yomimbug's picture
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-3 another noob first cycle wise king advice needed


ive been training for around 5 years now. I was put on antipsychotics and ssris when i was 15 and didnt manage to get off them successfully until i was 20 or so. when i had regained some sentience i realized i looked like a fatter gayer version of the amazing atheist and ive been training ever since. It took me about 2 years to get my body to a point where i could start real str training and ive been doing compound lifts since then. stats:

6ft, 190 pounds, 5x5 185 bench, 5x5 185 squat, 135 OHP, 300 deadlift.

I train heavy compound lifts every other day and light bodyweight exercise in between. I could keep going on like this but i want to get big and experience high test and my life is pretty crappy. i dont really care if i fuck myself up im already pretty fucked, but at the same time i dont want to be forced to be stuck on test the rest of my life and i know things could still change. Ideally i want to push it to the limit while still being in the safe zone able to quit after any cycle and bounce back to my natural test (was 680 last time i got it tested when i was 24, I have gotten a lot stronger since then but also far less energy and drive) and natural nut function (big pink smelly nuts, full of load) at any time. anyway heres what i had in mind please feel free to give me any and all advice/abuse

week 1-4 : 500mg total test-e split sunday morning/wednesday night
week 4-10: same test-e, hcg 1000ui total split same as test
week 5: aromasin 12.5mg added everyday to every other day depending on bloodwork
week 10-13/14: hcg 1000ui split, aromasin 12.5mg every three days
week 13/14-17/18: nolva 20mg with clomid 100mg per day, clomid dropping to 50mg the last week

press1's picture

What I would say pal is you need to work on getting these lifts up to standard before you jump on any kind of cycle at all, as to me it shows you haven't been putting in the work in either the gym or your diet. I've always been of the opinion that no one should be on cycle until they have a minimum 315 bench and 500 deadlift - I was hitting these when I was only 140lb's and still a natty. They are bare minimum strength standards you need to be aiming for first.

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yomimbug's picture

LOOOL ill be dead before i can do a 500lb deadlift. i can do a 225 benchpress with extreme leg drive and arch how bout that? the numbers u say r what ide expect to be at after 2 or so cycles. i know my numbers arent impressive but you have to keep in mind ive come from klinefelter mode 240+ pounds with zero muscle mass not even able to do bitch pushups on my knees with improper form. i had to train to blood in my piss lvls of effort over years to get to the point im at now. really though i dont mind i could keep going without roids really the hardest part is over and i continually make gains month by month but i was hoping the cycle would give me a new direction and ambition in life aswell its a mix between wanting a new outlook and wanting to get big

press1's picture

Seriously mate, I'm not being nasty or anything but you just shouldn't be cycling. You aren't ready at all is the truth of it. Keep your body in its natural healthy state Smile

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yomimbug's picture

not trolling bro i really am a klinefelter turned wannabe body builder truth is stranger than fiction

yomimbug's picture

im not really klinefelter hahaha i looked like one and i might aswell have been one after what those drugs did to me. although i was born with hypospadias which is another estrogen based deformity caused by our ZOG'd environment kind of like klinefelter, want to see a picture of my perforated dick? i would put a picture up of how bad i was and what i look like now but theres no pictures of me from that period whatsoever there was one from a family get together but i tried to find it on facebook and the ones with me in it were discarded LOOOOOL

press1's picture

What's your opinion on this Jay - Is he taking the pi**?...

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0newheelup's picture

U deffinately need to keep researching. U might also want to research how being on cycle affects ur mental state. U start messing around with ur hormones and a side effect triggers u into a state of depression. I only say this because of ur history of antipsychotic medication. A cycle sounds easy enough for a caveman, but it really requires alot more. Knowledge of the product, side effects, combative ancillaries, planning, schedules, diet, workouts, pcts, Bloodwork, financial, and sleep.. Ur witty, which means u have some kind of brain, so dont discredit the power of a small cycle. Read and learn more of what ur wanting to do can affect ur body and mental.

yomimbug's picture

right now i eat 2-3 raw eggs a day, and 2 major meals with one always having one of veg either broccoli, spinach or green beans usually. i eat a lot of salmon, chicken, beef. the only thing that i was going to change on cycle is add in more protein probably with either milk or whey and more carbs. i try to limit carbs to the morning besides potatos at dinner and i avoid bread but on cycle i would start eating a lot

press1's picture

Ya know what, I'm actually starting to quite like you - Ya make me laugh and don't take yourself too seriously at all lol Thought this was a wind up at first but you seem pretty serious +

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yomimbug's picture

thanks m8. have i buttered you up enough you're ready to show me the ways and the ancient techniques? i heard of one extremelyadvanced and dangerous technique among hushed voices the "jelq" they called it. i have no idea what anything at the lvl of these guys could possibly be, but will i one day, too, jelq?

