300 Savage's picture
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Too High testosterone levels?


Hello I Received my blood work from doctor and my testosterone level is 1910..He told me this was way too high and bad for my health..is it? I'm 44 years old..15% body fat.. today I weighed 227lbs..

I have been taking 250mgs of testosterone Enathate.per week..

What test levels do you experts consider perfect for gaining muscle..

Jonwiggs8's picture

It seems like the dr is doing 2 things...1.) He is covering his own ass in case something does happen he can say he told you so and you can't go back on him with a malpractice lawsuit or something like that. 2.) Most likely he knows NOTHING about testosterone levels of what a bodybuilder has and what is normal for a bodybuilder. You should find a dr who has either bodybuilder in his life and knows about the lifestyle and the chemistry that we bodybuilders use or go to a clinic that specializes in such a thing.

readyman's picture

The truth is there is no test range ideal for building muscle. There are so many variables in your endocrine system alone that will affect your anabolic state and metabolic rate that there simply is no way to adequately measure it say hour to hour. Then you start getting into metabolic rates and varying nutrient uptake capacity based on food types ingested and the affects on your digestive tract and things like insulin sensitivity or say myostastin protein response and it's just starts getting more complicated. The point behind testosterone elevation is to heighten your anabolic state but even that can be complicated by shbg response. The idea that you could perform enough testing on one subject much less a large enough cross section of the population to ascertain such a concept and then apply it to a generalized standard for muscle cell repair is absurd. Obviously the biggest factor is going to be tearing the muscle and efficiency at repairing the muscle and that is primarily going to come down to nutrition and rest. Is 1900 high enough to promote an increase in anabolic state? In short yes, does that mean you that might wouldn't respond better at say 3000? In short no. You are you're own guinea pig essentially. The doctor is just stating that you are at risk and the amount of monitoring that you need at 1900 will be cost prohibitive from a medical professionals standpoint. You are a space monkey!

Pale's picture

As the guys said below, your doctor is looking for normal ranges on an HRT dose, you are outside that range. I would call where your numbers are low blast range. You may or may not need an AI. What were your estrodial numbers?

Jackson69's picture

I just got my blood results back and my levels are at 10,000 and I was only pinning 300mgs of Enanthate once every 7 days !! I’m not shure what’s going on but if anyone can give some advice I’d appreciate it my doctor called me telling me I needed to stop immediately and basically didn’t even answer my questions but I have not pinned again and won’t until I find out what exactly is happening

JA27's picture

Ten thousand? Surely that must be a mistake.

ashop's picture

How did your RBC/HEMOCRIT levels look?

Master Instructor's picture

I pray you are taking an AI (aromitase inhibitor) With T that high, there is a good chance you will convert to Estrogen and start have estrogenic symptoms. It is very odd for a 44 year old to have such a high T count with only 250 mgs / week I think.

  1. Are you cycling off at all?
  2. are you taking any other supplements?
CBBurrr's picture

Why are you messing with tren and mast already? seems like a basic test cycle in between Dr check ups would be the thing to do.

50mg of tren a day comes with it's own set of side effects.

CBBurrr's picture

Sorry bro, your question made me think you were a noob.
Now back to more cow bell

juiceball8082's picture

When did you do blood work after last pin?

juiceball8082's picture

Go 7 days after last pin that way you don't come in so high.

SenseiMiagi's picture

1910 is too high for TRT purposes. Doctor's reaction is appropriate. 800-1100 is ideal IMO for trt to achieve benefits with lower risk. 1100 is top of normal range, so maube drop your dose to 200mg/week and check in 6 weeks or so.

1910 is more of a light cycle number, so depending on your goals probably should not be maintaining 1910 consistently for months or years straight.

freedom1981's picture

he is 44 years old , the test must be around 600 up to 700, this is the normal range , up to 1000 even better and he gain muscles too . and he knew gaining muscles not about how much high how much you gain , its about diet and rest and training in first place . but this a too way high for trt as you said .

In a promo × 1
CBBurrr's picture

For health, and to keep a Dr happy we shoot for levels in the "normal range" 1100 or less.
You would probably be good at 150mg a week, give or take.

When we run a cycle of steroids, we shoot for 4000 ng/dl and stay there for 3 months. TRT guys try to schedule these so that our Dr does not know what we are doing.

vhman's picture

I agree with CB.
Why were you on 250 in the first place? Normal is 100-150 a week.