Blaaahdk's picture
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Test p subq a benefit ? With slower absortion?


Well i just read an article about subq injections having a slower absortion rate than Im . And it Got me thinking a bit would it be easier to maintain serum levels that Way with test p eod instead of ed ? Just a thought ?

GreatSpear's picture

I had been having the same thoughts! Glad to see I’m not alone, good to read all the info here.

Greg's picture

SubQ has no additional benefit other than ease of use. It is also only suited for small doses (1ml or less) and with pharma products, UGL products can cause redness,"PIP", welts, etc. that make it more of a hassle than it's worth.

Blaaahdk's picture

Yeah i noticed some welts but They did not stay for long though . But Will opt for Im for my next run Thanks for your answer dude

Eagles 2013's picture

Much more. Every time I have tried (3 times) I ended up draining large, red painful welts about a week and a half later. Never infected; just quarantined by my body in a nice, big sterile abscess.

gorillafit28's picture

I could see if maybe your shooting like 10mg but much oil like half ml seems to me like it would ball up and look lumpy

Eagles 2013's picture

Sub-q oil injections give me a sterile abscess encryption time. Tried 3 times before I gave up. The oil just doesn't absorb and my body quarantines it. Everyone is different but they have never gone well for me.

Blaaahdk's picture

Yeah with all the info Im just gonna go Im from Now on . Was under the impression subq was tested and proven right . I did not Get any abscess’es When i did it but some red welts.

Eagles 2013's picture

Yeah, probably not a bag idea. I'm not saying that sub-q is "wrong", I'm just saying (like anything else) what works for some doesn't work for others.

Blaaahdk's picture

Gonna stick with Im for the next run i did not have any abscesses but some welts for some time though

Eagles 2013's picture

Good call bro.

Blaaahdk's picture

For Now Im just gathering supplies for my next cycle also soaking up info on the ai i want to use This time and going for a simple test p cycle since ive only done one in the past with long Ester though but i would like to pm you with my cycle example if its not to much ? And Thanks for offering your help dude

Blaaahdk's picture

I have read most people Get a little Tired of all Those pins LOL . but want to try test p to skip that month of waiting to kick in as with the long Esters Also it suits my new job better Im of at sea for 6 weeks and Then 6 weeks home so i figure Thats the Way to go we have some training equipment onboard so Im am able to maintain a Good level of training depending on the weather of course

Blaaahdk's picture

Nice read dude really not much of a difference in ng/dl and test Subjects . Thank you

Dacky's picture

I’ve done SC oil pins of various hormones over the years. Horrendous reactions - painful red welts/lumps that take ages to go away. My father (on trt) tried this with Pharma Cyp and has such a bad reaction he had to be popped on corticosteroids to clear it up.

There is one source on here that makes a 50mg/ml Test Prop with zero solvents (or so they claim). If I were to do this I would try this first to see if it avoids the reaction.

All this said you could just do very small 0.1ml IM injections with a slin pin and you probably wouldn’t even notice it. If I were to do this I’d do it right before bed to mimic the natural circadian rhythm of testosterone secretion.

EagerToLearn's picture

I am sorry Rusty, had a very bad night sleep and for some reason didn´t think clearly when I was writing this. But I meant well

EagerToLearn's picture

Thank you, you too sir!

EagerToLearn's picture

Hey Dacky, I am on TRT and always pin biweekly about 50mg Test subq. What I noticed is this: with pharma I don´t get reactions IF ONLY i pin subq into the chubby area in my glutes (if I pin with UGL -have just tried CENSORED and CENSORED and 500mg/ml CENSORED - I always got slight reactions in this area). If I pin subq into my quads or abs, then I notice welts even for CENSORED (likely because I have rather low body fat but for some reason my glutes have the most fat) and pretty strong reactions for any UGL I have tested.
I find it much more convenient as I can use slin pins and the whole process just takes 30s. By subq I mean I inject it about 1cm down into the fat and not just shallow underneath the skin (an area where there are tons of resident immune cells eager to inflame the shit out of the skin, whereas in the fat there are almost none).

