GlycogenGuy's picture
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Experience with V B12 Injections


Injections vs Pill? What have you experienced?

redneckfreak's picture

Injections are better for me

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Protein4breakfast's picture

Your body does not digest oral b-12 nearly as well so sublingually would be the way to go if you want to take it orally. Personally I feel much better on b-12 injections. I started a regiment of b-12 injections large doses of vitamin d and Sam-E every day and it’s been great for energy and a feeling of well being. A doctor suggested this regiment for me as an alternative to anti-depressants and it’s been great for me.

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Greg's picture

The takeaway: Taking the oral B vitamins was cheaper and easier, and unless you are low in B vitamins you will not feel a "boost" you might be seeking from the injection. If you inject B12 regularly, again, you will not be feeling that "boost" when your B12 levels are normal.

Oral B-12 with a B complex is the way to go.

-My 2 bits

Keepmovingforward's picture

I recently started b12 injections. 1cc/mg 1xweek and it’s changed my life. I have way more energy and my mood is extremely enhanced. I don’t get the midday crash anymore and my appetite is up which is good for me because I’ve always had a hard time hitting my calorie intake. I just ordered a huge vial on amazon.

Permabulk's picture

I myself have a issue of the mid day crash... lunch break I waste 45 min sleeping. As far as appetite how much did it increase? Mine is a beyatch and find it really hard to get in my last few meals.

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stairmaster's picture

I pin 1mg each month , helps me to stay hungry and I am less tired!

GrowMore's picture

How much is in your 1ml mate?

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stairmaster's picture

1cc = 1mg

dextetherdog's picture

I do 1ml B complex every month, think it also helps my immune system, painful sh*t though

Johnny Bravo's picture

Whoa there hold up. What’s in ur b complex? My doc has me pin 1 ml 2X per week!?!? This is very concerning

dextetherdog's picture

If I’m not wrong it’s B1 B6 B12 not sure at what concentration each but can have a look if it helps

Johnny Bravo's picture

If u could that would b awesome. 1 time per month vs 8 times per month is a pretty hefty difference

dextetherdog's picture

That’s a good point. I will check when I get home and will let you know. But if your Doc suggested that, must know what he’s doing

Johnny Bravo's picture

One of my doctors suspected I have an enzyme disorder where digesting B12 isn’t efficient and slows down my body processes. I don’t eat red meat which is probably why. I found cyanocobalamin slows me down and the bioavailable forms methylcobalamin and folate do nothing so he suggested trying an injectable form. Pretty huge difference

stairmaster's picture

yes defo!