Hp110697's picture
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Gear and opiates safety


Hey guys new to the site so let me know if i do anything wrong. So my question is about interactions between different compounds in use with opiates. So say someone is taking a trt regimen and also takes oxycodone or hydrocodone if there is any real danger there? With responsible use of course.

johnmarshall12's picture

This isn't the place to ask something like this!

Keepmovingforward's picture

I take a break and I come back to read shit like this. The future is looking real fucking dim. Try and get off the opiates before doing anything else.

TheFlash85's picture


fusebox's picture

This should be locked.

fusebox's picture


heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Lol... wow.. what not to ask 101

Owes a Review × 1
Greg's picture

Because, you're an idiot.

Fangsharp's picture

Lol...for some reason this had me chuckling hard.
Universal explaination to most everything.....
"Because you're an idiot"
Ty Greg

dextetherdog's picture

Never though of it Rusty, this is why it’s great to have you guys on here, you just spot these type of things right away.

dextetherdog's picture

Don’t think this is a right place to discuss these substances. That’s not why we’re here for

addicted.to.pain's picture

Use your brain dude, everyone knows it correlates , none the less you do not discuss that crap in an open forum.

press1's picture

Why would someone that's commited to their training and running steroids be using them?..This isn't Trainspotting.

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dextetherdog's picture

That’s what I think, maybe that’s because I haven’t got any health issues.

dextetherdog's picture

Never heard anyone in the gym using these substances or maybe it’s just me preferring to be on my own while training

press1's picture

Mate it's rife - it's the same type of people that use recreational drugs on a weekend along with steroids and end up having a heart attack because of it..

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Yuu's picture

I know people that uses hard drugs and goes to the gym, but never opiates. How can you take opiates and have the will to work out? I’ve never taken opiates but it doesnt seem compatible to me

press1's picture

It's absolutely ridiculous given they are a CNS suppressant, so effectively you are going to the gym in a much weaker state.

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dextetherdog's picture

Sounds like you’re talking about Rich Piana now (RIP)!!!

press1's picture

To be honest I actually liked the guy - I admired his brutal honesty about what he ran and the way he chose to live and enjoy his life even though he was continually bashed because of it.

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dextetherdog's picture

Same here, mainly because of what he achieved, to be honest

BFG's picture

Real danger here is your perception of real danger. Also, a responsible course of action would be you getting that advice from a licenced professional, of course. So that when you do something wrong like kill yourself, they leave us alone.


press1's picture

'With responsible use of course' Lol...Gone

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herpjunkie111's picture

Well that answers that question I guess: if you use opiates and gear you get the ban hammer.

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