Blaaahdk's picture

Even with Pharma cyp damn. When i did my first ever cycle i alternated between Im and subq and did notice the red Welts but They went away in a month or so . (Did not stay red for a month though) ill just go with Im next time after Reading a couple answers on here it was just a thought Because i want to run prop for my second cycle next summer . I have 29g13mm skin pin and 27g19mm and 21 g could Do the 29 g in delt with a small amount have not tried delts yet but if Im gonna use prop i guess i Will have to open a lot of sites to run it properly. But right before bed i Will try that did Mornings my first cycle . Thanks for the reply dude Smile

dextetherdog's picture

Don’t over complicate the process, athletes been doing IM injections of hormones successfully for over 50-60 years and it is working

Blaaahdk's picture

Actually thought it was a proven method since a lot of trt guys Do it . Kinda sad if it develops into an issue. Yeah guess it was a brianfart on my part haha just Got me wondering

333's picture

Did it tried it hated it don’t do it.

dextetherdog's picture

Still don’t get how guys do this subq, bit scary to me

press1's picture

x Bloody 2 Lol ...

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hurza's picture

I heard this from a old Bodybuilder but he is doing it because he pinned his muscles so often that there is scar tissue everywhere. Pinning takes him much time and effort, some muscles can't be used at all.

He said that the absorption is slower, but not less than with intramuscular injections.

helloBrooklyn's picture

A much more inconsistent absorption rate, maybe. The solution is meant to form an IM depot. Prop eod is perfectly fine

johnmarshall12's picture

Sub Q injections with oil suck! Too many issues!

Armwrestlingfiend's picture

If you want slower absorption rate why not just use test cyp or Enanthate. The point of prop is to hit fast and get out fast.

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Blaaahdk's picture

The idea was less gear and one “could” be able to end cycle quicker and go into pct faster . But i see its was a brainfart

stairmaster's picture

I'd never pin any oily soulution sq , too high risk that u get an infection or painful bump.

Blaaahdk's picture

Okay the bumbs is my understanding is hard to avoid . But i Saw a doc on youtube jabbing it subq in his belly dont know if Thats an oily solution or water based . Actually iv’e seen a couple people doing subq in video’s online but again dont know if Thats Oil or water based .

House's picture

Why wouldn't we want it to just absorb the way it's supposed too with Im injections? I think it might mess up serum levels if anything not letting it breakdown like it's supposed too.

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Blaaahdk's picture

Get your point i was just a thought i had and wanted to hear oppinions . Not saying its a Good theory just air’in my thoughts

House's picture

Just commenting not comming at ya bud.

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Blaaahdk's picture

I hope Im not sounding rude . If Im sorry . And Thanks for your input

Blaaahdk's picture

Sorry pressed thumb Down by mistake . Okay hmm less volumen to pin with higher mg in prop . Not saying its Working at all just a thought dude

Blaaahdk's picture

But sorry for my ignorance dude

Blaaahdk's picture

I Kinda figured it was somewhat up to the each individual in How the person metabolizes different compounds . My first cycle i alternated Im/subq and for overall appereance Im is better . But subq was not as nerve wrecking with the fear of hitting a nerve or an arterie . But i was just thinking about it since i want to run prop next summer When i have gained some weight . Did not plan to try it just a thought ;) Its okay dude we Can all have a bad Day and Thanks for the reply have a Nice Day

Blaaahdk's picture

Maybe if one is using less gear idk . Im only asking Because i wonderred about it not saying its Good . And i May not be as expirienced as you but Im learning and it was a brainfart on my part . But Where Else to ask (stupid in This case i presume) questions than here ;) not saying i know more than you and i Get the flutuations to some degree i Think so no need for the red flag ;)