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dextrose and maltodextrin (sources matter)


I was considering both from rice.
Would they effect you differently being from rice rather than corn? Standard corn derived of both kinda make me sick.
And what about rice flour, is this similar.

Theonslaught's picture

Do you get honey from specific company or maybe local bee keeper?

oh and I was planning a cycle and wanted a lot of carbs involved from supplements.

Theonslaught's picture

I was told that honey was fake. Lol my phone almost wrote horny instead of honey.


I found that both times ive used maltodexdrin or dex they made my stomach feel bad. Both were corn based i believe. I was told by a few to try rice kind.
I saw rice flour and wondered the difference.
Oats made me too full unfortunately.
Also I'm trying bio fermented sprouted rice protein as every other supplement source kills me. I wish i could eat most of it but i can't.