Meatetarian's picture
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New Cycle, opinions please!


Hey guys,

So, this is my first of many posts on this site, and I hope I can gain the wealth of knowledge that a lot of you have.

Like the name suggests, I’m about to start a new cycle and would like your opinions on it. I’ve been out of the gym for about 18 months due to starting a company that demanded more than 100 hours/week of my time, now that things are simmering down, I’m definitely more focused on my health.

For starters, I am not looking at this cycle to be the key to my mass building/shredding. I’m putting a lot of emphasis on my diet, as I am an ectomorph, I’m consuming between 3500-4000 calories/day (as clean as I can get), with a 1.5 hour workout 6 times a week.

So what I’ve put together for this cycle is:

Tren E (200mg/ml) - 3 x per week @ 80mg/shot = 240mg/week (Weeks 2 - 10)

Test C (250mg/ml) - 3 x per week @ 175mg/shot = 525mg/ week (Weeks 1 - 12)

Anadrol (50mg) - 25mg/day for Week 2. 50mg/day from weeks 3 - 9)

Anavar (20mg) - 20mg/day for Weeks 7 - 12

Aromasin 25mg - 25mg/day from weeks 3 - 12

This is not my first cycle by any means, so don’t think I’m out of my mind here lol

My first cycle (in 2016), I just did strictly Test C, which I loved, the only side effect I experienced was mild temper mental issues, but I kept it under control.

In 2017, I did Sustanon and anadrol, which I also loved. And again, very little side effects, the only thing I remember is I would have a lack of energy and rare night sweats.

Now, I believe I’m experienced enough to try my hand at the stack I listed above, please let me know what your thoughts are and what I could to to optimize it, thanks!

Rayan's picture

25mg of anadrol is low... Start at 50mg... up to 100mg maximum... whit milk Thistle (Liv52...)
You have not PCT ? Nolvadex / HCG / PROVIRON / CLOMID...
Aromasin is very good.
Anavar for 5 weeks is no good, up to 8 weeks and up to 40 / 50 mg maximum...
Trenbolone enanthate go to 300mg... Testosterone cypionate go to 600mg.
this is my review ^^
PCT men....pct !!! Smile

Owes a Review × 1
pickle's picture

At 6 feet tall and 160 pounds i suggest you focus on eating and not steroids. Spend the next 18 months getting back in the gym, eating, and resting. Build a base, put on some mass naturally. Once you have some muscle to actually shoot your gear into then come back and revisit this.

Anavar and drol together???

Drol is best pulsed 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

Drop the tren (especially since you had temperament issues on just test)

johnmarshall12's picture

Tren? Really? Think about it....anyway this is a bulk cycle. If you do the Tren get ready to get off it if it messes with your emotions. At 160 pounds you have a lot to gain. The Drol and Test should help a lot!

Meatetarian's picture

Hey, this is my third cycle. First one was just Test C

333's picture

Test is best brother

SL's picture

Oh okay cool didn't see that sorry.. I don't recommend tren for a bulk.. test and anadrol will get you big.. just my 2 cents, I can't eat good on tren or sleep to get good gains.. anxiety depression aggression..

333's picture

If you had a mild temper issue on test alone wait till you try tren I would put that shit in the trash. If you insist on tren start with ace so you can drop it fast once you see your anger turn you into a monster

Meatetarian's picture

Thanks, I was thinking that too. Only reason I considered tren was because on test & anadrol I didn’t have any anger issues

333's picture

I'm the happiest guy in the world I can run test at really high doses if I wanted to and have no change. I tried tren e once and holy crap I became a raging asshole and I didn't even see it till I went off on a random guy for getting into my lane to early I followed him and got in his face telling him if he would of hit me I would have ripped his head off and went on to make fun of his shitty truck and that he's probably some welfare piece of shit and he probably doesn't have insurance and How the fuck would he of paid my car bill off and my car cost more then he makes in 10 years. I still feel bad about that to this day I'd stay clear from it unless your making money off the way you look I call it divorce in a bottle as well

SL's picture

Well there you go, who wants anger issues lol.. honestly I won't even run gear if I were you I'd eat 5k calories a day and stay sore. When you plateau then run a test cycle

SL's picture

What was your first cycle???. tren anadrol anavar??? 6' 160lbs.. eat bro do research!

SL's picture

What cycle is this? Why so many compounds?

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