Hank Moody's picture
Hank Moody
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If you are experiencing hair loss due to DHT conversion (The major cause of male pattern baldness) consider taking saw palmetto. Saw Palmetto works by blocking 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.

For women Saw Palmetto may reduce the likely hood of getting breast cancer. Saw Palmetto blocks estrogen and estrogen stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells.

Additionally Saw Palmetto can assist with prostate health, this also happens by stopping the conversion of DHT.

Plus its Cheap!!

Christophany's picture

I don't know about Saw Palmetto's effects on hair loss, but the studies I've read regarding prostate show it to be no more effective than a mere placebo.

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ashop's picture

EVERY time I have used saw palmetto I have developed gyno like symptoms. Ive used some of the strongest AAS ever made and never had an issue with gyno but saw palmetto makes my nips sore puffy and tender. Some theories are that its a plant estrogen.

DesertFox's picture

I've had somewhat similar findings. Nipples get sore and my libido crashes.

juiceball8082's picture


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