yomimbug's picture

i read some of his stuff on bulk/cut in one cycle and carb quality. thanks brother might take the plan for lots of pbj and eating bread again back out

yomimbug's picture

appreciate the help,trying to add and pm, ill just post here so other might add their 2 cents. I already have mild/moderate gyno and when i last got bloodwork done 3 or so years ago i was focusing on getting low bodyfat to optimize test and was 170 pounds, taking zinc and lots of ginger and large amounts of broccoli with every meal. Even with all these things estrogen was still 47 ng/dl. If i get tested before i do this and its above 40 you think i should just start the aromasin right away? i see this is what you do and i think i would probably have similar results. i updated my cycle take a look and tell me what u think of the aromasin numbers. I was also planning to add in another bloodwork right before i start pct to see where my numbers are at and how much aromasin i might need. I also have not found anywhere yet what people consider the optimal estrogen for libido and recovery during a cycle is i would guess its 20-30

yomimbug's picture

dont worry i do care i will try to avoid at all costs which is why im going to spend so much extra on hcg. im going to be reading around a lot as well its not like any of this stuff is on the way. i wont be doing anything for another 3or 4 months most likely

yomimbug's picture

thanks brother, ill remember to take some aramosin before pct and ill change the HCG. would you say 3 weeks after last injection is good then? how am I supposed to know when to start, just wait till i feel like crap? Im planning on getting the private md 69 sissy labs to check my starting test and estro at the beginning, check estro at the 4 or 5 week mark and then natural test at the end after pct. Im just going to do test and see how that goes its whats recommended and what i keep seeing - but what about something like proviron would that be generally harmless to add to a first cycle? It seems like adding that would even help to keep my nuts active and function as a mini AI

johnmarshall12's picture

According to the group here you need to get real! Yeah keep the ARO just in case great idea!

press1's picture

'big pink smelly nuts, full of load' - That's a new one for eroids Lol...

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yomimbug's picture

shower decrease testosterone, water and soaps all filled with toxic chemicals

tattoofreak's picture

Sounds plausible... so you'd better stink like a beaver, instead of washing your big pink smelly nuts Smile

press1's picture

OMG so you don't wash that often to increase the testosterone in your balls? ...This is some mad sh** Lol

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IrishMack's picture

My second favorite thing i see in posts is how they will keep an AI on hand "just in case." Just in case they actually get bloodwork to find out if they need it or not. Because sore nipples AUTOMATICALLY means high estro, not the fabric of your shirt or if its cold out or any other whackadoody.

yomimbug's picture

i dont have insurance and i havnt been employed in over 6 months so if i were to do this there would be no bloodwork. i would be playing it by ear testing and touching my nipples everyday to test soreness and size, which is something i already do frequently having pretty bad gyno already from risperdal, i test my gyno size and sensitivity often and have it down to some pretty precise measurements so im well prepared. you think im trolling but im completely serious and you have no idea what im capable of

tattoofreak's picture

If you're really not trolling and completely serious, you are a completely idiot... smh

yomimbug's picture

im pretty dumb in a certain way that makes me a natural troll. noone ever knows whether im trolling or stupid when really im both

Dr.BroScience's picture

" I will be touching my nipples everyday..."

combined with

" ..you have no idea what I'm capable of"

LOL Grabbing my popcorn...……..

yomimbug's picture

lol show me the post, i swear im a different guy it must be hive mind activity. many of us are being activated

IrishMack's picture

How Will you afford the food? Maybe get a job and get money so you can have a good cycle? Such a waste.

yomimbug's picture

im currently trying to get disability if that doesnt work out ill go back to wage cucking at some warehouse. I still would be against getting bloodwork done unless theres another way. Last time i got bloodwork done the insurance i had nearly didnt take it and i almost had to pay over 2k for it out of pocket. Theres also all the hassle of going to the doctor and begging for the prescription. is this cycle really one i would need this for? Ill do it if i really need to

Dr.BroScience's picture

"cucking at some warehouse....."

" Last time I got bloodwork done......I almost had to pay 2k out of pocket..."

LOL this is too hilarious and I am almost out of popcorn. Good thing the cheeseburgers are on the grill.
Now please, go on...…….

yomimbug's picture

im forever cursed for everyone everywhere to think im trolling, i may have exaggerated a bit but it was definitely over 1k i had to pay before i started violently complaining

333's picture

Rusty gave you some good advice bro. Look around this site using the search function you will find every answer you need also drop the anavar

yomimbug's picture

would you recommend replacing it with anything else or just plain test-e. i want to get the most out of turning my nuts off while still treading inside whats considered safe. ive experience the mood swing estrogenic side effects of the zuc in clomid before and i was able to handle it. i know thats nothing compared to the side effects of aas drugs but i think i can take it im used to brain and gender bending

333's picture

Just run test so you can feel out one drug at a time. Your nuts will be shut down but they won't turn into peas lol the most they would shrink is pea size

yomimbug's picture

this is great, didnt know there was stuff like this thank you brother

yomimbug's picture

yes thank you but im not trolling, is the cycle just that dumb/common? im really here to get an idea of how realistic it is i will keep my nuts and the reality of things from people who are experience

House's picture


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