srt8cali's picture
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+ 1 Tren on 40/40/20 diet


hey everyone,
Just wanted to ask and discuss this feerin topic as i've seen so many people asking the same thing across many board. Maybe everyone's input here can help others out. What is everyone's take on cutting Using Test/Tren on let's say the normal 500 cal deficit from maintanence using 40/40/20 p-c-f? Do you think using the same amount of calories as protein and carbs help better with Tren? Or should one carb cycle/lower carbs?

I've always had good success losing body fat and gaining a few couple of pounds doing the traditional 40/40/20. Excited to hear everyone else's opinions!

Manshit's picture

Go 50/20/30 and you don't need tren.Keep all your carbs fiberous and slow digesting.Do some HIT and you will lose some fat,and i assume thats the reson for the question.

Christophany's picture

No one's going to offer advice without stats and goals:

1) Age, Height, Weight, BF%

2) Previous cycle experience

3) Why do you think you need Tren? Are your goals achievable without it?

4) If you qualify, after answering the above questions, what type of on-cycle support (e.g., AI's) and post-cycle therapy (e.g., PCT) do you plan on running? Example: Compounds, dosages, and duration. What type of liver support are you using?

5) What type of Test and Tren (e.g., long or short esters), what dosages, and at what duration?

6) Can you post an unidentifiable body pic?

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helloBrooklyn's picture

Why do you think you need Tren? Are your goals achievable without it?

Always found this line of questioning humorous. That's like saying to someone who just got a raise: "why do you think you need more money? Can't you survive without it?"

Not to suggest that more is necessarily better, of course. But I think we would all prefer to exceed our expectations rather than merely meet them.

Christophany's picture

Good point! Health is what first came to my mind. But I totally understand wanting to exceed expectations when using any type of gear. If people did not (excluding TRT patients), why take gear at all? On the flip side, a lot of guys think Tren is the be-all-end-all of AAS, and they replace hard work with the Tren to only get minimal results. I probably should not have generalized in the first place.

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giardap's picture

Tren is the be-all-end-all of AAS

It is!!!!!
Lean muscle gains.... Fat loss/lipolysis on cycle.... strength gains.... aggression... vascularity....

Christophany's picture

Obviously. You know, I'm like a smart guy. I know smart people. I knew that about Tren. It's so sad. Very sad you didn't know this. My knowledge about Tren is the smartest knowledge there is to be known about Tren. LMAO!

In all seriousness, I think some people rely too heavily on the gear; I'm not referring to all Tren users.

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pege's picture

lmao. smh. i needed this laugh. +1

giardap's picture

Ya gotta love Trumpy!!!!!

All tren users are assholes, me included.... when on cycle

Manshit's picture

Tren done wrong though, can wreck you,then your not exceeding anything.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Yep. Money can wreck you too.

Manshit's picture


Christophany's picture

Sure . . .

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kibby's picture

You get me every time with these LMFAO!!!!

Owes a Review × 1
giardap's picture

Yes!!!! THIS!

TheFlash85's picture
