I put 1.5lbs of muscle on each arm and 3lbs of muscle on my torso (been focusing in bringing chest up and bigger arms is always a goal. My legs are huge and doninent so I cut back working them) lost about .5 lb on each leg. And my weight on the scale hasn't changed. So ime, yes this diet is very effective but once again eating pounds of red meat everyday is not the best thing for your body and in my case dangerous. Hope this helps

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cry_havoc's picture

This was very helpful KAP thanks again!

Again I love the avatar! Brick Top was the shit!!!

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

No problem havoc, happy to help!

..was!?? Bricktop STILL is the shit! Lol

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Makwa's picture

I can't function on only 30g carbs/day. My workouts suck and I feel like crap. Maybe you have seen this already, but this has worked wonders for me for clean mass gains.

cry_havoc's picture

Thanks for pointing me to this Makwa. I hadn't seen it yet or if I had I did not do the due diligence it required to digest and use. I have always used a high carb approach to bulking but dislike the extreme measures to cut. I am no competitor but find myself very interested, and in fact driven to attain, a contest body just for the learning experience. I have a six pack at 10-12% but would love to be sitting at 8% all the time and even achieve 5% once in a while at will. I have always been good at dietary manipulations but failed to get that last 3%. Was looking at this book and wondering if anyone has tried it.

To clarify, I have been 3-5% in the past but I was a young guy who didn't think about what I ate, it just happened. Now I am 40 and can't figure out why it is harder to stay leaner!!! lol