plantguypete's picture
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Point of diminishing returns?


Hey all,

I have been thinking about this for some time and figured I would see what you all think.

I feel amazing on any level of test that brings me out of "normal". Also, me having higher than normal test levels improves everything related to fitness, [health, my vitals actually improve - perhaps more conscious about my health when cycling], libido, etc.

But I see people taking upwards of a gram of test (or more) per week. While I have no doubt that 1g/wk of test is more beneficial than 500mg/wk when diet, lifts, and sleep are maximized, at what point in time is more not more? I cant imagine 2g/wk is that much more beneficial than 1g/wk, especially with other compounds thrown in. Perhaps I have this all wrong in my head, but I want to learn and understand why this is.

So I guess my questions are: why do some people take significantly more? Is it because their bodies have gotten desensitized with time and AAS use? Or is more truly better? With that said, is there a point of diminishing returns?

wanted's picture

I think people forget when they grow 5 pounds they have to eat more just to maintain that 5 pounds. Plus adjust the diet accordingly..
so if your had good results on gaining some mass with 500 mg at 3,000 calories. Keep diet clean and bump up the calories Sticking point could be solved just by ADJUST DIET

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Bulkdaddy's picture


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plantguypete's picture

To all that have replied - You all have been great! I truly appreciate your feedback on this topic! The overwhelming consensus seems to be that a handful of moderately dosed compounds is more beneficial with fewer sides compared to really high dosed single compounds. Again, I appreciate everybody's input and I am enjoying learning about all this! Smile

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Bulkdaddy's picture

If anything it messes me up psychologically when running more than a gram of test and all the other compounds.

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plantguypete's picture

How so? What symptoms do you experience?

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delt1234's picture

untill at least 600mg testosterone, there is linear growth. After that, who knows, no studies have been done at a higher dose than 600mg I think.

IrishMack's picture

Actually increase in testosterone diminishes your health not improve it. Your immune system takes a big hit hence why most people on cycle get sick or the cold etc. People take more test because they think it's better when in reality it means more sides. They think they are getting big but it's more bloat due to exploding water retention and your hormone system trying to convert all that extra test to man boobs.

PropSlayer's picture

A very good point on the immune system hit. It being the testosterone increase itself is something I haven't put a whole ton of thought into, but after reading that, it adds up.

In my mind I had always figured the test flu was the bodies reaction to foreign substances (the oil, alcohol addiditives etc) - never considered it was actually the test

Bearded_muscle's picture

what about primo? Seems to help with t-cells and brings up white blood cells. I’d make the argument that primo has the potential to boost your immune system as long as it isn’t stacked with more toxic compounds.

IrishMack's picture

Possible but all the studies I've seen show a drop in immune system function based on testosterone totals. If primo makes your test levels go over the standard range then it's affected.

Here is just one of the studies

delt1234's picture

How would primo raise your testosterone over standard levels?

IrishMack's picture

Look up what Primo is.

delt1234's picture

I know what primo is. When taken alone, it will supress testosterone.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Look up the cascade of other effects. Specifically it’s impact on shbg and what happens to free testosterone levels. They go up.

I don’t think Mack was expecting anyone to be running it without at least an hrt level test base.

delt1234's picture

That would explain it better. And Yes, hrt should be the minimal, it was a bit context-less hence my question.

Bearded_muscle's picture

That’s a very good link, thanks for that.

You’re right about the standard range, I think the benefit is lost if testosterone goes above an hrt dose.

plantguypete's picture

Thanks for providing evidence to back up your statement. I can see this happening. I was by no means running high test my last cycle (my first), but I did feel like I was on the verge of getting sick (you know that feeling when your throat starts to get sore and you think you're about to get sick?). Luckily I didn't.

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Bill G's picture

I'm seeing that to be true also. 2 months on just my prescription for trt. Dialing in my diet and keeping my lifts simple and consistent. The guys at work are looking at me ascantly saying bro how much gear are you running.

plantguypete's picture

Keeping doses as low as possible for improvements seems to be the consensus. There doesn't seem to be much controversy there.

I agree, bloods are critical for longevity Smile Thanks for the input!

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DfromPhilly's picture

Dude I know you’re new, but just a heads up. We can’t have our faces in our profile pics. It’s not safe.

plantguypete's picture

LOLOLOL you funny haha. In all honesty, I see that other have funny pictures, so that's what I was looking for scrolling through my camera roll. Eh, Shrek porking Donkey, why the fuck not.

Are you saying I look like Shrek? Perhaps, but not as green

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Greg's picture

I thought you were donkey... glad you cleared that up.

DfromPhilly's picture

Haha just busting balls brother. Good shit

plantguypete's picture

This is a good point.

WRT point #2. I have seen people take benedryl (or something along those lines) to "refresh" receptors during ECA or Clen (can't remember which, but doesn't matter for the point I am bringing up). Can you refresh or reduce receptors induced during a cycle, to say, keep sensitivity high?

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johnmarshall12's picture

Unless you're a competitive bodybuilder taking a gram of test or more should be out of the question. In my opinion smaller doses are quite effective for your needs. There is a point of diminishing returns with mega doses.

plantguypete's picture

This seems to be the general consensus. I appreciate your input.

With that being said, how does one sense when "it's time to up the dose" mid cycle. Seems more difficult with long esters. Or is it usually a between cycle decision?

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plantguypete's picture

You're a good dude!

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plantguypete's picture

Seems to be the consensus! Thanks for the input.

Everyone commenting seems to agree that a few smaller-moderately dosed compounds is better than one heavily dosed compound. Makes sense to me.

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plantguypete's picture

Hey Rustyhooker. Thanks for the reply. I will post a pic at the end of this cut :). In the meantime I updated weight and bf%. Kinda chunky, but have made large improvements since hiring a coach for nutrition and workouts. Added an avatar for shits and giggles.

While I am not currently interested in slamming large quantities of test, it is mind boggling that people do it (not judging, just surprised/impressed)! I have no doubt that they [usually] know what they are doing, but all other things being equal, does increasing test dose to >1g/wk really reap more significant benefits?

I think a more synergistic approach (such as you mention) seems to be more effective. Do you think smaller complex cycles are generally safer? Provided nutrition, liver supps, sleep, inhibitors, PCT, etc are spot on?

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plantguypete's picture

Thanks for the info buddy! I always fucking love reading what those with more experience than me have to say :). I truly appreciate your input!

Just out of sheer curiosity. Whats your favorite compound? Smile

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plantguypete's picture

Thanks for the input!

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