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Starting my first cycle


ok so i've been hitting the gym consistently 5x a week for a year now made some great gains natty apparently based on everyone who sees me claims...i put on size easily and i know that...but i'm going to try to start my first boy sells AAS to high profile celebs and pro's in hollywood and he's been doing it for a i'm thinking of trying it now and see where that takes me...

but before i jump on i need to know certain things because i'm scared of things like this because i'm dumb lol...

he said he wants me to go on a test/win/masteron? cycle...all at once for 8-10 weeks...i'm going to work out with him during those weeks and he's going to show me how much to inject/where to inject etc..

mind you i'm not paying him for any of the gear...he's hooking me up since he's stupidly rich...

anyways what i want to know is despite his claims of it being "pharma-grade" is there a place where i can test it...personally test it or preferably get it professionally tested...price isn't an issue for me to test it...i rather know i have pure stuff than fake...also he said something about water based...i read water based is risky...?

secondly...what do you all think about that cycle? do they go together...? are the sides going to be harsh...?should i get accutane...will i lose my hair? (my family genes are pretty good with hair tho my pops and his bros are like 70s/80s and still have a full head of hair)...or something else on hand? what kind of PCT is preferred for this kind of cycle? what should i expect?

if you have any other advice please let me know...

my stats:



14% BF (bulking currently, going to cut soon probably while on gear tbh if i do)

years lifting: 6 years off and on...seriously started lifting consistently and dieting for a year tho.

Jameshobbis's picture

This is so lazy!! Start doing some research! Before jumping on I researched like crazy for over 2 years. Until you know your stuff stay away from drugs until you know what your putting in to your body and the risks involved! Your not going to find any co signers here!
Research,research and research some more then you will know yourself whether you are ready and will know that this is a bs cycle for a beginner.
Also training for 1 year is not enough but you won't listen to me anyway.
Good luck with your journey!

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Greg's picture

Make GOOD life choices.

You're fucked up and have no grasp of what your priorities should be.

Instead of being concerned and finding out EVERYTHING AAS can do TO you as well as FOR you, you're concerned about "purity". If I said I had a toxin that will completely change your outlook on life, You're more concerned about how pure my toxen is and not the side effects?

I could research for 10 years it wont give me all the knowledge i need


0newheelup's picture

I'm trying to take u seriously but some stuff isnt adding up. U say this is ur first cycle but below u say uve done plenty of cut/bulk cycles and cant get that dry look.... SMDH!

U have to do some research and learn about these compounds before putting them in ur body. I know guys like ur boy (my personal friends) and u cant be their little puppet. Ur in the right place to learn about this stuff and lifestyle. Knowledge in the substances, how to plan, how to eat, and how to protect urself. Ull realize u might know more than ya boy!. Continue training hard and wait till u know more. Ur confidence and knowledge will roll over into amazing results! U can thank everyone here later.

johnmarshall12's picture

There are contradictions in your story here. It's better to know what you're getting into before doing it! You are following this guys advice and have absolutely no knowledge of the products or what they do.

You better do a little studying first, and try to really determine what you are trying to do. Knowledge is power!

Greg's picture

I won't let my doctor prescribe me meds without a full understanding of what they do and why they're needed.

Here you are asking how to test drugs a gym rat wants to inject you with without any understanding about them.

With that attitude, I hope you own a plot of land at Forest Lawn.

press1's picture

Tell your 'Boy' from me I think he sounds like a F'kin Idiot - Those 3 compounds as a first cycle??! Ars*hole....

Also, high end celebs would not buy steroids from some jumped up street dealer they'd get them via a proper personal trainer/coach who knows what they are actually talking about - So I call Bullsh** on that one too....

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press1's picture

Wind your F'in tongue in Dic*head - He doesn't run tren FYI. Since when does having money qualify you as being a good PT? You are just a little green troll aren't you, you aren't serious about any of this at all.

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Greg's picture

You don't need anyone's help here. You've got your own "trainer"

Blaaahdk's picture

See a trainwreck coming here . Stop and rethink dude research research and you know What more research .

tyler0628's picture


Rubin0621's picture

You need to talk to your friend man, sounds like he’s setting you up for failure. If he’s that experienced he would know that what he’s recommending as a first cycle isn’t a first cycle. What are your trying to accomplish with that cycle? Adding winstrol will cut you up but imo you gotta be 10% or less to reap its rewards. There are no real accurate home testing kits for the compounds you would want to test. And since your talking about Hollywood I’m gonna assume USA so there aren’t any labs you can send I vial to. Honestly the fact that your friend told you to jump on 3 compounds out the gate and he’s supposed to be experienced makes my wanna punch him in the dick. Prob wants you to run 1g test 600mg mast and 100mg winny for the entire 8-10 weeks.

Rubin0621's picture

Oh believe me man, if he said his friend wanted him to run tren first cycle I woulda had a field day.

Rubin0621's picture

Most ppl will tell you to run test only as a first cycle and always have pct on hand. The gains to be had as a first time user with test only are fantastic, if your diet training and rest is on point I see no reason why you wouldn’t be able to reach sub 10%bf and gain a good 5-8 pounds of lean muscle mass. Not scale weight. I’m talking actual lean muscle mass.

Rubin0621's picture

There’s a whole forum topic dedicated on PCT and anti estrogens you can look at for that info, I would recommend just HCG and Clomid but I personally haven’t ran a PCT in years choosing to go to blast and cruise route in my early thirties, I’m sure protocol has changed and I don’t want to give you bad advice. As far as test dosage I would ask him for an oil based long ester and not go over 500mg a week for 12-16 weeks. Don’t forget to ask him about an AI either. Good luck.

tyler0628's picture

Test s will have you pinning every day. Prepare to be a human pincushion. Stick with regular test e only, an AI on hand in case of estro side flare up and get the proper PCT in place.

Honestly, I've made great gains Natty through my first 3-5 years and have plateaued. I've reached (give or take) my Max genetic potential.

Do some research into Max genetic potential. I forget where it is but I read a study once that in your first year alone one has the potential to out on 30lbs and then it slowly declines to being a Max of 1-2lean pounds per year after year 5.

My suggestion is train right, diet hard, get your macros in place and continue lifting for a couple more years before jumping on. It's better for the joints and ligaments to develop that strength that will be needed with heavier lifting on cycle.

If you want more info, feel free to PM me, but I won't spoon feed you, rather point in the right direction.

Rubin0621's picture

He has test suspension. I would stay away from it on your first cycle is you can. If he’s really pushing like he says he will have access to oil based compounds.

Slowly's picture

Too many questions in one subject. I personally, after 3 years still have not learned a fucking cycles, periods, substances, PCT or other shit.
You have created the profile now and you want to discover the world?
I suggest you use the "search" button, or you'll get in trouble!

GizmoDuck's picture

So this friend of yours sells to high end people. and yet he says you should do all that for a first cycle and doesn't even mention anything about a PCT....ummm ok. Secondly, you say you put on mass easily already. so why you wanna rush and jump on gear.. seriously.. So much of what you said in you post is off man.

but if you wanna know what to do. read and search this site.. youll find all your answers there.

and regards to what you wanna jump on. no one will agree to it.

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