SuperflyTwinkie's picture
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4th Go Round


Would like to hear some ideas on this simplistic cycle.

300mg Test E
600mg Mast E
9 weeks

PCT Nolva and Clomid
Keep aromasin on hand just in case. Estrogen does love me.

Im 225 at 6 foot 5. BF is 10. Im old now, mid 30s ish

Looking to have 8 pounds lean muscle at end of PCT

Previous cycles. 1st was an oral only dbol and anavar bout 6 weeks. Was okay. I was young and just wanted to roid. 2nd was a lil crazy. Sus at 500 a week with tritren and eq. Ended up dropping sus to 250 a week and had great results on that. 16 weeks. Did get touch of gyno and had minor prolactin issue that were managed. 3rd cycle was no bueno thought it would be ok cuz second was good. Did the cycle with the "Bros." Dbol at 50 ed Test A at 150 eod deca at something. Did that for two weeks then added fing Tren A at 75 eod. Bad sides. Stopped after 3 weeks. Heart palpatations, total body shivers, thinking about dying all the time or killing folks, pacing around the house at 0300. It was weird. Messed me up for about 10 months or more.

So do not suggest Tren. I think its the devils brew and I love Jesus

SuperflyTwinkie's picture

Ok, extend to 12. Week 14 on pct and bloods at 5. Would you recommend lowering mast to start and then move up if estro is still good?

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

What are your goals for the cycle?

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SuperflyTwinkie's picture

8 pounds lean muscle after pct

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

low dose test with mast at a ratio of 1:2 to gain muscle just doesnt seem optimal to me. unless the mast is really serving a purpose to you, i dont see the need for it in a cycle designed to build. imo, better off just running test. bump it to 500mg and eat good. all you need for your goals.

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SlowBro's picture

I agree with Rusty and Kap. 500-600mg test and 300mg mast makes alot more sense. if your trying to put on quality size, i can tell you 8lbs is a considerable amount of muscle to put on in 12 weeks. diet and training will need to be 100%. stimulate the muscle and feed it.

if you are concerned about bloating on 500mg test, either your AI is no good, or your diet sucks. or possibly both. start your cycle and at 5-6 weeks in get bloods done. from there you will be able to fine tune an AI dose to pin point your estro to the level you want it. take the guess work out of your cycle. for the first few years i did gear i didnt get labs. since i have started getting bloods done regularly, my cycles have been not only much more productive, but had less side effects.

SuperflyTwinkie's picture

500 t makes me bloat. I want a lean muscle gain when im done and dont care about gaining or losing overall poundage.

THE_MECHANIC's picture

I agree with gearhead. I made the same mistake planning my current cycle. A cycle is better for either traditional cutting or bulking. I'm bulking now and happy I made that decision. If you are looking to recomp, you have to look long term, much longer than a cycle. A 6+ month cycle of HGH would probably work better for that.

Dickkhead's picture

I want a lean muscle gain when im done and dont care about gaining or losing overall poundage.

MMMmmm. I just can't resist. I realize I was a wee bit harsh here but I am telling the truth, nonetheless.


- K A P S I Z E -'s picture


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