Alphamale500's picture
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+ 8 Heart and Cardiovascular Health Supplements


As the majority of us already know, aas use can possibly cause damage to many of our internal organs. When it comes to trying to prevent aas related side effects, some aas users focus primarily on liver and prostate health. But it seems that not enough attention is being paid to heart and cardiovascular health, which is where some of the worst aas related side effects can occur!

Some possible heart and cardiovascular side effects of aas use can be; developing an enlarged heart, (LVH)left ventricular hypertrophy, hypertension, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, clogged arteries, blood clots, increased risk of heart attack, sudden cardiac death, etc.

So I thought I'd put together a list of some of the most clinically researched and effective supplements for heart and cardiovascular health, and prevention of aas induced sides. I happen to use these supplements myself and have had nothing but success with excellent health. Now, of course taking these vitamins and/or supplements can't guarantee you protection from any and all aas related sides, but these can certainly help with doing so. I, like so many other people truly believe in maintaining optimal health conditions with the addition of certain vitamins and health supplements.

I understand that these supplements may not be for everyone, and some people may not believe in their health benefits. But I choose to err on the side of caution and research, and use these supplements to help maintain my health and hopefully prevent any side effects from aas use.

So here's a list of the supplements that have many potential health benefits for your heart and cardiovascular system, and some of the most noteworthy benefits they're known for. Keep in mind that most of these supplements have many other health benefits for other parts of the body as well, but I'm only listing their heart and cardiovascular health benefits to stay within the topic.

1: Fish Oil/Omega-3 fatty acids(ALA,EPA,DHA); Helps
lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, reduce
blood clotting, lower heart failure risk, lower heart
attack risk, prevents plaque from building up in
your arteries and reduced risk of arrhythmias.
2: Coenzyme Q10; many of the same benefits as
Omega-3 fatty acids, and also helps people using
statins maintain their CoQ10 levels which statins can
decrease. CoQ10 and Fish Oil/Omega-3's are said to
have a synergistic effect when taken together.
3: Provinal(Purified Omega 7); Can reduce risk of type II
diabetes, prevent buildup of atherosclerotic plaque,
increase HDL(Good Cholesterol) levels, lowers the
inflammation marker C-reactive protein which is
associated with an increased risk of heart attack,
plus major benefits for Metabolic syndrome
4: Resveratrol and Pterostilbene; they have many
antioxidant and anti-atherosclerotic functions that
together provide potent protection against
developing cardiovascular disease, and may reverse
cardiovascular disease that's started to develop,
lowers blood pressure, increases HDL(Good) and
lowers LDL(Bad) cholesterol levels.
5: Plant Sterols; lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart
disease and heart attacks.
6: Pumpkin Seed Oil; reduce high blood pressure,
lowers high cholesterol, good source of antioxidants
and fatty acids, increase nitric oxide levels to expand
blood vessels and reduce plaque growth in your
7: Aged Garlic Extract; helps lower cholesterol, helps
lower blood pressure, reduce dangerous plaque
buildup in your arteries, helps prevent the
progression of heart disease.

DortchRules's picture

Indeed, it is not a secret that anabolic-androgenic steroids are substances that accelerate the formation and renewal of structural parts of cells, tissues, and muscle structures. However, this happens at an accelerated pace and is created artificially. That is why the admission of AAS causes severe damage to many systems of your organism. So, I consider that the best healthy way to get the desired result is to follow the proper nutrition and take natural vitamins. For example, Coenzyme Q10 stimulates the body's work in the correct mode and does not harm your health at all. You can read more about it here

tonymontanaa's picture

I had heard about garlic's benefits before but didn't know its help to AAS sides.
But I want to add one important thing to the list,

GreatSpear's picture

I haven’t seen anymore mention red yeast rice yet! It’s essentially a natural statin.

johnmarshall12's picture

Good post! I take a lot of supplements but more widespread than just cardiovascular. Better safe than sorry! +

shiva4's picture

Great write up. +2

Ubiquinol may be a better option over CoQ-10 since its already reduced and the conversion becomes less effective the older you get.

When choosing a fish oil, dont go for the cheaper options. Fish oil is notorious for oxidizing which makes it less effective or even useless. Nordic naturals is a good choice, just make sure it's coming from a reputable reseller.

juiceball8082's picture

Citrus bergamot

juiceball8082's picture

It has been a game changer in raising my hdl

juiceball8082's picture

Yeah fiber is another!

shiva4's picture

Solid advice, brother. When giving nutrition rec's I see talk about in macros, obviously, and often sugar. I rarely see fiber being mentioned, though.

juiceball8082's picture


stairmaster's picture

Vit E !

stairmaster's picture

I use 50IU pharma grade caps, but I took a short look to a few supps and all include more than 200IUs, I'm a bit shocked bout that ..even Animal Pak has 300IUs

Faz's picture

Good post, I’ve been using Resveratrol for the past year or so. +1

Faz's picture

I’ve just done some reading, 80% bioavailability compared to 20% from Resveratrol.
What daily dosage do you use?

They seem to be mainly sold in 50mg caps with a daily dosage from 50mg to 300mg.

Faz's picture

Great stuff, I found a few options with the dosage you suggested, will buy some later. Thanks mate!

Faz's picture

Awesome, I’ll have a look into that later. Thanks!